表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對於老化老鼠血液流變異常之改善評估表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對於老化老鼠血液流變異常之改善評估 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯(Epigallocatechin-3-gallate,EGCG)是綠茶中最豐富的兒茶素,同時在動物模型中具有顯著的抗氧化能力。在本研究中, 我們選擇了自然老化24個月大的天竺鼠做為動物實驗模型,分別以10、20、30 mg/kg/day EGCG (分別是實驗組A、B、C) 餵養28 天後,來探討EGCG對於老化天竺鼠異常血液流變值的效用。結果顯示,對於經口服用EGCG 10mg/kg/day二十八天的天竺鼠(A組)的血液流變參數與控制群D比較(EGCG 0mg/kg/day),並沒有明顯的變化。但是,當EGCG的量到達20mg/kg/day(B組),雖然在他們的紅血球聚集度、血液黏度和血液黏彈性上仍沒有顯著的差異,但是紅血球膜的MDA值開始顯著減少(p<0.05),似乎表示了紅血球變形度的上升和紅血球流抗阻力的減少。而且,在給予老化天竺鼠EGCG 30mg/kg/day (高劑量)後,不論是血液黏度、血液黏彈性、紅血球聚集或紅血球變形度等血液流變參數,都有明顯的改善。
Improving Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Hemorheological abnormality in Aging Guinea Pigs • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant catechin in green tea, has been shown to have pronounced anti-oxidative activity in animal models. In our study, we selected 24 months old aging guinea pigs as the experimental model, fed with diet containing 10, 20 and 30mg/kg/day of EGCG (experimental groups A, B, and C) for 28 days, respectively, in order to investigate the effects of EGCG on the abnormal hemorheological parameters of the aging guinea pigs.The results showed that blood biochemical parameters of the aging guinea pigs remained unaffected by orally given EGCG for 28 days compared to the controls groups D ( 0mg/kg/day of EGCG). The hemorheological results indicate that aging guinea pigs fed with low dose of EGCG (10mg/kg/day) did not have significant changes in hemorheological parameters compared with the control group. However, as the EGCG content reached to 20mg/kg/day, though there were still no prominent alteration in their erythrocyte aggregation, blood viscosity and blood viscoelasticity, but, the erythrocyte membrane MDA levels of aging guinea pigs started to exhibit significantly reduced (P<0.05) that seems to be responsible for the rise in erythrocyte deformability and the reduction in erythrocyte flow resistance. Moreover, the feeding of EGCG at 30mg/kg/day (high dose), significantly improved most of abnormal hemorheological parameters whether blood viscosity, blood viscoelaticity, erythrocyte aggregation or erythrocyte deformability