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WORKING WITH THE NEWS MEDIA (and how to be successful in an interview) MOAA PUBLIC RELATIONS. GOALS. -Understand the news media and how to deal with reporters -Understand the opportunities for MOAA -Understand the techniques for getting messages across. “FOOT STOMPER” MESSAGE.
WORKING WITH THE NEWS MEDIA (and how to be successful in an interview)MOAA PUBLIC RELATIONS
GOALS -Understand the news media and how to deal with reporters -Understand the opportunities for MOAA -Understand the techniques for getting messages across
“FOOT STOMPER” MESSAGE -Good news media relations means that you must have a relationship with the news media. -Reaching that goal takes an investment of time, effort, and hard work.
WHY SHOULD WE CARE? -Inform various publics about MOAA --members, potentials, DoD, Hill -Gain assistance/action from publics -Enhance MOAA image/credibility -media is channel to warn or reassure the public, fix rumors, be a source of info for MOAA -Info stays “on the record” forever
WHO/WHAT ARE THE NEWS MEDIA? -Print (papers, mags, trade pubs) -Broadcast (TV, Radio) -Internet (blogs, social, email) -Staffs are smaller, busier --existing research dependent -24-hour instant news cycle -Stiff competition
MOAA AND THE NEWS MEDIA -MOAA very proactive and responsive -Numerous news media contacts -We have needed information and credible spokespeople -Always follow up/recognize -VOCUS electronic system
MOAA AND THE NEWS MEDIA (Continued) -PR Dept is focal point --but actions are decentralized --ask that reporters call PR first --ask that you tell PR when you are contacted and give feedback afterward
WHAT MAKES NEWS? IMPACT--something everyone will talk about PROXIMITY--local or national TIMELINESS--Current or “old?” PROMINENCE—people, places, or events CONFLICT—fights/contention? NOVELTY—unusual twist
WORKING WITH REPORTERS -Return their calls; be prompt -They are “generalists” -Be fair—equal access -They are not our “ad agency” -Be courteous -Speak plain English -Never debate or argue
YOU MUST THNK ABOUT... -What is newsworthy about this story? -What is reporter likely to ask? -What are worst questions? -What are my best answers?
WHAT THE MEDIA CONTROLS -Notes taken/recorded -Story angle or slant -Questions -What the camera shoots -Editing
WHAT YOU CONTROL -Whether or not you do the interview -Your time -What you say and how -Where you do the interview -How you control the interview
INTERVIEWS AND ATTRIBUTION RULE #1—Define ground rules in advance!! -On The Record—verbatim quotes attributed to someone -Background—info used, but attributed to a general source -Off the Record—info not to be attributed or used
TYPES OF REPORTER QUESTIONS -Fact finding -Personal opinion/speculations -Either/or; loaded questions -Rumor -Hostile -Dumb based on lack of knowledge or bad info
TACTICS FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS -Use short answers -Don’t answer hypotheticals -Don’t speculate -Don’t repeat negatives -Don’t volunteer information -Never, never say “no comment”
TACTICS (Continued) -You are NEVER off the record -If you don’t know the answer, say so. NEVER lie. -If you are are not the right person to answer—get them -Do “bridge” to talking points and get back to your message
BRIDGING PHRASES -The real point is…. -The thing to keep in mind about this is…… -The important thing to focus on is….. -The real question is…. -The fact is…..
BRIDGING (Continued) -The point I’d like to emphasize is…. -What’s key here is….. -That’s a good question, but…. -Remember that sincerity counts
YOUR PHYSICAL REACTIONS (Video) -Appear confident, but not over-confident; TV is visual medium -Keep answers short -Stay still; look at reporter -Don’t over-react (surprised look, wandering eyes, etc.) -Do not talk with your hands
PHYSICAL REACTIONS (Continued) -Don’t react if a reporter hands you a document to talk about --say you will read it later and get back to them
HOW TO PREPARE -Understand request; talk with PR -Research the interviewer/show -Prioritize your talking points --get them down to 3-5 --commit to memory if possible -Practice your interview -Consider what to wear if video
AFTER THE INTERVIEW -Thank reporter after interview -Tell reporter how to follow up -Ask when story might appear -Let PR know what happened -Thank reporter after story appears (if story is OK) -Let reporter know nicely of errors (facts only, not tone)
“FOOT STOMPER” MESSAGE -Good news media relations means that you must have a relationship with the news media. -Reaching that goal takes an investment of time, effort, and hard work.