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Per aggiungere alla diapositiva il logo della società: • Scegliere Immagine dal menu Inserisci • Individuare il file con il logo della società • Scegliere OK • Per ridimensionare il logo: • Fare clic su un punto qualsiasi del logo. Attorno all'oggetto verranno visualizzati i quadratini di ridimensionamento. • Per ridimensionare l'oggetto, utilizzare i quadratini. • Per conservare le proporzioni dell'oggetto da ridimensionare, trascinare i quadratini di ridimensionamento tenendo premuto MAIUSC. Associazione Centro Documentazione Handicap
Preamble • Centro Documentazione Handicap (CDH) was established in 1980 by a group of able-bodied and disabled people aiming at political and cultural activities, beyond the mere sanitary, educational and care-providing perspectives to which disability is too often linked. • The core of the activity is getting the disabled people involved, to excite interest in documentation and information about the community, to manage the structure of the Centre, to bridge social and cultural world and regard the disability as strictly connected to wider general subjects. • Initiatives are developed and carried out by a group of twenty able-bodied and disabled men and women with different backgrounds and educational experiences, thus enabling diversified attitudes towards disability. • The Centre is an association employing six part-time people, some collaborators and numerous volunteers.
Activities Activities touch the following • documentation • information • formative courses/performances • telematic
Documentation Sector • Library of the Centre holds 8000 books, 450 magazines about social matters and material about disability, social problems, marginalization and voluntary services. Members of the reference and lending library are approx.1500; among them are students, teachers, professionals, etc. • Material is classified and stored at a computer system for a total of 45,000 references, accessible through a subject catalogue formed by 300 items. Printed material is also available for distribution.
Information Sector • This section delivers a magazine dealing with social problems and marginalization as well as a number of publications of various kinds. • Magazine HP • It disseminates the experiences collected from the press review of publications on disability edited from 1985 to 1990, for a total of 70 issues plus ACCAPARLANTE, published from 1983 to 1990, for a total of 30 issues. HP has published 67 issues since 1990; it counts on 900 subscribers at national level. It deals with disability, volunteer service, third sector, role and identity of social professionals, social information and documentation, culture and diversity. It was awarded in 1996 the Premio Nazionale for solidarity as the best Italian magazine on social problems. • Press review on information and social exclusion • Booklets of CDH
Information Sector • Designed for the network of regional (Emilia-Romagna) centres for integration. Studies, comments and researches on the relationship between information and social marginalization. Special issues: catalogue of Italian magazine on social matters, study on disability stereotypes in national press, 18 issue till today. • Informative booklets on topics which documentation is hard to find elsewhere, completed by an exhaustive bibliography. 18 editions up to date (disability and literature for chilhood, mobility and disability, adoption and disability, etc.). • Guides for accessible tourism • The Centre has been dealing since long with subjects connected to leisure and tourism for disabled. For this reason a collection of guides on accessible hotels, places etc. have been published (Roma, Venezia, Firenze, Pisa and Lucca, Garda lake, Cortina Dolomites, Rimini and Ravenna, Palermo). An additional guide on parking and restaurant areas of Italian highways is also available.
Formation/PerformaceProgetto Calamaio • This project started in 1986 and it still represents one of the most significant activities of the CDH. It has been developed by mainly sensory disabled and able-bodied people with the cooperation of performers/educators. Target is to make – through formative courses – diversity accepted as something unique of each single human being. Project is meant for teachers and students of primary and secondary schools, volunteers, educators, etc with which meetings are organized at national level. The activity is carried out in collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences of the University in Bologna and with the support of local authorities, schools, cooperatives and associatons.
Formation/PerformaceFormative stages for care providers • Formation on relationship thematics coonected to rehabilitation and education. Particularly, the subjects touched are: disability and sexuality, the relation of help, the relationship professionals/families and adolescent dynamics. A network guide on Italian sites handling disability matters is being published. Formative projects to train professionals and care providers to the use of telematics means are on their way, to enable those people to make a good and rational use of new technologies.