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Unit C: Body Systems

Unit C: Body Systems. Specific Objectives: Analyze the relationship of tissues, organs, and body systems. Explain the structural units of the body. Analyze body tissues and membranes. Body Systems. ANATOMY – study of the parts of the body PHYSIOLOGY – function of the body

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Unit C: Body Systems

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  1. Unit C: Body Systems Specific Objectives: Analyze the relationship of tissues, organs, and body systems. Explain the structural units of the body. Analyze body tissues and membranes.

  2. Body Systems • ANATOMY – study of the parts of the body • PHYSIOLOGY – function of the body • GROSS- LARGE • MICROSCOPIC- small • CYTOLOGY- cell • HISTOLOGY- tissue • DEVELOPMENTAL- birth to death • SYSTEMIC- what we will do..example: skeletal, • COMPARATIVE- cat to a human

  3. ANATOMICAL POSITION – • standing erect with face forward, arms at the side, palms forward

  4. Location,position,direction… • ANTERIOR or VENTRAL – front or in front of • POSTERIOR or DORSAL – back or in back of

  5. CRANIAL – refers to the head of the body • CAUDAL – means tail end • SUPERIOR – upper or above something • INFERIOR – lower or below something

  6. MEDIAL – toward the middle • LATERAL – toward the side of the body • PROXIMAL – toward the point of attachment to the body or the trunk of the body • DISTAL – away from the point of attachment to the body

  7. SUPERFICIAL (EXTERNAL) – near the surface or outside the body • DEEP (INTERNAL) – inside the body

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GAw9w1XNEI&feature=related • ***http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_i7JxeO9tc&feature=related • http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072919329/student_view0/animations.html...animation good for planes, direction.  All systems

  9. Bell • Write your name on and pass up homework from new pkt/Body System Worksheet D • http://goredforwomen.org/ • Wear RED on Friday…get a free 100 on next quiz

  10. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites /0072919329/student_view0/animations

  11. Body Planes and Sections • PLANES – imaginary anatomical dividing planes • SECTION – cut made through the body in the direction of a certain plane

  12. Body Planes and Sections • SAGITTAL PLANE – divides the body into right and left parts

  13. CORONAL (FRONTAL) PLANE • – vertical cut at right angles to saggital plane, divides the body into anterior and posterior portions • (cheese)

  14. TRANSVERSE PLANE – • cross-section, a horizontal cut that divides the body into upper and lower parts • (bread…?BLT)

  15. Midsagital • …also known as the midline, divides the body from top to bottom into equal left and right halves.

  16. Video planes • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSpMub-xHNc&feature=channel

  17. Millionaire • http://anatomy.med.umich.edu/modules/anatomical_orientation_module/Anatomical_Orientation.ppt

  18. Assignment • Do top portion of Anatomical Terms Worksheet

  19. Cavities of the Body • Anterior • Dorsal • Cranial • Spinal • Thoracic • Abdominopelvic

  20. Cavities of the Body • DORSAL( back) CAVITY – contains brain and spinal cord – the brain is in the CRANIAL CAVITY and the spinal cord is in the SPINAL CAVITY.

  21. Body Cavities • ANTERIOR or VENTRAL CAVITY contains the THORACIC and ABDOMINOPELVIC CAVITIES • The thoracic cavity contains the lungs and heart • ABDOMINAL CAVITY contains stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and pancreas • PELVIC CAVITY contains urinary bladder and reproductive organs • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6DdhZzOSFk&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTiyNjSgi84&feature=related

  22. Smaller Cavities • Orbital • Nasal • Oral or Bucal

  23. Assignment • Complete “F” • Mid portion and 1-2 on Anatomical Terms W/S

  24. Bell/payday • Text page 11 • Apply practice to theory • 1 a-h

  25. Small group activity • 1) stay in your group. This is for a grade NOT your social time. NO cell phones. • 2) Outline one person on the large paper • 3) Identify and record right and left • 4) each team member is to draw one organ…brain, heart, liver, lungs, bladder, stomach, intestines. Should show at least 5 diff. organs • 5) label the cavities and place organ(s) in correct cavity

  26. Bell • You may want to know this! • Grades weighted as follows: • Class work 25 • Homework 15 • Projects/Participation 25 • Quizes 10 • Test 25 • Remember, final exam (vo-cats) 25% • Draw a Tic Tac Tow grid

  27. Abdominopelvic Cavity Regions

  28. Abdominopelvic Cavity Regions

  29. Assignment • Complete Regions (above F)

  30. Bell • Create a quiz… • 2nd column of the wordroots • Must include at least 15 wordroots • Matching (side near computers) • Mult choice (middle) • Fill-in-blank (side near sink) • Remember KEY! • Quiz on Wed

  31. Classroom Work • To be completed on your own • No talking • No cell phones • Please do not write in the book • Workbook page 3 C 1-5 • Page 6 E matching

  32. Bell… • Choose (3) three word roots related to a part of the body. Add different prefixes and/ or suffixes to the word root to create at least three different terms. • You should end up with 9 new words!

  33. Bellringer/payday • Using the papers on your desks • Without you book Use a pencil to….Complete the labeling using directions, regions. cavities. After you have completed both sides get your books out and make any corrections!

  34. Bell… • Make sure Workbook page 3 C 1-5 and • Page 6 E matching is complete • Put your first and last name on this assignment and turn in (slide in blue binder) • NEW assignment: Complete “what doesn’t belong”

  35. Bell • Complete ‘Apply Practice to Theory’, at the end of chapter one. Complete 1-3

  36. You be the surgeon • Open your rice crispy treat • Tear apart into three pieces • Create a snowman-type person • Determine which side is Dorsal vs. ventral…put on his/her M&M belly button and eyes…what cavity was the eye? • What region belly button? • Show me anterior/ventral • Make sure : Anatomical Position

  37. You be the surgeon, cont. • Male a cut along the frontal plane • Make a vertical cut, at right angles to the sagital plane ½ way in to the body • Cut across the transverse plane • Make an incision in the hypo gastric region • Make an incision in the RLQ (appendectomy) • Perform a thoracotomy

  38. Suffixes • Class devides in ½ • Write meaning on one side and the suffix on the other (thru malacia) • Spread suffix side up one table • We will stand in line and race to put on table/board Quiz to follow!

  39. Bell • Look around, your seat may have changed! • Quietly study you list of suffixes • Quiz in a moment

  40. Life Functions • …are the necessary activities to help living organs grow and function. They include movement, ingestion, digestion, transport, respiration, synthesis, assimilation, growth, secretion, excretion, regulation and reproduction. (see pg 6 table 1.1)

  41. Tissues Specialized cells grouped according to function, shape, size and structure. When grouped together they form…. Organs Larger and functional units of tissues. When organs are grouped together to perform a function that are known as an Organ System See pg 63 What is necessary to keep us alive and functioning?

  42. 1) anabolism- the build up of complex materials from simpler ones, such as food and oxygen. 2) Catabolism- the breakdown of the breaking down and changing of complex substances into simpler ones with the release of energy and CO2. Metabolism-the functional activities of cells that result in growth, repair and release of energy. 2 Processes…

  43. Homeostasis • The proper function and maintenance of the body depends upon a number of activities. The body must constantly respond to changes in the environment. The maintenance of such internal environmental conditions is known as_____.

  44. Bell • Create a Quiz from suffixes a-malacia • >>>>>You choose which type • (just remember BE Different…most likely will choose yours)

  45. Bell/payday • From medical terms packet…. • Complete worksheet called Medical Terms Identification

  46. Tissues • TISSUES – cells grouped because they are similar in shape, size, structure, and function

  47. EPITHELIAL TISSUE • – protects the body by covering internal and external surfaces, and produces secretion • Epithelial tissue comprises an uninterrupted layer of cells.  Epithelium covers nearly all external and internal body surfaces. p56 • Squamous-flat irreg. Lines… • Cuboidal-cubed shape. Lines… • columnar cells (A) -elongated. Lines… • Glandular-Secretionssuch as milkhormones, dig. juices

  48. CONNECTIVE TISSUE • – supports and connects organs and tissue • These tissues are responsible for cushioning, supporting and maintaining form within the body and include adipose, cartilage, bone, tendons and ligaments • Vascular

  49. ADIPOSE TISSUE • – type of connective tissue that stores fat cells

  50. connective tissue • LIGAMENTS – strong, flexible bands of connective tissue that hold bones firmly together at the joints • TENDONS – white bands of connective tissue attaching skeletal muscle to bone • CARTILAGE – firm, flexible support of the embryonic skeleton and part of the adult skeleton • BONE- skeleton. Supports tissues and organs. • VSCULAR-liquids blood tissue (Example RBC)

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