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Viscosity and its Effects on Flow Rate, Cohesion, and Adhesion

This Jeopardy game covers various topics related to viscosity, flow rate, cohesion, and adhesion. Learn about the properties of fluids, their resistance to flow, and the effects of temperature on viscosity. Explore the concepts of cohesion and adhesion and how they relate to surface tension. Test your knowledge with these interactive questions!

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Viscosity and its Effects on Flow Rate, Cohesion, and Adhesion

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  1. Jeopardy Surface tension Viscosity Flow Rate Cohesion Adhesion Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Viscosity The property of a fluid describing its thinness or thickness; The resistance of a fluid to flow

  3. $100 Answer from Viscosity What is viscosity

  4. $200 Question from Viscosity A crystal that, when added to a fluid, can (but not always) change its viscosity

  5. $200 Answer from Viscosity What is sugar

  6. $300 Question from Viscosity Causes the particles of liquids to move closer together, become very stiff and resistant to flow

  7. $300 Answer from Viscosity What is the effect of cold temperature on liquids

  8. $400 Question from Viscosity Causes particles to move further apart, causing less friction and causing the viscosity to decrease

  9. $400 Answer from Viscosity What is the effect of heat on a liquid

  10. $500 Question from Viscosity A fluid that flooded Boston in 1919 due to the unusual heat of January and the increase of particle movement.

  11. $500 Answer from Viscosity What is molasses

  12. $100 Question from Flow Rate The speed which a fluid moves from one point to another

  13. $100 Answer from Flow Rate What is flow rate.

  14. $200 Question from Flow Rate An effect that can temporarily slow the flow rate of a liquid by causing the particles to move closer together.

  15. $200 Answer from Flow Rate What is the effect of cold on a liquid

  16. $300 Question from Flow Rate The higher the viscosity, the lower the rate of flow

  17. $300 Answer from Flow Rate What is the relationship between viscosity and flow rate

  18. $400 Question from Flow Rate The particles move faster, creating more collision and friction. The flow rate decreases.

  19. $400 Answer from Flow Rate What is the effect of heat on gas

  20. $500 Question from Flow Rate A liquid that has one of the slowest flow rates of common cooking ingredients Has high viscosity and low flow rate.

  21. $500 Answer from Flow Rate What is corn syrup

  22. $100 Question from Cohesion Refers to the strength with which the particles of an object or fluid attract each other

  23. $100 Answer from Cohesion What is cohesion

  24. $200 Question from Cohesion The more viscous a liquid is, the more cohesion it will show

  25. $200 Answer from Cohesion What is the relationship between cohesion and viscosity

  26. $300 Question from Cohesion

  27. $300 Answer from Cohesion What is the cohesiveness of water

  28. $400 Question from Cohesion It forms a thin membrane on the surface because the water molecules attract each other on the surface.

  29. $400 Answer from Cohesion What is cohesion of the surface of water

  30. $500 Question from Cohesion One is the attraction or joining of two different fluids or objects to each other. The other refers to the strength with which the particles of an object or fluid attract each other.

  31. $500 Answer from Cohesion What is the difference between adhesion and cohesion

  32. $100 Question from Adhesion The attraction or joining of two different objects or fluids to each other

  33. $100 Answer from Adhesion What is adhesion

  34. $200 Question from Adhesion When one end of each molecule is slightly positive and the other end is slightly negative

  35. $200 Answer from Adhesion What is polarity

  36. $300 Question from Adhesion When one cell binds to another surface or cell

  37. $300 Answer from Adhesion What is cell adhesion

  38. $400 Question from Adhesion Particles of water clinging to another surface which is both an example of adhesion and cohesion

  39. $400 Answer from Adhesion What is a water drop clinging to another surface

  40. $500 Question from Adhesion Becomes a process which moves water up a tree

  41. $500 Answer from Adhesion What is adhesion and cohesion combined

  42. $100 Question from Surface Tension A property of a liquid in which the surface Of the liquid act like a thin skin or membrane

  43. $100 Answer from Surface Tension What is surface tension

  44. $200 Question from Surface Tension A stretchable toy that is comparable to surface tension

  45. $200 Answer from Surface Tension What is a trampoline

  46. $300 Question from Surface Tension A small bug that walks on water using surface tension that has specially adapted legs to walk on water.

  47. $300 Answer from Surface Tension What is a water strider

  48. $400 Question from Surface Tension Type of cleaner that breakes surface tension

  49. $400 Answer from Surface Tension What is soap

  50. $500 Question from Surface Tension A metal object that is able to float on water due to surface tension even though it has higher density than water.

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