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Moses. Acts 3:19-26 Peter’s sermon … For Moses truly said unto the fathers,

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  1. Moses • Acts 3:19-26 Peter’s sermon … • For Moses truly said unto the fathers, • (Deut. 18:15 ) v.22,23 “A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.”

  2. Moses Heb.11:23-28 • 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.

  3. Moses in the Hall of Faith ListHeb. 11:23-28 • 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; • 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; • 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

  4. 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. • 28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.

  5. Many Scriptures about Moses • Exodus • Numbers • Acts 7:17-43 • Heb. 11:23-29 • Matt. 17:1-5

  6. We have so many blessings

  7. Count your Blessings • Count your blessings instead of your crosses;  • Count your gains instead of your losses. • Count your joys instead of your woes; • Count your friends instead of your foes. • Count your smiles instead of your tears; • Count your courage instead of your fears.

  8. Count your full years instead of your lean; • Count your kind deeds instead of your mean. • Count your health instead of your wealth; • Count on God instead of yourself.

  9. This sermon about Moses: • Hopefully will help us to • Appreciate the great work he did, • And consider it a blessing for us • To be used in the kingdom of God • For His work.

  10. By faith • What is faith? Heb. 11:1 • Now faith is • the substance of things hoped for, • the evidence of things not seen.

  11. Now Faith is: • Substance - Confidence in what we hope for • Evidence - , assurance about what we do not see (cf. NIV

  12. Names of Old Testament saints mentioned in this chapter (4-32) • Abel, • Enoch, • Noah, • Abraham, • Sarah, • Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Israel, Rahab - Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets

  13. What did these "heroes of faith" look forward to receiving? (13-16) - • The promises, especially regarding the heavenly country and city prepared by God

  14. Amazing things done by faith (33-35) • - Subdued kingdoms, • worked righteousness, • obtained promises – • Stopped the mouths of lions, • quenched the violence of fire – • Escaped the edge of the sword, • became valiant in battle, • turned armies to flight – • Women received their dead raised to life again

  15. Amazing things these people endured (v.35-38) • Torture, • mocking, • scourging, • chains of imprisonment – • Stoned, • sawn in two, • wandering destitute in mountains and caves, afflicted, • tormented

  16. What did these ‘heroes of faith” obtain? why?(39-40) • A good testimony – • The promise (i.e., the Messianic promise) – • That they might be made perfect together with us . They will enjoy the Heavenly City • With us.

  17. Moses • Unique O.T. Character • He did so much in • 120 years! • .A man of Great Faith!

  18. Moses Life • Could be divided into 3 periods • (40 years each) • 1. His growing up in Egypt • Acts 7:20-28 • 2. His being in Midian • Acts 7:29-30 • 3. His being the Leader of God’s People • Acts 7:30-44

  19. Note some things about Moses: • The man Moses • The decisions he made • The prophet • The Great Leader that he was • The Lawgiver • Such a great man, yet he disobeyed God.

  20. The Man Moses His Family – of the tribe of Levi 1. Father: Amram (Exo. 6:20) 2. Mother: Jochedbed (Exo. 6:20) 3. Brother: Aaron (Exo. 4:14) 4. Sister: Miriam (Exo. 15:20) 5. Wife: Zipporah (Exo. 2:21) 6. Two Sons: (Acts 7:29) - Gershom (Exo. 2:22) - Eliezer (Exo. 18:2-3) 7. Father-in-law: Jethro (Exo. 18:2)

  21. The Man Moses . Taken From Family As A Babe 1. Hid as baby for 3 months (Exo. 2:2; Acts 7:20) 2. Put in ark of bulrushes (Exo. 2:3-ff) 3. Pharoah’s daughter took him (Exo. 2:5-10)

  22. The Man Moses Name – Moses (Exo. 2:10) Pharaoh’s daughter:..She called His name Moses ,and she said, Because I drew him out the Water. Education (Acts 7:21-22)..And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians ,and was mighty in words and in deeds. Flight to Midian (Exo. 2:11-25) 1. When about 40 2. Saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew – Killed Egyptian 3. When Pharoah heard sought to kill Moses 4. Where he met Zipporah

  23. Moses Making Decisions The Decision (Heb. 11:24-26) By faith---Moses moved to do God’s will. What Moses Gave Up 1. Pleasures of sin 2. Treasures of Egypt 3. He was probably in line for the THRONE! 4. Power, prestige, --he was recognized as important 5. Wealth…gold, silver, and what that could buy for him.

  24. The Decision Maker What He Chose 1. Suffer affliction with the people of God. 2. He stood with slaves in Egypt. 3. Moses learned quickly: These people murmured, and complained a lot.. Let us learn: 1. Love not the world I John 2:15-17 2. Where are our treasures? Mtt. 6:19-21 3. Stand with the Lord. .

  25. Moses..A Great Prophet of God The Call (Exo. 3:1-10) God called unto him Out of the midst of the bush,and said: Moses, Moses. And he said “Here am I” Excuses 1. “Who am I?” (Exo. 3:11) 2. “Say, What is his name?” (Exo. 3:13) 3. “What if they do not believe ?” (Exo. 4:1) 4. “Slow of speech & tongue” (Exo. 4:10)

  26. The Prophet The Signs: God gave Moses 3 What were the 3 signs? 1. Rod became a serpent Ex. 4:3 2. Hand became Leporous. Ex. 4:6 3.Water poured out of river becomes blood. Ex. 4:9 E. He is willing to go…. (Exo. 4:18-ff; 5:1) It took a lot of persuasion, but he is now ready to embark on God’s mission!

  27. Moses : A Great Leader of God’s People Courage (Exo. 5:1-ff) But He Is promised that God would be with Him. He couldn’t do it all…he had to Delegate to others part of the work. In Ex. 18, Jethro suggest to Moses How he should handle the judgments The people. Moses accepted the Advice of Jethro.

  28. Moses: The Lawgiver A. Went Into the Mount to Receive the Law 1. Exo. 19:20 2. The Law was written on on two tables of stone (Exo. 31:18) B. Wrote the First Five Books of Bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy C. Why Called the Law of Moses / Moses 1. Luke 16:29 .they have Moses and the prophets , let them hear them 2. 1 Kings 2:3 .as it is written in the law of Moses.

  29. Moses’ disobedience!!

  30. Moses: Disobeyed God! Given Specific Instructions (Num. 20:8) “Speak ye unto the rock before their eyes” He Disobeyed (Num. 20:10-11) Got the Children of Israel together..”hear now, ye Rebels,must we fetch you water out of the rock v.11 And Moses lifted up his hand,and with his Rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came Out abundantly,and the congregation drank,and Their beasts also. God’s Rebuke (Num. 20:12)

  31. Numbers 20:12 • And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, • Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel , therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have • given them

  32. Although He was such a great man,he disobeyed God. • Great men do great things. • Great men also make grave mistakes. • Moses sin would not allow him to • enter the physical promised land… • Caanan.

  33. Moses • Allowed to see promised land (Deut. 34:1-4) • Died in land of Moab (Deut. 34:5ff • Age: 120 • Where buried – Don’t know.

  34. Moses lived l20 years.. • He did so much in that length of time.. • It is not so much the time that you have on earth, it is what you do with it. • What are you doing with the time that • God has given you?

  35. We are so blessed to have had a man • Like Moses live on this earth. • He , like all men, met the appointment of death.

  36. Some things about his death… • Didn’t have anyone around him…. • Didn’t have people to say good things, or bad about him • Didn’t have a funeral with his body in a casket • Didn’t have a big Marker for his grave • Didn’t have a lot of flowers, signs, etc.

  37. After seeing the promised land, Caanan from a distance, where he was with • God alone…he died. • God and Moses together. • No one knows where his burial place is • Located… • He had walked with God, and died with • God….

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