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~4 Billion Mobile Phones in 2009

~4 Billion Mobile Phones in 2009. 1/2. of the world is ‘mobile’. Source: Tomi Ahonen Almanac. Source: Tomi Ahonen Almanac. The Hype Cycle. Source: Gartner Group. 1. Pioneer. 2. Breakout. 3. Consolidation. 4. Maturity. Phases of Markets.

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~4 Billion Mobile Phones in 2009

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  1. ~4 Billion Mobile Phones in 2009

  2. 1/2 of the world is ‘mobile’

  3. Source: TomiAhonen Almanac

  4. Source: TomiAhonen Almanac

  5. The Hype Cycle Source: Gartner Group

  6. 1. Pioneer 2. Breakout 3. Consolidation 4. Maturity Phases of Markets

  7. A global volunteer network of NGOs, activists, technologists, academics, media • A community of practice for knowledge and skill sharing • An onlinemDirectory of apps, case studies, research, how-to materials • An innovation channel

  8. Health: Disease surveillance and mapping Patient management Public health education (HIV, TB, STDs) Supply chain management (drugs, food) Telemedicine Accountability and Transparency Election monitoring Human rights monitoring Corruption monitoring Media and (Citizen) Reporting Incidence/news mapping Incident photo/video footage News dissemination in restricted environments Disasters and Relief Early warnings Urgent alerts Refugee coordination Supply chain management Environmental Monitoring GPRS individual and crowd data Organizing/Advocacy Constituency engagement Legislative advocacy Mobilization Getting Out the Vote Information dissemination Economic Development/Livelihoods Payments Micro loan management Market data/information Small enterprises (SMEs) The Use of Mobiles

  9. M-Government Brazil

  10. M-Government Philippines • TXTGMA • TXTCSC • citizen complaints, suggestions or inquiries and as a citizen’s weapon against corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy; • TXTCSC is a building block for PSDA (Public Service Delivery Audit) where government agencies are rated on how quickly and efficiently they deliver public services • DETxt • Education ministry SMS channel

  11. Interactive SMS User texts in keyword “news” for short code • Headline news for 9/13/2009: • City Council Votes down Ordinance • Dog gets lost in woods • Armed robbers strike • For weather updates sms ‘weather’ to 32323 What is it? Person texts a keyword and gets information back through another SMS Positives: Everyone can use it; no fancy phone needed. Negatives: 160 character limit/SMS; person has to get keyword exactly right Cost: Standard SMS rates; implementer pays 25c / SMS Handset: Any & all Uses: SMS to find date, time & venue of next meeting; subscribe to headline news, get interactive data on news, polling station location, candidates, weather, etc.

  12. Control 2.0

  13. Source: Arbor Networks

  14. Key Issues • Incredibly promising and exciting • Commercial, competitive, very fluid field • Privacy and security • Fragmented platforms • Many pilots, no scale • Impact unclear. Much trial and error • Focus on apps but not on an enabling environment • Lack of open platforms and applications

  15. Key Issues • Significant capacity issues (NGOs and Gov) • Lack of capable intermediaries • Little knowledge of what works in what setting • Data alone may be largely useless unless it provides the right information delivered through the right channel in the right form at the right time.

  16. Towards a framework • Additive versus transformative • Contextual and user-focused • Sustainable (unsolved) • Driven by demand • Build it and they will come does usually not work • Localized but shareable • Built on open standards? • Built on existing knowledge

  17. Applicable channel? • In what context? • Successes? • Failures? • Critical success factors?

  18. Needed • Targeted (and outsourced) R&D • ICT innovation marketplaces • Venture funds and PPPs • Strong intermediaries • IT, mobile, data, information visualization, etc • User adoption studies and contextual research • Nokia and Microsoft • Better topographies (and case studies)

  19. Katrin@mobileactive.orgskype and twitter: katrinskayahttp://mobileactive.orghttp://mobileactive.org/mobilemedia@mobileactive@mobilemediakit

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