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The Salesian School Today. The Salesian School Today. The Salesian School Today. The Salesian School Today. Salesians in schools: a response to the needs of the young, of society, and of the Church.
Salesians in schools:a response to the needs of the young, of society, and of the Church.
As Salesians,we bring the legacy of St. John Bosco, the Father and Teacher of youth, to youth ministry in the privileged settingof the school.
Salesian school: striving for quality education.- Education, not just instruction. - Critical attention to culture. - Process-oriented methodology. - Youth-centered.
Salesian school: ensuring growth in the faith.- A growing faith-community. - In communion with the Church. - A witness to the Catholic faith. - Education in the faith within an environment of many religions and cultures. .
Salesian school: living the Salesian spirit and pedagogy.- Inspired by the oratory of Valdocco. - Educating by evangelizing, and evangelizing by educating.- Personal relationships as in a family.- All the aspects in the daily life and growth of the young.
Salesian school: fostering social involvement.- Preparing the young for life in society.- Hand in hand with other persons and groups in society.- Committed to the transformation of society.- Proposing an alternative lifestyle.
Salesian school: welcoming the poor.-Preference for those most in need.- Located in poorer localities.- Open to all, with no discrimination against those who are less-privileged.
The Educative-Pastoral Community (EPC) of the school:students, faculty members, non-teaching personnel, parents, administrators, SDBs—living and growing together!
Some important areas of growth for the educative-pastoral community1 – greater unity based on a common vision and shared values (Salesian ethos, or school / organizational culture).2 – closer relationships (in the school and with the families) based on trust and dialogue. 1. How do we foster the Salesian ethos or culture of the school?
3– educational professionalism through systematic procedures and ongoing formation programs.4 – greater involvement in the locality and in the Church. 2. How do we harmonize the Salesian family spirit and the need for quality management?
Some important structures in the EPC1. Rector: head of the SDB community and of the EPC. 3. How does the Rector fulfill his role in the school: (a) when he is also the Principal; (b) when there is an SDB principal; (c) when there is a lay principal; (d) when the school is managed completely by lay persons? EPC Animating Nucleus SDB
2. Coordinator of the spiritual program (catechist, spiritual moderator, campus ministry coordinator, pastoral animator). 3. Coordinator of the academic and technical programs (dean of studies, assistant principal).4. Coordinator of the co-curricular program (student affairs coordinator). 4.What organizational set-up best reflects the educative-pastoral (holistic or integral) character of the Salesian school?
5.EPC-Council (school council, governing board, management team) representing administrators, faculty, other personnel, students, parents: for consultation and decision-making. 5. How does the EPC-council relate with the other bodies in the school: board of trustees, local SDB-council, parents-teachers association, student council? 6. How do we foster greater participation and corresponsibility among the EPC-members?
The Salesian Educative-Pastoral Project (SEPP) of the school“our management tool, Salesian style!”the blueprint for institutional development (including curriculum and staff development)
1. Under the dimension of education and culture: a person-centered, value-based, and pedagogically sound curriculum.2. Under the dimension of evangelization and catechesis: a Gospel-based program that brings about the synthesis of faith and culture.
3. Under the dimension of vocation-orientation: programs for personal and career guidance.4. Under the dimension of group-experience: cooperative learning in the classroom and a variety of youth-groups.
The Salesian Educative-Pastoral ProjectOur instrument to guide (direct and motivate) and control (evaluate and recycle) the twofold process of growth:(1) the building up and growth of our school-community,(2) the benchmarking of our ministry on behalf of the young.
7. What culture do we uphold and transmit in our Salesian school? In the multi-cultural context of today? 8. What does evangelization mean in our Salesian school? In the pluri-religious context of today?
9. How do we draw up and implement the SEPP in the Salesian school (the process, the participants, the framework)? - Also: when the SDB community is entrusted with other Salesian settings such as a parish, training center, and youth center? - Also: when the school is managed by lay persons?