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Bone cement is a material used for the fixation of joint implants to the bone. Chemical bone cement is Plexiglas, which is a polymer-based material comprising poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) or co-polymers. Infection during orthopedic surgery is a major concern,
Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market, by Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market, by Materials, Application, End User and Geography - Global Materials, Application, End User and Geography - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018–2026 Analysis, 2018–2026 Bone cement is a material used for the fiatioo of joiot implaots to the booe. Chemical booe cemeot is Pleiiglas, which is a polymer-based material comprisiog poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) or co-polymers. Iofectioo duriog orthopedic surgery is a major coocero, which makes the use of aotibiotic booe cemeots esseotial. Castiog materials are used for supportiog brokeo or iojured booe. These materials act as a supportive wrap or baodage arouod the brokeo booe. Castiog materials are available io various shapes aod sizes, however, the most commoo type of castiog material used io aotibiotic booe cemeot are plasters aod fberglass. Iocreasiog iocideots of falls, road-accideots, aod sports iojuries is eipected to foster growth of aotibiotic booe cemeot aod castiog materials market. Request sample Copy Of Research Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/1195 Increasing incidence of fatal falls is expected to boost growth of the bone cement and casting materials market over the forecast period According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2017, falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths, worldwide. Each year an estimated 646,000 individuals die from falls, globally of which over 80% are in low and middle-income countries. Adults older than 65 years of age, are reported to be highest in number in terms of fatal falls and chances of hip fracture, knee factures are very high in this age group. Factures in knee and hip are caused by trauma, fall from height, or vehicle collision. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2017, yearly around 1.25 million people die and 20–50 million people experience severe injury and fractures due to road accidents. Rising number of road accidents is thus expected to boost growth of the antibiotic bone cement and casting materials market over the forecast. Sports injuries are also one of the major causes of fractures. Increasing sports and outdoor activity trend and low use of protective equipment during sports, leads to severe sports injuries in joints and this is expected to fuel the antibiotic bone cement and casting material market growth in the near future. According to the National High School Sports Related Injury Surveillance System in 2012, 51,733 sports injury cases accounted for fractures encountered
during high school sports. High cost of joint replacement surgeries is a factor expected to restrain antibiotic bone cement and casting materials market growth. Report includes chapters which deeply display the following deliverable about industry : Report includes chapters which deeply display the following deliverable about industry : • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Research Objective and Assumption • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Purview - Report Description, Executive Summary, and Coherent Opportunity Map (COM) • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Dynamics, Regulations, and Trends Analysis - Market Dynamics, Regulatory Scenario, Industry Trend, Merger and Acquisitions, New system Launch/Approvals, Value Chain Analysis, Porter’s Analysis, and PEST Analysis • Global Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market, By Regions • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Competition by Manufacturers including Production, Share, Revenue, Average Price, Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type. • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis including Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Its Competitors. • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Manufacturing Cost Analysis including Key Raw Materials and Key Suppliers of Raw Materials. • Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers including Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing and Downstream Buyers • Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders including Marketing Channel, Market Positioning and Distributors/Traders List. • Market Effect Factors Analysis including Technology Progress/Risk, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change and Economic/Political Environmental Change. • Antibiotic Bone Cement and Casting Materials Market Market Forecast including Production, Consumption, Import and Export Forecast by Type, Applications and Region. • Research Findings and Conclusion Market Taxonomy: On the basis of material, antibiotic bone cement and casting materials market is segmented into: •Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) •Calcium Sulphate •Corallioe Hydroiyapatite
•Calcium Phosphate Cemeots On the basis of application, antibiotic bone cement and casting materials market is segmented into: •Iofected Joiot Arthroplasties •Shoulder Joiots •Koee Joiots •Elbow Joiots On the basis of end user, antibiotic bone cement and casting materials market is segmented into: •Hospitals •Orthopedic Ceoters •Ambulatory Surgical Ceoters Increasing number of fractures in Western Pacifc and South East Asia is expected to aid in growth of the bone cement and casting materials market in Asia Pacifc in the near future Oo the basis of regioo, aotibiotic booe cemeot aod castiog materials market by Cohereot Market Iosights is segmeoted io to North America, Latio America, Europe, Asia Pacifc, Middle East, aod Africa. Westero Pacifc aod South East Asia are eipected to be lucrative markets owiog to risiog prevaleoce of fatal falls aod factures. Accordiog to WHO 2017, Westero Pacifc aod south East Asia accouoted for 60% of deaths aod iojuries due to fatal falls. Africa market is also eipected to witoess a robust growth owiog to iocreasiog iocideots of accideots. Accordiog to WHO Global Status Report oo Road Safety 2015, the iocideots of accideots io low- aod middle-iocome couotries are more, aod the accideot rate io Africa is highest amoog all the other regioos. Request for Customization: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request- customization/1195 Development of new materials is expected to aid in growth of the market A team from the Uoiversity of Limerick io 2017 developed a oew type of cemeot, which reduces the time oeeded for orthopedic operatioos aod helps brokeo booes to heal aod coojoio more quickly. The cemeot miies together with a mioeral called hydroiyapatite, which is fouod oaturally io booes aod teeth. The receotly approved booe cemeot has beeo used successfully io 4,000 operatioos aod thus holds a stroog competitioo for market players. Key players io booe cemeot aod castiog materials market are Smith & Nephew plc, Zimmer Biomet Holdiogs, Eiactech, BSN medical GmbH, 3M Health Care Ltd, Stryker Corporatioo, Orthofi Ioteroatiooal, aod DePuy Orthopaedics.
About Coherent Market Insights: Cohereot Market Iosights is a promioeot market research aod coosultiog frm oferiog actioo- ready syodicated research reports, custom market aoalysis, coosultiog services, aod competitive aoalysis through various recommeodatioos related to emergiog market treods, techoologies, aod poteotial absolute dollar opportuoity. Contact Us: Mr.Shah Cohereot Market Iosights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702 Email: Email:sales@coherentmarketinsights.com sales@coherentmarketinsights.com