Identity Theft Online Identity theft is becoming more and more common these days. All it takes is for someone to pull a good bit of info out of your mail or off of your accounts online and they have you. Mat Honan knows all about this, as on August 3rd 2011 he lost everything from his computer to his twitter account. The hackers knew Mat’s email address so they called the apple recovery team and asked for his password to be recovered. After receiving this information the hackers got into his icloud, google account, amazon account and then Mat’s twitter account. Mat lost his email account and twitter, the most devastating thing was the hackers wiped everything off of Mat’s iPad, iPhone and mac book, this could have been prevented as Mat didn’t have any of his data backed up. The main reason the hackers did this to Mat was because they wanted his twitter account to post racist and homophobic messages and to create havoc. So what can we learn from this? -Back up your data on your computers and other devices -Don’t use the same password for many online accounts -Turn off your remote wipe free on your icloud -Check how many accounts you have linked -Have strong and secure passwords for example not ABC123. References: - Honan, M. (2012). Hoe Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking. Retrieved fromhttp://www.wired.com/2012/08/apple-amazon-mat-honan-hacking/all/.