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What is CEDS?

What is CEDS? . What is CEDS?. A national collaborative effort to develop voluntary , common data standards for a key set of education data elements. A vocabulary including standard definitions, option sets & technical specifications to streamline sharing and comparing.

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What is CEDS?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What isCEDS?

  2. What is CEDS? • A national collaborative effort to develop voluntary, commondata standards for a key set of education data elements • A vocabularyincluding standard definitions, option sets & technical specifications to streamline sharing and comparing Voluntary Common Vocabulary

  3. Why do we need CEDS? Accurate, timely, and consistent data to inform decisionmaking Share & compare high quality data within & across P-20 sectors

  4. is Not: CEDS Required All or nothing A data collection An implementation Solely an ED undertaking A federal unit record system

  5. CEDS:How &Who?

  6. How do we get it done? • Assemble stakeholders representing the field • Use existing sources of standards • Check alignment with the field • Review ideas with the public • Model elements • Place in tools • Release

  7. CEDS v2 Stakeholders (1 of 2) • State Agencies • State Education Agencies • State Higher Education Agencies • Social Services Agencies • Local Education Agencies • K12 • Head Start • Social Services • Institutions of Higher Education • Public • Private • Community Colleges

  8. CEDS v2 Stakeholders (2 of 2) • U.S. Department of Education • NCES (SLDS, IPEDS) • EDFacts • Office of Educ. Technology • U.S. Health and Human Services • U.S. Department of Labor • Interoperability Standard Organizations • Education Associations • Foundations • Financial Student Aid • Office of the Undersecretary • Special Education

  9. UsingCEDS

  10. Using CEDS • What does CEDS provide? • Viewing the Elements • Exploring the Data Model • Using the Alignment Tool • A look ahead: Use Case Generator

  11. Standard Information: The Basics Element Definition Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity Option set Yes No NotSelected Domain K12 Entity K12 Student Related Use Cases

  12. CEDS LogicalData Model Comprised of 2 distinct views: • Domain Entity Schema (DES) • A hierarchy of domains, entities, attribute categories, and attributes organizing and assigning elements to specific entities • Used primarily by people as an index to search, map, and organize elements • Normalized Data Schema (NDS) • The NDS Logical Model provides a standard framework for integration of P-20 data systems through a well-normalized “operational data store” • NDS factors the entities and attributes of the DES with standard technical syntax and 3rd normal form

  13. CEDS Domain Entity Schema (DES)

  14. CEDS NDS Conceptual Model Time Roles Organizations People Learning Process

  15. Key Concept: Organization Directory All can be represented as Organizations

  16. Key Concept: Roles All can be represented as Roles

  17. CEDS Logical Model (NDS): High Level

  18. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

  19. CEDS Alignment Tool Web-based tool that allows users to: • Import or input their data dictionaries • Aligntheir data to CEDS • Comparethemselves with others • Analyzetheir data in relation to various other CEDS-aligned efforts

  20. CEDS Use Case Generator Tool Builds on the CEDS Alignment Tool and allows stakeholders to: • Generate specificandrelevantmaps to a growing pool of CEDS aligned use cases

  21. Alignment Exercise A=B A,B,C=T A=4,Z A=A A=X

  22. Alignment Exercise Z=B X,4,Z=T Z=4,Z A=Z Z=Z Z=X









  31. 1. CEDS Elements provide a • common vocabulary.2.A Data Modeloffers a • framework for development.3.TheAlignment Tool • helps users align & compare. RECAP

  32. For more information, visit: http://ceds.ed.gov

  33. Contact Information: • Beth Young, QIP bethyoung@qi-partners.com • Jim Campbell, AEM jim.campbell@aemcorp.com • Nancy Copa, AEM Nancy.copa@aemcorp.com

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