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Spillovers in Road Networks: Spatial Autoregressive Panel Model

Analyzing the impact of transport infrastructure on long-run growth using a spatial autoregressive panel model with spillover effects. Empirical contrast performed in Spanish regions from 1980-2007.

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Spillovers in Road Networks: Spatial Autoregressive Panel Model

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  1. 6th Seminar Jean PaelinckMadrid, 18-19th October, 2013 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid A SPATIAL AUTORREGRESIVE PANEL MODEL TO ANALYZE ROAD NETWORKS SPILLOVERS IN PRODUCTION Inmaculada C. Alvarez inmaculada.alvarez@uam.es José L. Zofío Jose.zofio@uam.es Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

  2. 1. Motivation The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of the transport infrastructure on long-run growth in the context of production functions (Pereira and Roca-Sagales, 2003, Cantos et al., 2005, Delgado and Alvarez, 2007). The empirical contrast is performed in Spanish regions during 1980-2007. We introduce spatial interactions, incorporating the spillovers effects or the effect from the rest of regions. With this proposal in mind, we use spatial econometric techniques (Baltagi and Liu, 2011).

  3. 2. Data • Sources: • Gross Value Added (GVA) and private labor: Spanish National Institute of Statistics(InstitutoNacionalde Estadística, INE). • Capital: InstitutoValenciano de InvestigacionesEconomicas (IVIE) (Mas et al. (2010)). • Road network capital stocks (Alvarez et al. (2012))

  4. 3. Econometric specification

  5. 4. Results

  6. 4. Results

  7. 5. Conclusions The economic activity in other provinces favors the total Economy. • The rest of public capital affects positively the economic • growth. In the case of the road networks, spillover effects are positive, in contrast with the internally used capital stock. So, the indirect effects are more relevant.

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