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Il progetto SPES: un acceleratore di fasci radioattivi a Legnaro. per informazioni ulteriori. http://www.lnl.infn.it/~spes/TDR2008/executive_summary_2008.pdf. Research with exotic nuclei (extreme N/Z ratio). Nuclear-Structure Physics Nuclear Astrophysics Fundamental Interactions
Il progetto SPES: un acceleratore di fasci radioattivi a Legnaro per informazioni ulteriori http://www.lnl.infn.it/~spes/TDR2008/executive_summary_2008.pdf
Research with exotic nuclei (extreme N/Z ratio) Nuclear-Structure Physics Nuclear Astrophysics Fundamental Interactions Applications • What are the limits for existence of nuclei? • How do weak binding and extreme proton-neutron asymmetry • affect nuclear properties? • How to built complex nuclei from their basic constituents? • What is the origin of the elements? • ....
Radioactive Beams Physics Neutron-rich beams
Origin of the elements heavier than iron Element formation beyond iron involve rapid neutron capture and radioactive decay Despite many years of intensive effort, the r-process site and the astrophysical conditions continues to be an open question.
Shell evolution Element formation in r-process: quenching of shell-structure? Pfeiffer et al., Z. Phys. A357 (1997) 235 Experimenlal Signatures: Energies of the excited levels Nucleon Separation energies Transition matrix elements
Neutron-rich matter and neutron skins New Density Distributions Lead Nucleus 10 fm skin Neutron Star crust 10 km Both neutron skin and neutron star crust are made out of neutron rich matter at similar densities.
SPES -RIB facility Fission fragments 238U (UCx) Experiments 1013 f/s RIB INTENSITY: 107-109 rare ions/s on the experimental target Neutron Rich Isotopes A: 80-160 A Mid-term ISOL Facilityfor the production of n-rich beams by the fission of Uranium target
Neutron Facility: BNCT – LENOS Thermal neutrons 109 n cm-2 s-1 Fast neutrons 1014 n s-1 TRASCO RFQ: protons 5MeV 25mA Direct Target 1013 f s-1 Mass Separator (on HV platform 250KV) Charge Breeder (200KW) installed over HV platform (250KV) Cyclotron: protons 70 MeV 0.75mA Cryopanel High Resolution Mass Selector 1/20000 SC RFQ PIAVE SC Linac ALPI General SPES layout
The SPES main components 3 2 1 - Driver 2 - Target-Ion Source 3 - Beam Transport-Selection 1 Cyclotron 70 MeV protons 750 mA 4 Direct target, UCx disks, 1013 fissions/sec Surface Ion Source ,FEBIAD and RILIS Ion sources 3 5 4 - Charge Breeder 5 - Reaccelerator ECR charge breeder 132Sn26+ High-resolution mass spectrometer 1/20000 the present, PIAVE-ALPI accelerator with improved performances
The driver cyclotron • IBA C70 characteristics: • Diameter < 4m • Weight > 120t • Magnetic Gap: 30mm • Magnetic field: 1.55T • Extraction Radius: 1.2m • 2 exit ports SPES design • Particles: H- / D- / He2+/ HH+ • VariableEnergy : 15 MeV 70 MeV • extraction Systems: • Stripper H- / D- • Deflector He2+/ HH+ • Performances: • 750µA H- 70MeV : • 35µA He2+ 70MeV IBA C70 cyclotron
Dump: graphite Target: UCx (30gr) SPES target UCx disks 4cm dia Total wheight 30gr 1013 fissions/sec Proton Beam 200mA 40 MeV 8kW Exotic beam: 1+ Fission efficiency 100p per 1.5 Fission Fragments Power density in UCx = 70W/gr UCx discs Graphite container Tantalum Heather Basic ideas: - MULTIPLE UCX SLICES: increase the surface radiation area (P=ε·σ·S· T4Stefan-Boltzmann law) - GRAPHITE DUMP: stops protons with low fission rate & high stopping power value
SPES Target Activities • Sub-TASK1: Mechanical Development • Thermo-Mechanical Calculation • Handling Calculation • CAD mechanical drawings • Development of target prototypes • - Front- end & new devices • Sub-TASK2: Material Development • Carbide productions • Carbide characterizations • New porous material • - New characterization methods LaC pellets: Final SPES dimension Sub-TASK3: Ion Source Development - Laser tests at Pavia lab
Surface ionization Laser ionization laser Ion Atom Ion Atom continuum Hot surface Ionization energy continuum Excited states < 9 - 10 eV Hot surface Work function Ionization energy < 5-6 eV Ground state Conductive band Ground state Fermi energy Ground state The SPES IonSources Ionization schema with a Surface ionizer coupled to a Laser beam Laser beam
Radiation protection FLUKA simulations Ambient dose equivalent [mSv/h] in the target hall and shielding walls around. Protons 70MeV 300 mA on UCx target horizontal UCx tantalum vertical LNL Radiation Prot. Serv. L. Sarchiapone, D. Zafiropoulos
Radioactive Ion Beam transport lines 20 m TIS – RF Cooler - WienFilter (60kV extraction + 200kV platform) CBMS 1/2500 Charge Breeder (HVplatform 250kV) HRMS 1/20000 8 m 15 m cryopanel 43 m
High Resolution Mass Separator Comparison of the main parameters of the EXCYT and the SPES mass spectrometer. SPES HRMS design Second stage of the EXCYT isobaric mass separator
PIAVE upgrade for SPES - new bunching section - new diagnostics - new cryostats Nb/ Cu spattered cavities or bulk Nb cavities ALPI superconductive Linac up-grade:Low Beta cavities Stronger Magnetic lenses
The SPES neutron Facility 6/6 modules machined RFQ1 and RFQ2 brazed and accepted RFQ3 first brazing performed All modules brazed within 2008 TRIPS source: 30-50mA protons Neutron production based on High Intensity proton beam Installed and in operation at LNL TRASCO RFQ: 5 MeV High Intensity proton accelerator > 30mA (150kW beam power)
187 cm LiF (2.5 cm) BeO D2O 171 cm Pb BeD2 Bi LiF (1 cm) 156.5 cm SPES-BNCT project 0.84 MeV 7Li* Neutron production reaction: 30mA, 5MeV p + Be γ 11B 0.48 MeV (94% events) 10B 11B n 4He 1.47 MeV Conversion target (Beryllium) Proton beam: 5MeV 30mA Exit port 109 n cm-2s-1 Be target after test at 150 KW Excellent thermal neutron beam Low gamma field
Fascio protoni 30-50 mA Degradatore di Energia Selettore di fascio Filtro di Wien Bersaglio in studio Bersaglio di litio ~5% fascio primario ~ 2mA Possibile produzione bersaglio con fascio SPES Spettro neutroni stellari 1010 n/s·cm2 The LENOS facility An irradiation facility to fulfill the increasing demand of high-flux neutron beams, meeting the needs of a large National and International community for studies related to several Interdisciplinary fields, from Astrophysics to bio-medicine, from development of new detectors and electronics to material research. Neutron production: 7Li(p,n) • ¤ Activation Facility (cw beam: I = 30mA) • n energy range = 1-300 keV • astrophysics interest (sTOT -> MACS) • - neutron flux ~ 1010 n/s·cm2 • - small radioactive samples: 1015 atoms/cm2 • -> implantation of SPES RIBs (2 weeks) Pierfrancesco Mastinu
SPES project organization Advisory Committee Management board Project Leader: G.Prete Technical Coordinator: A.Pisent Scientific Coordinator: A.Covello Qualified Expert: D.Zafiropoulos Task Leaders Project manager LNL Director: G.Puglierin LNS Director: M.Lattuada Steering Committee La Rana, Pirrone, Colonna, Million, Bruno, Lunardi, Corradi, Casini, Cuttone, Alba SPES Working Group Safety & Control, Infrastructure, TIS, RIB manipulation, pDriver, Re-acc, Neutron Facility, Scientific Support
SPES Economic plan SPES first priority To be developed with external fundings
SPES funding phase 1 RIB’s Buildings Cyclotron with safety and infrastructures Proton beam transport Target Ion Source (TIS) for RIB Low Beta ALPI upgrade phase 3 phase 2 Second TIS HRMS 1/20000 Pulsed Beam on reaccelerator TIS safety and infrastructures for UCx ChargeBreeder RIB reacceleration
SPES SCHEDULE Critical timing Second priority
SPES Working group: INFN INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro:A.Andrighetto, M.Barbui, G.Bassato, A.Battistella, G.Bisoffi, E.Brezzi, M. Calviani, S.Canella, D.Carlucci, S.Carturan, M.Cavenago, F.Cervellera, R.Cherubini, M.Cinausero, M.Comunian, P.Colautti, L.Corradi, L.Costa, A.Dainelli, G.de Angelis, A.D’Este, J.Esposito, P.Favaron, E.Fagotti, E.Fioretto, M.Giacchini, F.Gramegna, F. Grespan, P.Ingenito, A.Lombardi, M.Lollo, G.Maggioni, G.Martin Hernandez, P.Mastinu, P.Modanese, M.F.Moisio, D.Napoli, A.Palmieri, R.Pegoraro A.Pisent, M.Poggi, A.Porcellato, P.A.Posocco, J.Praena, G.Prete, G.Puglierin, M.Rigato, V.Rizzi, C.Roncolato, Y.Shengquan, S.Stark, A.M.Stefanini, M.Tonezzer, D.Zafiropoulos INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania:L.Calabretta, L.Celona, F.Chines, L.Cosentino, G.Cuttone, P.Finocchiaro, S.Gammino, M.Lattuada, G.E.Messina, M.Re, D.Rizzo, A. DiPietro INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Padova:S.Beghini, L. De Nardo, P.Mason, M.Mazzocco G.Montagnoli, F.Scarlassara, G.F. Segato, C.Signorini, S.Lenzi INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Torino:G.Pollarolo INFN Sezione di Bari:V.Variale, N. Colonna INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Pavia:P.Benetti INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Napoli:G. La Rana, A. Covello, A. Gargano, D. Pierroutsakou INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Firenze:G. Casini INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Bologna:M. Bruno, M. D’Agostino INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Milano:B. Million, G. Colò INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Catania:S. Pirrone,
SPES working Group: Italian Insitutions University of Padova Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica:L. Biasetto, P. Colombo, M. Manzolaro, G. Meneghetti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Trasporti:V. Salomoni, C. Majorana Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche:P. Di Bernardo, P. Zanonato, L. Piga ENEA, Bologna:C. Antonucci, S. Cevolani, C. Petrovich, R. Tinti LASA,Milano:C. De Martinis Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, University of Trento:I. Cristofolini, M. De Cecco, R. Oboe Dipartimento di Ingegneria Nucleare, University of Palermo:G. Vella, E. Tomarchio, S. Rizzo, P. Guarino
Sezione di Padova Esperimenti legati alla Fisica di SPES EXOTIC GAMMA PRISMA
P-40 MeV 0.2 mA P-40 MeV 0.2 mA 238U target +20 kV 238U target +250 kV RFQ-DTL RFQ-DTL Separation between high and low radiation zones Low mass resolution selection Low mass resolution selection X+1 X+1 Separation between high and low radiation zones Charge breeder On +20kV Charge breeder On +250kV High mass resolution selection High mass resolution selection On -60 kV plat X+n X+n PIAVE SRFQ PIAVE SRFQ ALPI Bunching RFQ ALPI Il gruppo EXOTIC ha collaborato al gruppo di studio sullo spettrometro ad alta risoluzione. EXOTIC layout della linea di trasporto e di selezione
GAMMA AGATA Next generation spectrometer based on gamma-ray tracking 4 germanium array No suppression shields Very high efficiency and spectrum quality For radioactive beams facilities such as SPES, SPIRAL2, FAIR
PRISMA The Heavy-Ion Magnetic Spectrometer PRISMA is a magnetic spectrometer for heavy ions installed at Legnaro, with very large solid angle (80 msr), wide momentum acceptance (10 %) and good mass resolution (1/300) F.Scarlassara, S.Beghini, P.Mason, G.Montagnoli Univ. di Padova and INFN - Sezione di Padova + LNL , Univ. e Sezioni INFN di Napoli e Torino Il gruppo PRISMA padovano ha in programma nel prossimo futuro di indagare le possibilita` che lo spettrometro potrebbe offrire usando i fasci radioattivi che saranno prodotti da SPES. Le caratteristiche di PRISMA ne fanno uno strumento ideale per l'uso con fasci esotici. In ambito SPES e' in fase di perfezionamento un accordo di collaborazione con ISOLDE (CERN), ove si intende costruire uno spettrometro simile. Il gruppo PRISMA di Padova si sta occupando dell'utilizzo dello spettrometro in “gas-filled mode”, che consente di misurare a zero gradi in particolare reazioni di fusione; questo sviluppo riguarda soprattutto il “dopo-Agata” e l’utilizzo di fasci prodotti da SPES.
Sezione di Padova Il progetto SPES, per poter essere realizzato, ha bisogno del contributo delle Sezioni INFN, ad esempio in termini di lavori di officina. La sezione di Padova può quindi contribuire a costruire parti del progetto (esempio: separatore di massa ad alta risoluzione previsto nella terza fase) con la sua officina meccanica.
The INFN Legnaro Laboratory SPES Area 2 MeV VdG 7 MV VdG Exp Hall Exp Halls SC RFQ PIAVE Tandem SC Linac ALPI