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Cornea Removal: Before and After Procedure Guide

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know before and after cornea removal procedures. Find detailed steps, recovery tips, and potential risks to help you prepare for the surgery.

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Cornea Removal: Before and After Procedure Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. cfFvfsf] gfgL k|Tof/f]k0f eg]sf] s] xf] < cfFvfsf] gfgL k|Tof/f]k0fdf cfFvfsf] gfgLsf] ;]tf] km"nf]nfO{ x6fP/ ;kmf cfFvfsf] gfgL nufO{G5 . ljleGg cFu k|Tof/f]k0f dWo] cfFvfsf] gfgLsf] k|Tof/f]k0f ;j} eGbf ;kmn x'g] k|Tof/f]k0f xf] .

  2. cfFvfsf] gfgL k|Tof/f]k0f • ljZjdf ;j} eGbf klxnf] cfFvfsf] gfgLsf] k|Tof/f]k0f ;g !()^ df 8f=P8j8{ hd{n] ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . • ljZjdf klxnf] cfFvfsf] gfgL k|Tof/f]k0f ePsf] Ps ;o aif{ kl5 dfq lj/f6gu/df cfFvfsf] gfgL k|Tof/f]k0f lj/f6gu/ cfFvf c:ktfndf eof] .

  3. cfFvfsf] gfgLdf km"nf] kg'{sf] k|d'v sf/0fx? lgDg x'g •cfFvfsf] gfgLdf 3fp eP/ • cfFvfsf] gfgLdf rf]6k6s nfu]/ • v;|] /f]u • le6fldg P sf] sdL eP/

  4. •ljZjdf Ps s/f]8 eGbf a9L AolQm cfFvfsf] gfgLdf km"nf] k/]/ b[li6ljlxg ePsf 5g . • g]kfndf $),))) eGbf a9L cfFvfx? cfFvfsf] gfgLdf km"nf] k/]/ b[li6ljlxg ePsf 5g .

  5. cfFvfsf] gfgLsf] cfjZostf •g]kfndf k|lt aif{ *))) cfFvfsf] gfgLsf] cfjZostf 5 . • t/ clxn] k|lt aif{ #)) cFFfvf sf] gfgL dfq pknAw 5 .

  6. ljZjdf klxnf] cfFvf a}Fssf] :yfkgf Go"of]s{ zx/df ;g\ !($$ df ePsf] lyof] . lj/f6gu/ cfFvfsf] gfgL ;+sng s]Gb| !^ gj]Da/ @))& df g]kfn cfFvf a}Fs sf] k|fljlws ;xof]u / /f]6/L Sna lj/f6gu/ sf] ;f}hGodf ePsf] xf] .

  7. cfFvfbfg eg]sf] s] xf] < •cfFvfbfg eg]sf] gfkmfd'ns geP/ ;dfhnfO{ kmfO{bf x'g] u/L ul/g] k"0f{?kn] P]lR5s sfo{ xf] . • o;/L bfg ul/Psf] cfFvf bftfsf] d[To' kZrft dfq lemlsG5 .

  8. cfFvf s;n] bfg ug{ ;S5g\ < •s'g} klg pd]/ / lnË sf] AolQmn] cfFvf bfg ug{ ;S5g\ . • pRr /Qmrfk, rLgLsf] /f]u, bd tyf l6=la= nfu]sf AolQmn] klg cfFvfbfg ug{ ;S5g\ . • rZdf nufpg] AolQm / df]ltljGb'sf] zNolqmof ePsf AolQmn] klg cfFvfbfg ug{ ;S5g\ .

  9. s;n] cfFvfbfg ug{ ;Sb}gg\ < •P8\; nfu]sf AolQm, x]kf6fOl6; /f]u nfu]sf] AolQm / s's'/ n] 6f]s]/ /]lah /f]u nfu]sf AolQmn] cfFvf bfg ug{ ;Sb}gg .

  10. cfFvfbfg af/] wfld{s efjgf • ;a} wd{n] bfgsf] dlxdf sf] u'0fufg u/]sf 5g\ cfFvfbfgnfO{ k|f]T;flxt u/]sf 5g\ .

  11. cfFvfsf] gfgL lems] kl5 s] cg'xf/ lalu|G5 t < •cfFvfbfg u/]sf AolQmsf] cfFvfsf] gfgL lemSbf AolQmsf] cg'xf/sf] cfs[lt lau|b}g . Before Cornea removal After Cornea removal

  12. cfFvfbfg u/]sf AolQmsf] zl//af6 d[To" kZrft clnslt /ut lems]/ cfjZos hfFrsf] nfuL k7fO{G5 .

  13. d[To" kZrft cfFvfsf] gfgL lau|g glbg ug{' kg]{ sfo{x?M •sf]7fdf rln/x]sf] k+vf aGb ug{'k5{ . • bftfsf] 6fpsf] d'lg l;/fgL /fVg'k5{ . • cfFvfsf] 9sgLnfO{ aGb u/]/ lr;f] sk8f jf a/kmsf] 8Nnf] /fVg' k5{ . • lj/fdLsf] cg'xf/df clj/ / cIftf 5g'{ x'b}g . • cfFvf a}FsnfO{ rf8f] eGbf rf8f] va/ ug{'; .

  14. bftf aGgsf nfuL bftf kq eg'{; .

  15. lj/f6gu/ cfFvfsf] gfgL ;+sng s]Gb|nfO{ tn pNn]lvt kmf]g g+= df ;Dks{ ug{ ;Sg' x'G5 . • kmf]g g+=)@!– %##^^) • df]afOn g+= (*$@)(^@$) -rf}lj;} w06f_

  16. cfFvfbfg dxfbfgtkfO{sf] bfgn] b'O{ hgf b[li6 ljlxg sf] hLjgdf pHofnf] NofpF5 .

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