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Who Is The Next Latin American Idol?. Contestant #1 Contestant #2 Contestant #3. Simon Bolivar Miguel Hidalgo Toussaint L’Ouverture. Introduction
Who Is The Next Latin American Idol? Contestant #1 Contestant #2 Contestant #3 • Simon Bolivar Miguel Hidalgo Toussaint L’Ouverture
Introduction YOU be the judge…We are about to select the next Latin American Idol and you will be one of our panel judges!You will learn all you can about our three final contestants and then carefully use that information to determine who you think should be the winner. Who will that great freedom fighter be? Toussaint L’Ouverture. . . . Simon Bolivar. . . . Miguel Hidalgo. . . . Who do you think has done the most to liberate Latin America?
The Task Your task is to follow the process to gather information to convince the other judges that your choice for Latin American Idol is the best decision. Information will be recorded and then prepared into a poster presentation including why you chose that person. YOU NEED TO BRING A POSTER BOARD TO CLASS TOMORROW (Friday, 3/4). When all relevant information has been presented, after all the debating has been done, only then will the judges vote to select the NEXT LATIN AMERICAN IDOL!!!
The Process • To accomplish the task: • First you will explore the PowerPoint to gather information about each personand their impact on freedom in different areas of Latin America. Record your findings on the handout provided. • Toussaint L’Ouverture was a slave who fought to free Haiti. • Simon Bolivar, the “George Washington of South America” went to school in Europe. Learn how he returned to help South America • Miguel Hidalgo was a priest who fought to free Mexico. You will learn how he went from a wealthy family to a poor priest. • Decide which person you feel deserves the title “Latin American Idol”. You must be able to explain why. • Prepare a poster presentation to convince your fellow judges. Your poster should be creative and provide plenty of information to convince the other judges to vote for your choice. Your poster will be graded using the rubric in the PowerPoint. • Be prepared to vote on The Latin American Idol when all other judges have presented their arguments.
Toussaint L’Ouverture The Fight for Haitian Independence In August 1791, thousands of slaves in north Saint-Domingue (present day Haiti) rebelled. Francois Toussaint L’Ouverture was not among them, as he had been freed in 1777. However, he soon joined the rebel slaves.With Dessalines as his lieutenant, Toussaint gathered a following and formed his own band of guerrillas. Toussaint’s army of former slaves took over French plantations in Saint-Domingue. Toussaint’s army allied with forces from Hispaniola’s Spanish colony when France and Spain went to war with each other. In 1793, British forces landed on the island to support the Spanish. The French were now fighting against three armies: the Spanish, the British, and Toussaint’s. They tried to get the island’s black population on their side. The French leaders said that any slave who joined them would be freed. At first, Toussaint considered this a trick, but then he learned that France had officially abolished slavery. Touissant and his army joined with the French to defeat the Spanish in 1795. Toussaint drove out the British and began to trade with both Britain and the United States. In January 1801, he led a large army into a Spanish colony to free the slaves there. Hardly a shot was fired. In July, Toussaint became “governor general for life.” Then, in February 1802, a large French force landed at Saint-Dominigue, gaining control of the island. The French simply could not afford to lose Saint-Domingue’s huge sugar profits to free trade. Weeks of fierce fighting followed the French invasion. In May 1802, Toussaint surrendered and retired to a farm near Gonaives. However, on June 7, the French arrested him and sent him to France. Angered by Toussaint’s arrest and believing that the French wanted to re-enslave them, Toussaint’s army took up arms again. Their fight to throw out the French was still raging when Toussaint died. Finally, in November 1803, the last of the French forces were defeated. After declaring independence in 1804, Christophe set about rebuilding Cap-Francais, which was renamed Cap-Haitien. The name Saint-Domingue was changed to Haiti. Haiti was the first country in Latin America to break free of imperialism.
Simon Bolivar • The South American Wars of Independence • Members of the ruling class started South American independence. Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of France, was at least indirectly involved. In 1808, he invaded Spain, and replaced the Spanish king with his brother. Spain’s imperial grip on its South American holdings began to slip. • Simon Bolivar, a wealthy Venezuelan criollo, had just returned to Caracas, Venezuela’s capital, after spending several years in Spain, Paris, and Rome. In Rome, he’d had a vision of his life’s goal: to liberate his homeland. Bolivar joined other Venezuelans who had the same goal. On April 19, 1810, they managed to kick the imperial governor out of Caracas. A national congress met a year later, and on July 5, 1811, a constitution proclaimed Venezuela an independent republic. Bolivar joined the new republic’s army, which was defeated by royalists in July 1812. Bolivar fled to a different part of New Granada, present day Colombia. • In New Granada, Bolivar organized an army. He marched back into Venezuela and fought several battles against royalist troops. On August 6, 1813, he liberated Caracas. For this, Bolivar was called El Libertador. His triumph was short-lived, however. Royalists again defeated him the next year. Bolivar fled to the Caribbean. He gathered strength and followers, and sailed back to the mainland. Over the course of several years, Bolivar and his followers liberated New Granada, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Wishing to push on and liberate Peru and Upper Peru, he met up with Jose de San Martin on July 26, 1822. • San Martin, an Argentinean criollo and son of a mission soldier, had already liberated Lima, Peru the year before, on July 28. He was now the country’s leader. Before that, he had helped Bernardo O’Higgins liberate Chile on February 12, 1817. Earlier, he had also fought for Argentina’s independence, which was gained on July 9, 1816. Peru’s independence was threatened by royalists in the mountains. San Martin needed reinforcements, and looked to Bolivar for help. After meeting with Bolivar, San Martin quit his post on September 20, and went into exile in Europe. A year later, Bolivar and his troops entered Lima. His troops defeated the royalists in the mountains, and then went onto liberate Upper Peru in April, 1825. Out of respect for El Libertador, Upper Peru renamed itself Bolivia.
Miguel Hidalgo The Independence of Mexico As elsewhere in Latin America, Napoleon’s actions in Spain affected the people of Mexico. Some became royalists, while others became rebels. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic priest in the town of Dolores, became a rebel. On September 16, 1810, he rand his church’s bells and shouted his famous Cry of Dolores: “Long live Our Lady of Guadalupe! Death to bad government! Death to the Spaniards!” An army of Native Americans and mestizos soon rallied around Hidalgo and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico’s most important Catholic symbol. On September 28, they conquered the city of Guanajuato. On October 17, the city of Valladolid surrendered without a fight. They continued east, and, on October 30, defeated royalists on the outskirts of Mexico City. They moved on towards Guadalajara where their victories ended. The royal army commanded by General Felix Calleja destroyed them. Hidalgo retreated to the north. On May 21, 1811, Hidalgo was captured. He was tried by the Spanish Inquisition and found guilty of treason and put to death. The movement Hidalgo started continued. For the next decade, Mexicans fought for independence. Finally, on September 28, 1821, Mexico won its independence. Today, when Mexicans celebrate Independence Day, they celebrate the day Hidalgo shouted in Dolores.
Poster Requirements More than 3 facts about your Latin American Idol Creative graphic (the more the better!) WHY YOU CHOSE THIS PERSON AS THE NEXT LATIN AMERICAN IDOL! Make your poster convincing to the other “judges” It should be colorful, creative, neat AND detailed Be ready to present your poster on Monday
Evaluation Your performance will be evaluated using the following rubric.
Conclusion Upon completion of this PowerPoint, you will have learned about the brave accomplishments of the three liberators of Latin America. Was your choice for Latin American Idol chosen by the judges in the end? Did the other judges manage to change your mind?