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Spelling List 27. colonel. n. - a commissioned rank in the US Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general ˈ kər-nəl , Middle French, modification of Old Italian colonnello column of soldiers. pneumonia.
colonel • n. - acommissioned rank in the US Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general • \ˈkər-nəl\, Middle French, modification of Old Italian colonnello column of soldiers
pneumonia • n. – an inflammation of the lungs with congestion • \ noo-mohn-yuh\, New Latin, from Greek, from pneumōn lung
diaphragm • n. - a muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration • \ˈdī-ə-ˌfram\, Greek, from diaphrassein to barricade
dungeon • n. - a dark, often underground chamber used to confine prisoners • \ˈdən-jən\, Anglo-French donjun
extraordinary • adj. - beyond what is ordinary or usual, highly exceptional • \ik-ˈstrȯr-dBeyond what is ordinary or usualə-ˌner-ē, ˌek-strə-ˈȯr-\, Latin extraordinarius
isthmus • n. – anarrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land • \ˈis-məs\, Greek isthmus
interesting • adj. – arousing or holding the attention; absorbing • \ˈin-tə-res-, -tiŋ; ˈin-ˌtres-\
kindergarten • n. – a program or class for four-year-old to six-year-old children that serves as an introduction to school • \ˈkin-də(r)-ˌgär-tən, -dən\, German, from Kinder children + Garten garden
mortgage • n. - a loan for the purchase of real property, secured by a lien on the property • \ˈmȯr-gij\, Anglo-French mortgage, from mort dead
maneuver • n. - a movement or combination of movements involving skill and dexterity • v. - to make a controlled series of changes in movement or direction toward an objective:maneuvered to get closer to the stage. • \mə-ˈnü-vər\, French manœuvre, from Old French maneuvre work done by hand
sepulcher • n. - aburial vault. • \ˈse-pəl-kər\, Anglo-French, from Latin sepulcrum, sepulchrum, from sepelire to bury
sergeant • n. - a noncommissioned rank in the US Army or Marine Corps that is above corporal and below staff sergeant. • \ˈsär-jənt\, Anglo-French sergant, serjant, from Latin servient-, serviens,present participle of servire to serve
stomach • n. - the enlarged, saclike portion of the digestive tract, one of the principal organs of digestion, located in vertebrates between the esophagus and the small intestine. • \ˈstə-mək\, Greek stomachos
nuclear • adj. - of, relating to, or forming a nucleus of a cell or to atomic nuclei • \ˈnü-klē-ər\
Rumania • [roo-mey-nee-uh, ‐meyn-yuh]
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