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Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga. eu climate change policy - STATUS OF climate AFFAIRS IN municipalities in iceland. Lúðvík E. Gústafsson, Expert Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga Icelandic Association of Local Authorities. overview.
Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga euclimatechangepolicy - STATUS OF climate AFFAIRS IN municipalitiesin iceland Lúðvík E. Gústafsson, Expert Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga IcelandicAssociation of LocalAuthorities NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
overview EU Framework for climateandenergypolicies 2020 -2030 Highlights NordLeadproject 2011-2012 Resultsandrecommendations ClimatechangepolicyinIcelandicmunicipalities Example City of Reykjavík NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
State of affairsinthe EU regardingclimateandenergy Current 2020 targets call for are a • greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 20% compared to 1990 levels, • renewable energy share of 20% and • an increase in energy efficiency by 20%. In 2012 • greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 18%, • renewable share was at 14,1% and • energy efficiency at 12,1% NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
EU Framework for climateandenergypolicies 2020 -2030 Main NEW Targets: 40% greenhouse gas emissions reduction and 27% renewable energy share by 2030. In order to achieve these targets: • ETS sector would have to deliver a reduction of 43% in GHG emissions in 2030 and the • Non-ETS sector would have to deliver a reduction of 30%, both compared to 2005. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
EU Framework for climateandenergypolicies 2020 -2030 Targetscall for Energyefficiency increased level of energy savings of approximately 25% in 2030 Reform of the ETS NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
NordLeadproject • Conducted as a web survey between October 2011 and February 2012 • Identifying and analysing the success factors and need for support in Nordic municipalities in their climate change response • 29 out of then 75 Icelandicmunicipalitiesresponded (39%). 3 of themreportedtohave a climatestrategyimplementedorwereintheprocess of implementing NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
NordLeadproject Success factors in local climate work Political leadership and engaged management Challenges Lack of political interest and priorities NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
NordLeadproject Asmainresponse, applyingtoallcountriesinvolvedinthesurvey: Stateleveleconomicincentives for implementingclimatechangemeasures (70% of allmunicipalitiessurveyed) Resultsof theNordLeadsurvey for Iceland: More guidance needed in Iceland to act on climate change, especially in small municipalities who have restricted expertise and resources NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
situationiniceland Action Plan onClimateChangeagreeduponbyIcelandicgovernmentin 2010 10 keyactions, amongthem: • State of Icelandand City of Reykjavík cooperateontender for ecofuelvehicles • State of Icelandsupportspublic transport betweenmunicipalitieswith 1000 millj. Ikr. (~6,3 millj. €) annuallyfrom 2013 until 2022. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
situationiniceland Actionregardingclimatechange is mostlyneededinthe transport sector • increaseduse of ecofuels, preferablyproducedinIceland (e.g. methane) • increasedpublic transport • planningandconstructingbikelanes NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
Climatechangeandmunicipalities Climatechangeindirectlyaddressedin Ólafsvík LocalAgendaDeclarationintheyear 2000 Nospecificclimatechangeaction plans exceptinthe City of Reykjavík Manymunicipalitiestodayaddressclimatechangein land use plans Increasedinterestinpromotingcyclingas a means of transport NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík Action Plan „Framtíðin liggur í loftinu“ (Thefuture is intheair) Action plan „Umhverfis- og auðlindastefna“ (EnvironmentandresourcesProgramme) Managementsystem„Grænu skrefin“ (GreenSteps) Aðalskipulag Reykjavíkur 2010 – 2030 (Land use plan 2010 – 2030) NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík FromtheAction Plan Thefuture is intheair Comparedto 2007 levels, • overall emission of greenhouse gases is to be reduced by 35% by 2020 and • overall emission of greenhouse gases is to be reduced by 73% by 2050 30% of transport in 2020 will be walking and cycling During the next 20 years, public transport will double from its present level. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík FromtheEnvironmentandresourcesProgramme: Indicators: • CO2emissionsinReykjavík from transport on land and at sea, industry, flightandfishing. 2. Percentage of renewablesandnon-renewablesinproduction of hotwater, electricityand transport. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík FromtheEnvironmentandresourcesProgramme: Mainemphasisputon: • City of Reykjavík initiatescooperationwithinhabitants, neighbouringmunicipalities, industryandstateinstitutionsinordertodecrease GHG emissions. • Increasecarbonsequestration • Increaseeducationonclimatechangeandactionagainstnegativeimpact of climatechange • Increaseresearchonclimatechange • Adaptiontoclimatechangeas part of theoverallcitymanagement, withspecialreferencetoplanningincoastalareas NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík „Greensteps“ orhowtoincreaseawarenessonecofriendly transport (examples): Step 1: informationonpublic transport for newlyhiredworkstaff Step 2: public transport contractinstead of use of privatecarcontract Step 3: Encouragecar-poolingamongworkstaff Step 4: 75% of cityvehiclesrunonecofuel etc. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
climatechangepolicyinthecity of reykjavík Fromthe Land Use Plan 2010 – 2030 Moreecofriendly transport • Allbusesandvehicles of the City of Reykjavík willrunonnon-fossil fuelenergysourcesin 2030. • Use of privatecar transport decreasesfrom 75% in2011 to 58% in 2030. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014
Thankyour for yourattention! NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM 26 - 27 June 2014