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相关专业 Msc 项目简介. 留学英伦. 杜戈果 dugeguo@szu.edu.cn. Photonics and Device Microfabrication, University of Strathclyde Engineering Applications of Lasers, The University of Liverpool Photonic & Optical Engineering, The University of Nottingham
相关专业Msc项目简介 留学英伦 杜戈果 dugeguo@szu.edu.cn
Photonics and Device Microfabrication, University of Strathclyde • Engineering Applications of Lasers, The University of Liverpool • Photonic & Optical Engineering, The University of Nottingham • Optical Communications and Signal Processing, University of Bristol
Electronics & Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow • Optics and Photonics, Imperial College London Student visa would allow max. 20hours/week work in term-time and 40hours during vacations in UK.
Photonics and Device Microfabrication: • The Institute of Photonics, established in 1996, is a commercially-oriented research unit, part of the University of Strathclyde. The Institute’s key objective is to bridge the gap between academic research and industrial applications and development in the area of photonics. The Institute of Photonics is based in Strathclyde’s Glasgow city centre campus.The Institute’s semiconductor growth and processing equipment is located at the West of Scotland Science park. http://www.photonics.ac.uk/
The course covers the fundamental principles and technologies used to design, fabricate and analyze micro/nano-scale photonic and optoelectronic devices, coupled with technology management. This one-year MSc course comprises both taught modules and a practical research project. The teaching methods include lectures, computer-aided learning as well as practical instruction on state-of-the-art device fabrication facilities.
Course Structure: • The course is designed to be modular, with students selecting 3 baseline modules from a range of modules offered by the Department of Physics and 3 specialist modules, given by Institute of Photonics staff, specifically oriented towards state-of-the-art photonic device microfabrication technologies. The course is completed by a practical project using dedicated equipment located at the microfabrication facility operated by the Institute of Photonics. • The course lasts 12 months and is full time.
Entry Requirements: A first- or second-class Honours degree, or equivalent, in physical science or electrical/electronic engineering. English:IELTS test 6.5 Scholarships: Scholarships may be available for a limited number of students. The tuition fees are ~ £12k for a non-EU student. Living expenses are ~ £10k.
Engineering Applications of Lasers • 利物浦大学成立于1881年,是英国历史最悠久的城市大学之一,也是原来的“红砖建筑”大学 -- 英国19世纪末用红砖建造在伦敦以外的城市大学。 • 利物浦大学的激光工程专业则在科研水平评估中获得最高分5*分,其隶属于工程学院,在过去3年的专业排名中,一直居于前十名之列,96%的毕业生在六个月之内就业。 http://www.lasers.org.uk
激光工程课程设置: 激光加工概述 工程光学 激光焊接 激光及其商业应用 激光切割 激光表面处理 激光微加工 智能材料 快速成型技术 科研技能培训 就业技能培训 毕业设计
Entry Requirements: • 专业背景要求:机械工程,材料科学,电工电子,光学工程,数学及其他理工科专业。 • Laser Group现有课程的标准是专业课平均成绩75,雅思6.0或托福540或其它相当水平 。现在学费大概是£11000,有很大可能拿到学校的£1000镑奖学金,优秀的学生还有可能拿到学院的另外£1000奖学金。
Photonic & Optical Engineering • This MSc is designed to provide students with an advanced and comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles of how light behaves, how it can be exploited and a broad and detailed coverage of photonic communication systems and technology. Students will cover the fields of analysis and design of integrated optical devices for applications including: communications; spatially resolved optical measurements for the monitoring of dynamic processes; and bio-imaging. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/eee
Course structure: • This masters course is taught on a full-time basis over one year and is also offered as a postgraduate diploma which follows the same taught modules but does not undertake the research project. • To pass the course you must complete 120 credits of taught courses chosen from two groups of modules and a 60 credit research project. Please be aware modules are subject to change.
Entry Requirements: • 2.2 (Minimum lower 2nd class honours degree or international equivalent) in any numerate Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Physics • tuition fees: £14-15k • Scholarship: may be available for a limited number of students
English language requirements: • IELTS:6.0 (no less than 5.0 in any element) • TOEFL (paper based) 550 with 4.0 in TWE (in the Test of Written English) • TOEFL (IBT) 79 (no less than 17 in any element)
Other taught courses • Biophotonics Masters (MSc (by Research)) • Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Entrepreneurship Masters (MSc) • Electrical Engineering Masters (MSc) • Electrical Technology for Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems Masters (MSc) • Electromagnetics Design Masters (MSc (by Research)) • Electronic and Ultrasonic Instrumentation Masters (MSc) • Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering Masters (MSc) • Power Electronics and Drives Masters (MSc) • Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Masters (MSc)
Optical Communications and Signal Processing • This MSc is a challenging one-year taught Masters degree programme that provides students with a range of up-to-date advanced topics drawn from optical communication systems and devices and optics related signal processing (including associated enabling technologies). It provides an excellent opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to enter careers in some of the most dynamic fields in optical communications. http://www.bris.ac.uk/eeng/msc/
Course Structure: • The taught material is arranged in units extending over a 12-week period (a semester) with 2 lectures per week, each of 50 minutes duration. Each unit is worth 10 credit points (CP) and there are a total of 120 CP in the taught phase of each programme.The research project is worth 60 CP, thereby yielding a total of 180 CP.
Other programmes: • MSc in Communication Networks and Signal Processing • MSc in Image & Video Communications and Signal Processing • MSc in Wireless Communication Systems and Signal Processing The tuition fees are ~ £15k for a non-EU student. Living expenses are ~ £10k. No scholarships to Msc students.
Entry Requirements: • Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Physics, Computer Science or Engineering Mathematics • a minimum GPA of 3.7/4.0 or a minimum percentage mark of >85% from universities in PR China • a language test score of > 6.5 in the IELTS test, or a TOEFL score of >620 (paper based testing) or >260 (computer based testing).
Electronics & Electrical Engineering • six taught modules, practical assignments and a small research project • Electronics & Electrical Engineering, physical science GPA of 3.2 or above or an average score of 80% and above http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/electronicsandelectricalengineering/
English Language requirements: • IELTS 6.5 (with no subtest less than 6) • TOEFL 580 in the paper-based test with a TWE (Test of Written English) of at least 4.5 • IBT TOEFL 92 (with no less than 20 in writing and all other subtests) The tuition fees are ~ £14k for a non-EU student. Living expenses are ~ £10k.
Other taught programmes: • Computer Systems Engineering • Electronics Design • Telecommunication Electronics • Electronics & Electrical Engineering and Management
OpticsandPhotonics: • 开设光学和光量子学硕士课程的目的是为学生提供一个高质量高层次的光学课程以为他们将来从事科研或生产提供必要的培训。 • 学制为12个月(全日制),其中project 时间为4个月。 • 与Dr. Andrew Williamson 联系(电子信箱:andrew.williamson@ic.ac.uk) http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/physics
硕士毕业生需要理解所规定科目的基本知识(要求高于本科生水平),并能够通过选修其他科目进一步了解前沿学科的方方面面。 • 通过完成独立的课程设计学会科研的基本方法和技巧。 • 通过课程实践和实验室培训掌握实验的设计技巧和实验室技术。 • 掌握在科研和生产环境中高效率工作的本领。 • 通过独立学习和工作掌握相关领域的技术知识。 • 在课程期间,我们将向每一个参加学习的学生提供一台笔记本式计算机和一台打印机(由惠普公司赞助)。
English language requirements: • IELTS:An overall score of 6.5, with 5 in the Writing and Speaking modules. • TOEFL(Internet-Based Test): An overall score of 90, with 24 in Writing and 20 in Speaking. • TOEFL(Paper-Based Test): An overall score 600, with 4.5 in Writing. • bevalid for 2 years The tuition fees are ~ £18k for a non-EU student. Living expenses are ~ £14k.