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Seizures. Seizures occur when the normal workings of the brain are disrupted by injury, disease, infection or electricity. A common disorder that causes seizures is Epilepsy. What the victim might experience before a seizure.
Seizures Seizures occur when the normal workings of the brain are disrupted by injury, disease, infection or electricity. A common disorder that causes seizures is Epilepsy.
What the victim might experience before a seizure • An aura sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure • Hallucinations • Strange tastes • Strange sounds • An urgency to get to safety
What the rescuer might see in a seizure victim • Blank stares • Unresponsiveness • Uncontrolled muscle contractions called ”convulsions”
First Aid for Seizures http://app.discoveryeducation.com/player/?assetGuid=64eb4cb7-17ae-4ad7-a8a1-1c27013c2923&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHealth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homeworkGuid=
Treatment for a seizure victim Do’s Protect the victim from being injured by moving things away Protect the victim’s head Roll them on their side when seizure is over May have to give meds
Treatment for Seizure Victims Do not: Try to stop the seizure Hold the person down Put anything between their teeth Allow the seizure to end on its own
Reasons for calling 911 • The seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes • The victim has multiple seizures • The victim is pregnant or diabetic • The seizures follow high rise in body temp • The victim fails to regain consciousness
Poisoning About 92% of all poisonings take place in the home
What is a poison? Any substance that causes injury, illness or death if it enters the body.
The Four Types of Poisoning Swallowed- poisons that can be swallowed include foods, meds, chemicals and certain plants
General Care for Poisoning(Pages 163, 172) • Remove the person from the source • Check level of consciousness • Care for life-threatening conditions • If conscious, ask the victim questions to get information • Look for clues • Call National Poison Control Center
Asthma Section 13-14 What is it???? It is the swelling of the small tubes in our lungs causing difficult breathing and or respiratory arrest.
Infection Medications Exercise Temperature Emotions
Signals of an Asthma attack • Coughing or wheezing • Difficulty breathing • Shallow, rapid breathing • Sweating • Tightness in the chest • Can’t talk without stopping for a breath • Feeling of fear
Treatment for Asthma There are anti-inflammatory medications given to asthma victims, some in the form of inhalers:
Every year there are between 400-800 deaths due to severe allergic reactions • A person can die within minutes if not treated • It is a severe allergic reaction caused by a foreign substance called an “antigen”
Signals of Anaphylaxis • Face and Air passages swell • Wheezing • Obstruction of airway, lips, tongue, voice box • Severe hives • Weakness, nausea and vomiting
Care for Anaphylaxis Administer the Epinephrine Auto-Injector http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXsgKHuk8Ho