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Warm-up err… bellringer …err…do now. Share your impressions regarding NHS’s SAT scores (sent on Friday) with a friend. What are we doing right? What do we need to improve? What do you think contributes to our current state?. SAT_achievemore.png. Faculty Meeting . September 10, 2012.
Warm-up err…bellringer…err…do now Share your impressions regarding NHS’s SAT scores (sent on Friday) with a friend. • What are we doing right? • What do we need to improve? • What do you think contributes to our current state? SAT_achievemore.png
Faculty Meeting September 10, 2012
Communication with parents • Two minute think-pair-share • Share with a partner an instance of positive parent communication. • Share with the same partner an instance of negative parent communication.
Be Proactive • Whenever possible, call BEFORE disaster strikes. • If you see a student beginning to slide academically, contact the parent to share concerns and plan for support. • If behavior is gradually deteriorating, contact parent before you lose patience with student. • Anticipating concerns before they are disastrous helps solve problems and bring parents to your side.
Use the communication medium that works! After your first contact, ask what works for the parent. Email may not be easy for the parent but phone calls may work. If the parent is hard to reach by phone, email may work. Use the system that works for them whenever possible.
Always share something positive about the student! If the call is to gain parent support in solving a problem, it will help if parents know you see the good in their child. We have something good to say about every student here—share that before delivering the difficult or disappointing news. Similarly, when dealing with a behavior concern, separate the behavior from the person.
Be honest about the problem. If the student’s grade and performance is seriously hampering the likelihood of passing the class, tell the parent. We would rather create too much urgency than not enough. Although we are communicating politely and professionally to share what may be difficult news, we do ourselves, and the parents, no favors by not communicating the eventualities from the beginning.
Always thank the parents for their time, communication, and support. It would be all too easy to ignore your concerns, not answer the phone or read your email, and not work cooperatively to create success in the classrooms. Our parents are busy with multiple demands. We want to create support despite those demands. Take the time to sincerely and genuinely communicate your appreciation for their collaboration in this crucial work we do.
2 minutes- Share with a partner • Role play two scenarios with a partner using these tips. Scenario A- one plays parent, one plays teacher. Scenario B- reverse roles. • A- A student in your class has been earning grades in low 90’s for first marking period. Recently, student hasn’t passed two quizzes and failed to turn in homework. • B- A student in your class has recently become more distracting. Initially seemed “squirrely” but recent behavior has gradually become more disruptive.
Sections of an IEPI. Special ConsiderationsII. Present Levels III. Transition IV. State/Local AssessmentsV. Goals/ObjectivesVI. Specially Designed Instruction/Program ModificationVII. Educational Placement
Athletic/Extra-Curricular Eligibility • Rosters are sent out each Tuesday to remind teachers to turn in failing grades to me. The coaches are notified if the student is failing and the student-athlete has two days to get their grade up. I will check with the teacher on the last day of the week. If the student-athlete is still failing as of the last day of the week they must sit out the next 5 school days. • I don't check grades myself because I don't know when they update their grades. When I did do this in the past kids would say "I turned in work and the teacher didn't grade my stuff for 3 days." I leave it up to the teacher to turn kids in. • If teachers turn kids in on Thursday or Friday I will not suspend them until the following week. I give the kid a chance to get their grades up.
What is it? • Safe global online community where you and your students can connect to other classrooms around the world • How to incorporate in the classroom? • There are rich and diverse tools to connect and partner with other classrooms such as (homework drop box, threaded discussion boards, wiki) • There are projects developed by the Smithsonian and National Geographic or you can integrate projects • Pen Pal using Skype or e-mail • Where in the World?/Mystery Skype Location
Debrief Activity • Break in groups based upon where you began the activity on our staff development day. • Synthesize Characteristics and Examples into one list for the entire group • Choose a spokesperson to identify to the whole group one or two items that created controversy or surprised the group • Submit synthesized list to admin