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SRBI & RTI: Making sense of alphabet soup!. Presented by Drs. W. Nelson & J. Nicoll-Senft Department of Special Education Central Connecticut State University. (more) Food for Thought….
SRBI & RTI: Making sense of alphabet soup! Presented by Drs. W. Nelson & J. Nicoll-Senft Department of Special Education Central Connecticut State University
(more) Food for Thought… • The quality of a school as a learning community can be measured by how effectively it addresses the needs of all learners (Wright, 2005). • Turn & Talk: Introduce yourself to your neighbor. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with this statement? Why?
Response to Intervention (RTI) is: • A process for determining eligibility for special education services. An alternative to the IQ/Achievement discrepancy approach for determining the presence of a learning disability • A coordinated school-wide approach for intensifying instruction and intervention for all students at risk for not meeting grade level academic or behavioral goals RTI in action…
Response to Intervention (RTI) isn’t: • A program, package, or product • One size fits all • Only top-down or bottom-up • A special education initiative • Just for kids who are struggling • Anything new • Business as usual
Scientific Research Based Intervention (SRBI): Connecticut’s implementation of RTI …providing more effective instruction for all children through sound core curricula in key academic areas and positive behavioral supports, as well as through early interventions for youngsters experiencing learning or behavioral difficulties, using core curricular and interventions that are research-based.
Response to intervention (RtI) Scientific Research Based Intervention (SRBI)
SRBI because: • Many of CT’s entering kindergarten students do not have the expected language and literacy skills • CMT & CAPT reading scores continue to be flat over the past decade • English language learners and students with disabilities perform at very low levels on the CMT & CAPT • Many regular education students fail to meet state goals across grades. • There are persistent gaps in performance between non-poor and poor students and between white and their black and Hispanic classmates.
A recipe for SRBI: • Comprehensive & coordinated classroom instruction for all students. The effectiveness of classroom instruction is evaluated through universal assessments. • Universal assessments are also used to identify students who require additional intervention • Supplemental intervention and ongoing progress monitoring for students at risk for performing below grade level • Intensified intervention support for students who do not respond to core instruction and targeted intervention
SRBI in action… Tier 3: Specialized, Individualized Intervention for Students with Intensive Needs ~5% ~15% Tier 2: Supplemental Intervention for Students Performing Below Grade Level Tier 1: Comprehensive & Coordinated Instruction for All Students ~80% of Students
SRBI in action… • Comprehensive & Coordinated Classroom Instruction for All Students • Aligned with key student outcomes • Evidence based program(s) & materials • Comprehensive, consistent, & high quality • Implementation is coordinated & prioritized • Ongoing teacher support 100% of Students
SRBI in action… • The goal of classroom instruction is to enable a high percentage of students to meet grade level goals 80% of Students
SRBI in action… • Supplemental Intervention For Students at Risk for Performing Below Grade Level • Screening data used to identify students needing additional intervention • Intervention options are evidence- based, consistent, and coordinated • Intervention is planned, scheduled and implemented to best leverage resources • Assessment data is used to adjust and intensify intervention 5% 15% 80% of Students
SRBI in action… Intensive Intervention Support 5% • Schools use individual student progress monitoring data to identify students with the most intensive learning and behavioral needs based on lack of response to core instruction and targeted intervention • Students at high risk receive individualized intervention at higher levels of intensity (e.g., more time, smaller group size, with highly trained professional, etc.)
SRBI…an opportunity to: • Significantly increase the effectiveness of schools’ educational practices so as to enable a higher percentage of students to meet essential academic and behavioral goals • Make more efficient use of existing resources • Focus on preventing learning and behavioral difficulties before they become entrenched and intractable
How does all of this apply to you? • Knowledge of SRBI/RTI logic • Ability to deliver differentiated core academic and behavioral instruction to allstudents. • Ability to provide targeted supplemental or specialized academic and behavioral intervention to students who don’t respond to primary instruction alone. • Ability to select, administer and interpret a variety of assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and intervention and to document students’ learning and growth to inform planning and instruction • Ability to adjust instruction and intervention in response to information gathered from ongoing assessment and monitoring of performance and progress.
A pop quiz! • Practice with the tiers
Final Thoughts… • Define SRBI with a neighbor. What does SRBI mean to you as a teacher candidate?
A virtual buffet of SRBI Resources! • Connecticut’s Framework for SRBI: http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/pdf/pressroom/SRBI_full.pdf • The Iris Center: http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/ • Connecticut’s Department of of Education Website: http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/Web_Resources_Extension.pdf