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DOCVIEWER. EPP | 10 th December 2009 | IKARUPROJECTS. Agenda. Introduction Recap Architecture Project Management Reflections. Introduction. Client Bharat Gorantla Mentor Phil Bianco Team iGreen Sai Sharan Donthi Vignesh Murugesan Vikram Subramanian. Project Overview.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DOCVIEWER EPP | 10th December 2009 | IKARUPROJECTS

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Recap • Architecture • Project Management • Reflections Team iGreen

  3. Introduction • Client • Bharat Gorantla • Mentor • Phil Bianco • Team iGreen • Sai Sharan Donthi • Vignesh Murugesan • Vikram Subramanian Team iGreen

  4. Project Overview Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Open Office, ?? Internet PDF PPT DOC ODT Learner Teacher Data Transfer Team iGreen

  5. Context Diagram Web Application Viewer Converter Legend Developed by Team iGreen Client Application Uses Team iGreen

  6. Recap– Summer of ‘09 • SOW, SRS, QAW • Scope • Clarity between technical constraints and QA’s. • Extreme Programming • Spike Solutions • Test Driven Development • Earned Value Planning and Tracking Team iGreen

  7. Goals – Fall ‘09 • Pair Comparison for Iteration 2 • Pair Programming • Focus on quality assurance • Deliver the must have requirements • Convertors for Word (doc, docx), PowerPoint (ppt, pptx) • Viewer component • Smiling customer , Happy mentor and Cohesive team Team iGreen

  8. Project Deliverables ZOOM Pagination Delivered Converter Viewer Full-screen Search ‘Must ‘ve’s Team iGreen

  9. Accomplishments • <Demo comes here> Team iGreen

  10. SDLC & Process • Project Characteristics • Frequent delivery & continuous client interaction • Short span of the project • Small Team • Possibility of changes in requirements • Selected Agile Life Cycle Model. • Extreme Programming • Suits the project characteristics as per “Choosing your weapon wisely” Team iGreen

  11. Project Plan Team iGreen

  12. Planning And Estimation data • Planning Data • Available Number of Hours : • Number of hours planned for : • Number of hours kept in Buffer : • Number of iterations : • 3 Iterations for ‘Must have’s and 1 Iteration for ‘Nice to have’ Team iGreen

  13. Reflections – Project Plan • Underestimated the selection of ‘Converters’ • Revised plan twice to accommodate more time for identifying converters Team iGreen

  14. CPV Vs. EV and Actual Effort Deployment Iteration 4 Iteration 3 Iteration 2 Iteration 1 SAD Planned SRS SOW ITR - 1 Achieved Iteration 1 SRS & SOW SAD Weeks Team iGreen

  15. Iteration 1 EV Analysis Value Achieved! • Backlog: • Task1 • Task2 • Task3 • Task4 • . • . • . Team iGreen

  16. Reflections - Tracking Team iGreen

  17. Converter - P O C s Team iGreen

  18. Design – DocViewer Viewer • What worked? Team iGreen

  19. What we Gave? Team iGreen

  20. Team issues :How did we resolve? Team iGreen

  21. Feedback – Client and Mentor Team iGreen

  22. Reflections And Learnings •  - Satisfactory |  - Went well |  - Didn’t go well Team iGreen

  23. Reflections •  - Satisfactory |  - Went well |  - Didn’t go well Team iGreen

  24. Reflections - Experts Team iGreen

  25. Next Step • Pair Comparison for Iteration 2 • Pair Programming • Focus on quality assurance • Smiling customer , Happy mentor and Cohesive team Team iGreen

  26. Client Feedback 1- Can Improve 2-Matched Expectations 3-Exceeded Expectations Team iGreen

  27. Thank You Team iGreen

  28. Back Up Slides Back Up Slides Team iGreen

  29. Architecture Team iGreen

  30. Document Formats • Adobe PDF • Microsoft Word – doc & docx • Microsoft Powerpoint – ppt & pptx • Open Office Text Document - .odt & .sxw • Open Office Presentation - .odp & .sxi • Adobe Postscript • Microsoft Excel • Open Office Spreadsheet • Plain Text • Rich Text Format Team iGreen

  31. Functional Requirements & QAs Performance – Priority 1 A 2MB File should be converted within 10 seconds Converter Extensibility – Priority 2 A newly developed document converter should be integrated in to the converter component within 40 person days . Team iGreen

  32. Constraints • Technical • Should be provided as an API to hook in to the client web application. • Should be developed using Java. • Business • Should be developed only using open source tools. • Should be developed in two semesters. Team iGreen

  33. C&C View Team iGreen

  34. C&C View Team iGreen

  35. Requirements Team iGreen

  36. Tracking Process • Earned Value Tracking • Granularized Tasks | Effort | Value • Planned Value Baseline • Effort Available | Features | Iterations • Weekly Tracking and Backlog list • Planned Value Baseline | Earned Value for 2 weeks • Example : Once upon a time…in the next slide • Tracking helped us! • Backlog List | Allocation | Time box Team iGreen

  37. Requirements Engineering • Requirements Development • Functional User Quality Attributes Technical • Business • Requirements Analysis • Prioritization of • Features Quality Attributes • Must Haves and Nice to Haves • Requirements Specification • IEEE SRS Format • Use cases for functional requirements • 6 part scenario documentation for quality attributes Team iGreen

  38. Requirements • Functional Requirements – 13 • Business Constraints - 2 • Technical Constraints – 2 • Quality Attributes Team iGreen

  39. Functional Requirements • Functional • Support multiple formats • Convert document from source to target format • Layout of should be similar to any other reader Team iGreen

  40. User Requirements • User Requirements • Full Screen and Regular Modes • Search Text • Highlight Text • Copy Text • Pagination • Zoom • Save Original Document • Print Document • View Meta Data of the project • Embed Link Team iGreen

  41. Iterations and Features Team iGreen

  42. Reflections -Requirements • Quality Attributes  • Client was familiar with Quality Attribute Workshop, so we could directly start from • Business Goals • Scenario Brainstorming • Scenario Consolidation, Prioritization and Refinement • Identifying the system boundary and scope. • Clarity between technical constraints and quality attributes •  - Satisfactory |  - Went well |  - Didn’t go well Team iGreen

  43. Process Matrix Team iGreen

  44. Process Team iGreen

  45. Architecture Design Process Gather Architectural Drivers Identify Notional Architecture Apply ADD and Refine Architecture Develop Run-Time, Static and Allocation views Review Architecture Legend Activities Control Flow Team iGreen

  46. Module & Package View Team iGreen

  47. Allocation View Team iGreen

  48. Implementation • Low – Level Design • Test Driven Development Team iGreen

  49. Project Management • People • Project Plan • Tracking and Revising Plan • Risk Management • Reflections Team iGreen

  50. People • Team iGreen is self-organized • Roles and Responsibilities • Roles - SAI | VIGNESH | VIKRAM – No Team Leader • Single role and multiple responsibilities • Cross Functionality and Team Work • Review Processes • Artifact is baselined with one round of Internal Review • Code | Unit tested | Peer Reviewed | Team Code Review Team iGreen

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