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Act 1 : Public meeting Making a successful transition! 23 September 2008. LHC - First congratulations !. Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress
Act 1: Public meeting Making a successful transition! 23 September 2008
Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transition to IPSAS accounting standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of the last exercise And tomorrow, what will be the advancement budget? General Information 5YR-2005/06 : working time, administrative circulars , long-term SLS, indexation of salaries Appeals: salaries, pensions, contracts Departmental meetings Summary
Long-Term Care – Sept. 07 COUNCIL decision DEC.07 CHIS - Reminder daily allowance: • increased (85 → 100 CHF) • adjusted by DG (= 50% of the costs in a Swiss EMS)
« We’ve f(o)und our money! » – Echo 17 Dec. 07 Creation of a fund of 93 MCHF composed of Reserve for the long-term care scheme Reserve for the general HIS, of which: Variations from year to year 6 MCHF (≈ 10% of annual expenditure) Catastrophic risk 20 MCHF (≈ 33% of annual expenditure) Expenditure committed, but not yet reimbursed 12 MCHF (≈ 20% of annual expenditure) Invested in two investment funds (20% equities, 80% bonds) CHIS accounts separated from those of the Organization CHIS - Reminder
Actuarial review 2007: financial imbalance from 2010 Latest news 1st semester 2008 negative balance (expenditure: +10%) imbalance foreseen from 2008 CHIS – Financial situation 2010
CHIS – Financial situation • Imbalance : what to do for the time being? • Strong annual fluctuations are nothing new • Reserve funds are foreseen to deal with the situation (+10% ≈ 6 MCHF) • CHIS will be a topic of the next 5YR - 2010
CHIS– Ensure the future of our scheme • 1st step achieved : creation of a capitalized fund – 93 MCHF • 5YR–2010 Obtain the implementation of two recommendations by the actuary • Smooth the increase in costs due to ageing by an annual increase of 1% of the contribution rate (Organization + contributing members): 10% 10,1% 10,2% … • If medical inflation increases more rapidly than salaries and pensions, the differential should be added to the increase in contribution rate • CHIS Board : subgroup “Future of the Scheme” Your opinion interests us : SA survey - Oct. 08 • Reminder : CHIS = Mutual benefit and support scheme For each franc spent, half is paid by the contributing member Making savings for the scheme means making savings for ourselves !
Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transistion to IPSAS accoutning standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of the last exercise And tomorrow, which advancement budget? General information 5YR 2005/06: working time, administrative circulars, long-term SLS, indexation of salaries Appeals: salaries, pensions, contracts Departmental meetings Summary
COUNCIL decision 2002 Pensions– Balance of our Fund • Actuarial review 2007 : which recommendation by the GBPF? CERN Pensioners + STAFF pensioners ECHO n°52
Pension Fund Paid pensions Taxation of pensions– current situation Active members CERN Markets Beneficiaries Tax
Pension Fund Paid pensions Taxation of pensions– for tomorrow? Active members CERN Markets Internal Taxation X Beneficiaries Tax
GBPF – WG2 : funding policy and principles PFGB recommandation MID 09 Pensions– Technical studies in progress Objective: 125% in 20 years SA: only realistic scenario = Internal taxation
Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transition to IPSAS accounting standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of the last exercise And tomorrow, which advancement budget? General information 5YR 2005/06: working time, administrative circulars, long-term SLS, indexation of salaries Appeals: salaries, pensions, contracts Departmental meetings Summary
IPSAS – new main budget items related to the staff • Paid leave • The accumulated present value to be paid in the future to staff members when they will be absent for annual, saved or compensation leave reasons • Post-employment benefits Estimatedactuarial liability towards employed and retired members of the CERN personnel CERN/2787 CERN/2787 provision
Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transition to IPSAS accounting standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of last exercise And tomorrow, what will be the advancement budget? General information 5YR 2005/06: working time, administrative circulars, long-term SLS, indexation of salaries Appeals: salaries, pensions, contracts Departmental meetings Summary
MARS 2008– steps / population guidelines CCP-2008/4 grouping
LHC Oct. 08– results / career path • Reminder: exercise without SCC guidelines
2007 & 2008 - steps / population MARS 08 + LHC Oct. 08 ≈ Exercise 2007
Merit recognition – 2 years later… • MARS 2008 • Global use of Advancement & Financial Awards budgets • Use of budgets per career path • Percentage of « periodic only » • LHC Oct. 08 • Global use of Advancement & Financial Awards budgets • Use of budgets per career path: bias observed • 2007-2008 : objectives reached with difficulty thanks to additional budget in 2007 (5YR-05) and 2008 (LHC) Without additional budget, this shortfall must be managed • From 2009 : Additional budget is needed so that the merit of each person can be adequately recognized X
Health insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transition to IPSAS accounting standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of last exercise And tomorrow, which advancement budget? General information 5YR-2005/06 : working time, administrative circulars, long-term SLS, indexation of salaries Appeals : salaries, pensions, contracts Departmental meetings Summary
Administrative Circulars • What progress has been made? • AC 4 : Unemployment insurance • AC 12A, AC 12B : Education fees • AC 26 : Recognition of merit of Staff members • AC 30 : Indemnities and reimbursements on arrival/departure • Working time • Overtime, stand-by duty, shift work • Chap.III : approved by CERN Council in June 2008 • AC : being drafted
Saved Leave Scheme • Short-term Saved Leave:« STSL » in existence since Jan. 08 • Ceiling on 30 September Annual leave: 30 days STSL : 22 j • Tacit renewal « Participation in the short-term saved leave scheme may be modified at the request of the staff member or of his hierarchy at the end of the 12 months subject to a two-month notice period. » • Long-term SLS : early retirement • The DG had promised to study the conditions for this new system before the end of 2007, with implementation in 2008, if an agreement is reached at SCC. • With no agreement reached, discussions will start up again with the next Management. 52 days max.on « annual leave » account
Indexation of salaries – Evolution since 2001 +4,2% +3,2% RNM = average movements of the real net salaries of civil servants Long-term hypothetical indexation = +2% / yr RNM < 0 RNM > 0 CERN salary index = 1,6% / year
COUNCIL decision DEC.08 Indexation des salaires – au 1er janvier 2009 • Calculation method : • Approved by Council - 5YR 2000 & 5YR 2005 • Clear objective: maintain between two 5YR the existing ratio between the salaries of CERN and our comparators • Reminder of difference 5YR 2005 : -20% on average • Has always been applied since 2001 • Year of start-up of LHC : what message does this give to the staff ? • Legally : it is a guide • Our position : • CERN must remain a centre of excellence ! • The method must be applied to avoid a double penalty ! • If necessary, we will have to go and get our indexation !
ILOAT judgement FEB.09 Appeals – on three topics • Salaries (5YR-2005), Contract policy, Pensions details • Complaint • CERN reply • Rejoinder of complainant • CERN surrejoinder available from your delegates
Nursery School – Canteen Project Opening of the new canteen: beginning Oct.08 • Project approved – Sept.07 Ajouter photo batiment Photos – 22 sep. 2008
Health Insurance - CHIS - Towards a financial imbalance Pension Fund - PF - Decision - June 08: is CERN Council assuming its responsibilities? Technical studies in progress Transition to IPSAS accounting standards Merit appraisal and recognition - MARS & LHC - Results of last exercise And tomorrow, which advancement budget? General information 5YR 2005/06: working time, administrative circulaires, long-term SLS, salary indexation Recours : salaires, pensions, contrats Departmental meetings Summary
Departmental meetings – ACT II Timetable
Departmental meetings– have your say • First part (15 mins) • 5YR - 2010 • importance of a 5YR (examples 1995, 2000, 2005) • subjects to deal with • timetable • Prepare the transition with the next DG • your opinion and priorities • present the Staff Association survey - Oct. 08 • General information • contract policy • administrative circulars • latest news • Second part (45 mins) • Discussion (including follow-up of general meeting)
In short – make a successful transition… • Social security • Health insurance: towards a financial imbalance • Pension Fund:funding ratio objective of 125% in 20 years scenario “internal taxation of pensions”? • IPSAS: currently shows the long-term commitments of the Member States to the staff • Merit appraisal and recognition 2007 and 2008 have shown that the MARS budget must be increased • General information • Working time: administrative circulars • Flexi-time: long-term SLS • Salaries: 2009 indexation • Appeals: salaries, pensions, contracts • Nursery school: opening of a Canteen • Act 2: Departmental meetings • Your opinion, your priorities: prepare together the transition 5YR-2010 MID 2009 EARLY 2009 END 2008 2009 DEC. 2008 FEB. 2009 OCT. 2008 NEXT WEEK