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Lecture 15 Magnetism: Magnetic materials. Introduction
Introduction If certain materials are introduced into the region near a circuit then the self-inductance of that circuit is found to change. This is similar to the effect of a dielectric on a capacitor and the treatment of magnetic materials follows very closely the treatment of dielectrics covered in Lectures 7 and 8. In magnetic materials the observed effects are due to the influence of the magnetic field on the magnetic dipoles in the material.
Definition of relative permeability The self-inductance of a circuit in vacuo is L0. When all the region in which a magnetic field is present is filled with a given material the self-inductance changes to a new value Lm. The relative permeability r of the material is defined as r=Lm/L0
Because the magnetic flux =LI this flux changes as does the average magnetic field defined as B r=m/0=Bm/B0 I=constant
Unlike r for dielectrics which always has a value >1 (r-1>0) some magnetic materials (diamagnetic ones) have r-1<0 and some (ferromagnetic ones) have a r which is highly non-linear (a function of the B-field) and is dependent upon the previous history of the material (exhibits hysteresis). In the following treatment we will assume that our magnetic materials are LIH (linear, isotropic and homogeneous) ones although in practice this is often a less reasonable assumption than for dielectrics.
Magnetisation and surface (Amperian) currents In a similar manner to the definition of polarisation P for a dielectric we define a magnetisation M for a magnetic material. Each small volume d of a magnetised material will possess a magnetic dipole moment dm. The magnetisation is defined as the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume M=dm/dThe unit of M is Am-1
We can visualise each dipole in the material as resulting from the flow of current around a small loop. If all these loops (dipoles) are identical then the currents at the interfaces between adjacent elements cancel and only at the surface of the material is there a net current.
The effects of the magnetic dipoles within the material may be modelled by surface currents, or surface current densities, known as Amperian currents. These Amperian currents are similar in effect to the surface polarisation charges that were introduced to explain the behaviour of dielectrics.
Relationship between M and surface current density Js Consider a small element of the magnetised material in the form of a cylinder of cross-section dSand length dl. The magnetic dipole moment of this element MdSdlfollows from the above definition of the magnetisation.
The equivalent surface current density is Jsso that the total surface current is Jsdl. This results in a magnetic dipole moment (= current x area of circuit) of JsdldS. As the two definitions of the dipole moment must be equal we must have M=Js.
If the surface is not parallel to M then this result is slightly modified. If M is not uniform then the currents on adjacent loops within the material do not cancel and it is necessary to also consider a volume Amperian current.
B-fields in magnetic materials A magnetic field B0 is produced in some region of free space by an arbitrary conduction current or currents. A magnetic material is now introduced into this region of space and becomes magnetised. Within the material an additional field Bm is produced which results from the existence of the Amperian surface current Js.
The total B-field is now the sum of the original plus the new field B=B0+Bm
Ampère’s circuital law in the presence of magnetic materials In free space we have This equation is still valid in the presence of magnetic materials except that B is now the total field and I must include both conduction IC and Amperian IM currents
After some manipulation this result gives the modified form of the circuital law in the presence of magnetic materials.
The H-field Because the quantity B/0-M occurs quite often it is given a special name ‘magnetic field strength’ or H-field, symbol H. units Am-1
The circuital law for H is (from (A)) • from which the differential form may be derived • H=Jc • all currents (conduction and Amperian) may contribute to B but only conduction currents may contribute to H. H is the analogue of the displacement field D in electrostatics.
In the absence of any magnetic materials M=0 and hence from (B) H=B/0. In any situation H is given by the corresponding formula for B divided by 0. For example for an infinitely long wire • Because H can only arise from conduction currents these equations are also valid in the presence of magnetic materials.
Magnetic susceptibility and permeability • The magnetic susceptibility mat a given point is defined as • M=mH • ButB=0(H+M)= 0(1+m)H • Hence in the absence of magnetic materials B=0H and in the presence of magnetic materials B=0(1+m)H. As H remains constant B must change by a factor (1+m) but this is also the definition of r and so we have • r=1+m(Definition of r)
Worked Example An infinitely long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and carries a current of 2A Calculate the conduction surface current density Jc and the field produced within the solenoid. The solenoid is now filled with a material having r=100. Calculate the B-field within the solenoid and the Amperian surface current density Js. What is the value of the magnetic field strength (H-field) and magnetisation (M) for the above two cases?
The equationB=0is unmodified in the presence of magnetic materials as there are still no magnetic monopoles. • However becauseB=0(H+M) • B=0=0(H+M) H=-M • So sources ofHare possible which must also be sinks ofM.
Boundary conditions for B and H At a boundary between two different magnetic materials there may be both a surface conduction current Jc and an Amperian surface current Js.
Cylindrical Gaussian surface for the B-field. Height of cylinder can be made infinitesimally small only the flux through the ends of the cylinder need be considered. • Applying • B1n-B2n=Bn=0 • Where B1n and B2n are the normal components of the B-fields • Hence across any surface the normal component of B is continuous.
For H we consider the loop of length dL and of infinitesimal height From (H1t-H2t)dL=HtdL=IcHt=Ic/dL=Jc The tangential component of H is discontinuous by Jc (the conduction surface current density) across any interface.
Magnetic energy in the presence of magnetic materials The magnetic energy stored by an inductor is (1/2)LI2. Consider a solenoid which is filled with a magnetic material of relative permeability r. We have L=A0rn2l and B=0rnI Where A is the area of the solenoid, l is its length and n is the number of turns per unit length.
Using the previous two equations to substitute for L and I in the equation for the magnetic energy where the final term follows from B=0rH.
This result can be interpreted in terms of an energy density multiplied by a volume. This result for the energy density can be shown to be a general one • Magnetic energy density = • If B and H are not parallel then this result must be written in the form • These equations reduce to (1/2)0B2 in the absence of magnetic materials.
In the presence of dielectrics we found that the electrical energy density was given by • Electrical energy density =
Conclusions • Definition of relative permeability (r) • LIH magnetic materials • Magnetisation (M) and surface (Amperian) currents (Js) – relationship between these • B-fields in magnetic materials • Ampère’s circuital law in the presence of magnetic materials • Magnetic field strength – H-field • Circuital law for H • Magnetic susceptibility and permeability r=1+m • Boundary conditions for B and H • Magnetic energy in the presence of magnetic materials