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Overview of the Late Bronze Age in Canaan. Goals for Today. understand why different chronological labels exist (e.g., LB I, II, III & LB I, IA, IIA, IIB). understand transition from MB to LB understand Egyptian Role in Late Bronze understand general character of Late Bronze Age in Canaan.
Goals for Today • understand why different chronological labels exist (e.g., LB I, II, III & LB I, IA, IIA, IIB). • understand transition from MB to LB • understand Egyptian Role in Late Bronze • understand general character of Late Bronze Age in Canaan
Transition from MB to LB • Both Ami Mazar and Rivka Gonen start the LB with Ahmose’s expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt • This is the start of the 18th Dynasty • The expulsion of the Hyksos allows Egypt to reassert its control in Canaan
Dynasties and Kingdoms • Old Kingdom: 3-6 Dynasties • time of pyramids • Middle Kingdom: 10-12 Dynasties • ruled from Thebes • Hyksos period: 13-17 Dynasties • New Kingdom: 18-19 Dynasties • 20th Dynasty and beyond goes to Greek conquest
Expulsion of Hyksos • Ahmose reigns from 1570 to 1546 B.C.E. • Ahmose captures Avaris in Nile Delata about 1560 B.C.E. • later in an unknown year, Ahmose defeats the Hyksos in Canaan
Start of Late Bronze Age • Gonen and Mazar starts with 1550 (the end of the expulsion of the Hyksos) • In reality, this is approximate
Thutmose III • first campaign was in 1482 • decisive victory at Megiddo • he established control of Egypt in Canaan • he leads Egypt to it’s strongest point • thus, his reign is central for Ami Mazar’s chronology
Amarna Period • Both Gonen and Mazar have this as a separate period • Gonen: LB II: 1400 - 1300 • Mazar: LBIIA: 1400- 1300 • Again, both are approximate
19th Dynasty • came to power ~1300 w/ Sethi I and Rameses II • reasserted control over Asia Minor • moved capital to border of Sinai in delta • most scholars identify this with period of Exodus • ? Sethi I is Pharaoh who enslaves Israelite • ? Rameses II is Pharaoh of Exodus
End of Late Bronze Age • Mazar has LB IIB: 1300 - 1200 B.C.E. • this is the 19th dynasty • Gonen has LB III: 1300- 1150 B.C.E. • this is 19th and start of 20th • this matches more the archaeological data • Mazar is more historical and Gonen has attempted to integrate archaeological data • both are still approximate
Character of Late Bronze Age • Egyptians devastated Canaan • Some scholars question if Egypt conquered Canaan, but should not be accepted • archaeological data suggests Egyptians conquered Canaan • epigraphic data is scarce and can be interpreted several ways • In any case, settlement in Canaan is much more scarce during Late Bronze Age
Lack of Fortification • in general, Late Bronze sites were not fortified • exception is Hazor • example of non-walled city is Megiddo (even though it has gate)
Subdivisions of Iron Age • Until mid-sixties • Iron Age I: 1200 - 920/900 B.C.E. • Iron Age II: 920 - 586 B.C.E. • Aharoni and Amiran (1958 following Hazor) • Iron Age I: 1200 - 1000 B.C.E. • Iron Age II: 1000 - 840 B.C.E. • Iron Age III: 840 - 586 B.C.E. • Aharoni and Amiran is from the article we read earlier; what were their reasons?
Historical Reasons for Subdivisions • notice that each of the systems uses key historical dates • 1200 • 1000 • 920 • 840 • 586 • this is because historical events change the material culture in many cases
Historical events near the end of the Bronze Age • Hittite empire is in decline • Egyptian empire is in decline • many destructions in Hittite and Egyptian controlled areas • sites in Canaan are also destroyed • reasons are probably famine and external forces that defeat these people • Thus, the international trade contacts that characterized the Late Bronze Age die out
Origination of new peoples: • Israel • Philistia • Edom • Moab • Phoenicians in Canaan • Importation of Mycenean and Cypriot pottery ceases • trade routes were affected, so imports fall • international contact falls off
“Transition Sites” • Many sites were destroyed at end of the Late Bronze Age and then resettled immediately with an Egyptian influence, but there were not “imports” • Nice example: Lachish • Stratum VII: Fosse Temple (LB w/ imports) • Stratum VI: Iron Age Ia without imports • Lachish can be used for both end of Iron Age in 1200 and in 1150
Fosse Temple Area S