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Getting Started with Junior Cycle Key Skills in St. Leo’s College. April 2013 . At the end of this session . You will be able to Identify the six key skills of the Junior Cycle and some of the elements and learning outcomes for each skill
Getting Started with Junior Cycle Key Skills in St. Leo’s College April 2013
At the end of this session You will be able to • Identify the six key skills of the Junior Cycle and some of the elements and learning outcomes for each skill • Become more aware of the different teaching and learning activities which students need to participate in to develop these skills • Identify ways of embedding the key skills in the curriculum for incoming first years
Background for Change? • PISA Report 2009 • ESRI Report (Emer Smyth 2009) • New Junior Cycle in two to three years – best to be prepared • Current economic situationUniversities report students with a skills deficit • Advances in brain research and how we learn • School culture of adapting to and managing change and meeting the needs of students • Continuity with primary education • Evidence from NCCA Network Schools • Professionalism and teacher responsibility
The Starting Point for planning a new Junior Cycle Programme • The eight principles for Junior Cycle Education • The 24 statements of learning. • Literacy and Numeracy and the 6 Key Skills.
The 6 Key Skills • Literacy & • Numeracy
Working with others: Group Work • Appoint a group leader and a time keeper • Allow ten minutes to complete this task • Open the envelope and place all of the strips of paper on the table • Each member takes 5 strips of paper • Each member reads aloud what is written on the strip of paper • The group discusses the statement and decides whether it is an ELEMENT or a LEARNING OUTCOME • Separate the ELEMENTS from the LEARNING OUTCOMES • Place the ELEMENTS underneath the ELEMENTS heading on the chart • Read aloud the learning outcomes again and decide which LEARNING OUTCOME is associated with which ELEMENT • Place the LEARNING OUTCOME opposite the appropriate ELEMENT on the chart • Continue until all LEARNING OUTCOMES are placed on the chart • On completion compare your chart with the KEY SKILLS master sheet • How successful was the group in identifying the elements and the corresponding learning outcomes?
How can we integrate the Key Skills into subjects? • By developing existing good practice in interactive teaching and learning approaches • By considering some different ways of teaching, assessing and evaluating • By looking very carefully at “learning outcomes” in relation to assessment tasks • By building on and further developing the pool of expertise within the staff • By reflective practice
Key Skills: Resources • Website: www. juniorcycle.ie • Toolkits: -Managing Information and Thinking -Managing Myself -Working with Others • Staff Library: Beyond Monet(Barry Bennett & Carol Rolheiser) The Teacher’s Toolkit (Paul Ginnis) Cooperation in the Classroom (Johnson, Johnson & Holubec)
Embedding Key Skills • Developing Key Skills is a process • Not simply about introducing active learning methodologies • It’s a way of planning, teaching and assessing • It requires reflective practice
Target group for embedding of Key Skills: Incoming First Years • Induction Programme -Key Skills teaching and learning methodologies approach eg. students complete learning styles questionnaires/quiz (Managing Myself: Knowing myself) -Social skills and language for working together need to be taught • Parents -Input on Key Skills for of incoming first years • Student Journal -Key Skills insert (Teacher journals also!)
Incoming First Years • Classroom: Posters, desk layout, learning outcome board
3 parts to each lesson: 1.Introduction: Core content learning outcomes & Key Skill learning outcomes made explicit -Let students know what they will learn and why (What’s the bigger picture?) -Share with them & involve them in generating the success criteria (What does a model answer look like?) 2.Core content: to include group work, paired activities etc. 3. Conclusion: to include reflection on core content and on Key Skills performance
During lesson: • Language of Key Skills becomes common place • Key Skills status acknowledged throughout lesson • Key Skills given value in Assessment
MANAGING MYSELF Element: Knowing Myself Learning Outcome: recognising my personal strengths and weaknesses Journaling: Invite students to keep a learning journal or write a blog about themselves and their learning -helps identify goals, record evidence of success and reflect on their learning needs (More information in toolkit)
MANAGING MYSELF • Element: Setting and achieving personal goals
KWL ChartLeaving Certificate Applied: Social Education Social & Health Education 1Unit 2: Taking Care of Yourself Name: Date:
Webquest WEBQUEST: DEMOCRACY & GOVERNMENT Q1.Abraham Lincoln said democracy is __________________________ ________________________________________________________ Q2.The way in which our democracy works is described in a document called The C___________. Q3.Our C______________ is called B______________ na hE___________. Q4.Each section of this document is made up of a____________. Q5.The laws contained in this document cannot be changed unless the majority of Irish people agree to do so. The people can decide by voting in a r_________________. Q6. The Irish Government is called the O________________.
MANAGING MYSELF Element: Setting and achieving personal goals Learning Outcome: Learn from my past actions and make changes if necessary My top 10 mistakes: When students have built up a certain amount of corrected work, they make a list of their 10 most common errors. Students compare lists in pairs and report back to class. List could be laminated and turned into a bookmark for use when doing a written task.
MANAGING MYSELF: Element: Being able to reflect on my learning Reflection Techniques that take just a few minutes at the end of class: • Turn to a partner and take turns sharing- ‘ The thing I learned today is…’/ ‘The skill I developed today is…’ • One minute reflection: Something I learned, a question I still have, something I’m not sure about.’ • Simple reflection worksheet (See pg. 15 Toolkit) • Include reflection section at end of every worksheet
MANAGING MYSELF Traffic Lighting: • Students use traffic light markers to label their work according to how well they understand a topic = good knowledge = partial knowledge = very little understanding • Students can then recognise areas of learning where they need to concentrate their efforts or where they may need help.
Managing myself toolkit also contains: • Tips on giving better feedback to students (changing from judgemental to informative)pg.20 • Self-assessment worksheet for written work pg. 31 • Assessing my group work skills worksheet pg. 32 • Peer assessment of a presentation pg.33
MANAGING INFORMATION AND THINKING • Element: Being curious • Create a supportive classroom ( it’s ok to be wrong, it’s good to ask questions, we like to explore ideas and not just take them at face value etc.) • Help students to consider different perspectives : -Walking Debate /The Value Continuum (decide-justify-debate. Offer students chance to adjust position!)
In the Hot Seat-Student in Hot Seat takes on role of character from fiction/history or person from another part of world facing a particular challenge. Student must answer questions from characters’ perspective
MANAGING INFORMATION AND THINKING • Element: Gathering, recording, organising and evaluating information/ Thinking critically • Fast reading techniques: Skimming and Scanning • Help students to evaluate the quality and source of website information -The WWW Technique: Who, What, When Can you trust the source? Publication date can affect accuracy Can you trust the information?
Mind map (a personal learning document and great revision tool)
Representing information in form of picture or poster • English: Picture to show imagery in poetry/ key moments in a story • CSPE/Science/Geography: Digital pictures to represent key concepts • Using images can generate lots of interest and idea - Google Images, istockphoto.com and online newspapers great for sourcing images
Tagxedo/Wordle Word clouds – great for Key Words
MANAGING INFORMATION AND THINKING • Element: Reflecting on and evaluating my own learning Self-evaluation-Monitoring my own progress
WORKING WITH OTHERS • Element: Developing good relationships and dealing with conflict • Agree a classroom charter or set of ground rules • See toolkit for: 5 tips for students giving each other written feedback 10 tips for successful group work pg.11 of toolkit Student checklist on ‘Reviewing my Working Together Skills’ Top Tip: When assigning individual roles, make sure students are aware of what their job is! Explain each role clearly.
WORKING WITH OTHERS • Elements: Co-operating & learning with others • Think, pair, share • Square • Brainstorming and snowballing • Co-operative reading-summarising pairs • Jigsaw Learning • Placemats • Students work in pairs/small groups to prepare worksheet for class & marking scheme
Jigsaw Learning • Step 1: Students arranged into groups, each group given subtopic & must become expert in it & agree how they are going to teach it to their classmates. • Step 2: Groups mixed and take turns teaching subtopic to each person in group.
Placemats • Form of collaborative learning that combines writing and dialogue • Ensures accountability and involvement of all students. • Small groups (3-4 students) working both alone and together around a single piece of paper. • Top tip: Use A3 size paper for group activities! • Teacher constructs task/question carefully. • Students work alone first and record ideas. • Students share ideas with group, these are recorded in the centre. • Sharing takes place between groups.
Different ways of designing placemats, depending on number of students in group:
WORKING WITH OTHERS Element: Respecting difference Practical classroom ideas pg.21 of Toolkit Examples: • Use differentiated teaching strategies • Try to create a culturally diverse learning environment through resources, images and classroom displays • Have a world map on the wall to remind us that we live in a global community • Display inspirational quotes/images of people from different cultures and backgrounds
Sharing expertise: • ICT • Interactive Methodologies (group work, debating, role play, drama) • AFL • Co-operative/Collaborative Learning • Other areas • Any other suggestions/ideas for committee? • Use e-mail to share resources
Evolution not revolution! • Best of luck & thank you!