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Sundeep Kochar on DeepVeer: As the bride and the groom gear up for the much anticipated wedding of the year, speculations about the future of the power couple are rife in the media.<br><br>
DrSundeepKochar "Dr.SundeepKocharrecentlyreceivedNostradamusofIndia AwardbyEx-DeputyPrimeministerofThailand,HisExcellency Korn Dabbaransi in 10th International Seminar organised by ‘All India Business & Community Foundation’ in Bangkok on 11th Nov2016" https://www.sundeepkochar.com/
Internationally renowned celebrity Astrologer, Vastu Consultant, MotivationalSpeaker,LifeCoach,Actor,Anchor&Author;Dr.Sundeep Kochar has touched the lives of people across the globe; from CaptainsofIndustrytoFilmStars,fromCricketerstoPoliticians. SundeepKocharBestastrologerinMumbai,hasappearedinmanyTV showsworldwidesuchas‘BachkeRehne’onZeeNews,‘GuidingStar’ on ARY Digital (Dubai), “What’s your Rashi” and ‘Kismat Ke Sitare’ on Zee TV. ‘KKS’ has completed 2740 episodes – a first in TV history; viewed in more than 120 countries. He is the only astrologer to be registered in the ‘Limca Book of Records’ for hosting the longest- running astrology show ever on a national Television.Dr. Sundeep Kochar is the only world famous Astrologer in India who did US ElectionswinspredictionsofBarackObamaandDonaldTrumpbased on their respectivehoroscope. AboutMe
Get astrological insights and accurate predictions from India’s leading celebrity astrologer, Dr Sundeep Kochar, which will help you keep your bestfootforwardatdifferentsituationslifeputsinfrontofyou.Indulge yourself in a one To one conversation with Dr Kochar and get a comprehensivestudyofyourpersonallifechart,andhoroscopereadings. Having guided several clients, Dr. Kocher’s services are sough after. He offers precise life revelations along with additional services such as face reading, palmistry, and Vedic astrology. Dr Kochar’s holistic horoscope analysis and precise insights about major aspects such as business, relationships, and career will help you make better life decisions. He is the only astrologer to be registered in the ‘Limca Book of Records’ for hostingthelongest-runningastrologyshoweveronanationalTelevision. AstrologyConsultIndia
As Leos walk with pride into their birth month, Dr Sundeep Kochar, theworldfamousastrologer,talksaboutwhatitmeansfortheSunto beathome,i.e.inthefifthhousedominatedbynoneotherthanLeos.Will the lion kings ‘rawrr’ this season or feel some summertime sadness?Moreover,whatwilltheLeoseasonbringinstoreforother zodiacs? Let’sseewhatDrKocharhastosay!“Sun,asfarasastrology goes, rules not only your soul, life values, principles and ideals but also rules the fifth house which is the Leo, a.k.a Yसह राßश thatforms the pillarofthehoroscope.HavingLeoandSunstrongislikehavingakey passtomakeyourpresencefeltanywhereyougo.Washthatwithfive elements of panchaamrit, as it will help you in accomplishing your goals in life, making sure that things you worked so hard for gets recognized,andpeoplerealizeyourtrueworth. VastuConsultantMumbai
DrSundeepKochar’sadvicesaresoughtbymany.Being oneofthebestastrologerstoseekguidanceforcareer, business or personal life, he underpins how individuals have been able to change or re-direct themselves towards their desired career through astrology. He alludes, “Self-contemplation is a great way for us to improve our lives and strive for better. Through astrology, breaking down your sign can illuminate strengths,weaknesses,goalsandpassions—traitsthat canpointyouinthedirectiontowardsamorerewarding life. With the power of celestial bodies, let us together navigate your true and genuine passion, to help you have acareer you’ve always desired.” BestCareerAstrologerinIndia
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