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Lektion 6, 14.3.

Lektion 6, 14.3. Praktisk info Diffusion af Innovationer - fortsat (synspunkter indefra virksomhed) Serious Play af Michael Schrage (3 uddrag i kompendium) Why Designers Go Astray af Donald Norman Pause: ca. Kl. 18

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Lektion 6, 14.3.

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  1. Lektion 6, 14.3. • Praktisk info • Diffusion af Innovationer - fortsat • (synspunkter indefra virksomhed) • Serious Play af Michael Schrage (3 uddrag i kompendium) • Why Designers Go Astray af Donald Norman • Pause: ca. Kl. 18 • Aften: kl. 18.45, Morgana præsentation. kl. 20, gruppearbejde og fremlæggelse af foreslag. MF2002, L. Frølunde

  2. 4.4. Virksomhedsbesøg • Fremtidens Køleskab??... • Kl. 16 - 17 hosTDC Tele Danmark, Lautruphøj 1-3, Ballerup • Abstract (excerpt) • The main purpose of my department within TDC Tele Danmark is to understand the needs and the behavior of the end-users in everyday life. • The consumers are demanding relevant services to save time, save money, get inspired, have fun, and gain convenience ... and obtain quality of life. • A joint field trial with e2 Home (Ericsson and Eletrolux) carried out in 50 households in the Copenhagen area. • The results from this field trial will be presented along with the ideas about the future intelligent living. • http://www.nordic-interactive.org/nic2001/conference/parallel4/klamer.shtml • Lajla Klamer, Intelligent Living og Hans Kruckenberg, TDC Tele Danmark MF2002, L. Frølunde

  3. Planlægning • Elevoplæg- navne på: • 21.3. Et børnekulturelt perspektiv- eller hvordan kan voksne forske i børn? (B. R. Olesen) (metode triangulering, validitet) Gruppe 5 • 4.4. Forbedring af interviewrapporter (side 247-268 i Steinar Kvale) Gruppe 4 • Gruppedannelse til projekter? Vil fastlægge endelige grupper næste uge. MF2002, L. Frølunde

  4. Definitioner • Diffusion- the ”process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over a period of time among the members of a social system” (Rogers 1987) • An innovation- ”an idea, practice, or object that is perceived to be new by an individual or other unit of adoption (Rogers 1987) MF2002, L. Frølunde

  5. Kommuniker vha prototyper • Prototyping - én metode for simulation der kan inddrage alle (næsten- undgå toplederne) • Bruger det visuelle sprog • Er håndgribeligt og konkret demo- model • Klarlægge idégrundlag og forståelse for evt. brugerscenario/ anvendelighed • Videreudvikle ideer efterhånden som folk reagerer • Bygge bro og føre nye ideer oveni kravspecifikation, især da disse ofte er mangelfulde MF2002, L. Frølunde

  6. Prototyping- endnu et ”Værktøj for indlevelse” • Som nævnt: • Kunstnerisk skildringer af liv: film, litteratur • Skab brugerscenario og mood boards (billedcollage) • Karakteriser i profiler: vaner, sprog, medieforbrug, relevant om livsstil • Feltstudier - observer, ekstrapoler (contextual inquiry) • Mød din målgruppe direkte, uformelt MF2002, L. Frølunde

  7. ”Serious Play” • From Tom Peters´foreword to Michael Schrage book Serious Play: How the World's Best Companies Simulate to Innovate • Schrage's shtick, rapid prototyping, sounds like a third-order innovation tool. Not so.. rapid prototyping is the cornerstone, the cultural fountainhead of the innovative enterprise... MF2002, L. Frølunde

  8. Schrage´s background • Was researching the psychology of collaboration at the MIT Media Lab when he realized that • "...the notion that more or better communication was the essential ingredient in collaboration was false; what was needed was a fundamentally different kind of communication." • This kind of communication was around a "shared space", and the shared space was the prototype. • Describing the nature of this "shared space", and showing how necessary it is to innovation, is the task of the book. [pg. xvi] MF2002, L. Frølunde

  9. Pragmatic Prototyping Protoytyping • "...prototyping is probably the single most pragmatic behavior the innovative firm can practice... • Serious play turns out to be not an ideal but a core competence." It is about "...improvising with the unanticipated in ways that creates new value... • The ability to align those improvements cost-effectively with the needs of customers, clients, and markets dramatically boosts the odds for competitive success." [Preface xviii, xix, pg. 2] MF2002, L. Frølunde

  10. Evaluating prototypes • Communication. Prototyping creates ”a dialogue between people and protypes... more important than creating a dialogue between people alone.” (pg. 143) • Participation. "A prototype should be an invitation to play. You know you have a successful prototype when people who see it make useful suggestions about how it can be improved." [pg. 208] MF2002, L. Frølunde

  11. Perceived value • Value in relation to the rate of adoption • "...the customer's perceived mean-time-to-payback, not the innovator's speed-to-market, effectively determines which innovations will dominate their markets.”... Example: "the fact that financial analysts believed that the system paid for itself in under a week." [pg. 181] • But what about the impact of inventions, the ethics?? MF2002, L. Frølunde

  12. Keeping the end user in mind • Donald Norman writes that designers go astray because: • Designers design for designers (put aesthetics first, ”jury of peers”) • Designers are not typical users and quickly become experts • Must please clients, who probably not are the users MF2002, L. Frølunde

  13. Prioritize • There is no substitute for communication with the actual users from the target group(s)! • Involve users from the beginning • Find common language, parallel processes • Try to involve client in research w users and possibly parallel research within company • Plan (and stick to realistic milestones and deadlines) • Can´t please everyone, so have to prioritize! Or wait until time is right MF2002, L. Frølunde

  14. Beware own blind spots • Banal but true in process of innovating and developing: • Kill your darlings... • Iterations- ”Design is the successive application of constraints until only a unique product is left” (pg 158, quote in Norman) • Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) • Follow path of least resistance! MF2002, L. Frølunde

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