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Dermal fillers are an excellent choice for minimizing wrinkles and restoring youthful fullness to the face. However, with all the different options available, choosing the right dermal filler can be overwhelming. To help you find the right dermal filler for you Images Med Spa has created a guide to help you through your decision.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler www.imagesmedspa.com
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler Because dermal fillers can offer many of the benefits of a surgical facelift with little to no downtime, the popularity if these non-surgical cosmetic procedures have been growing year after year worldwide. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) 2012 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Statistics almost 2,000,000 procedures were performed in the USA alone during 2012.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler Dermal fillers are an excellent choice for minimizing wrinkles, plumping lips, filling out shallow contours, and restoring youthful fullness to the face. However, with all the different options of dermal fillers available today, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. To help you find not only the right dermal filler for you, but also the best doctor or injector we have worked on a list to help you through your decision.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler • Choosing the right professional with a high level of experience in injecting dermal fillers is the best way to achieve your goals – some of the most common complaints about dermal fillers involve cosmetic issues related to incorrect placement, asymmetry and overfilling. An experienced professional is most likely to avoid these problems and offer the kind of subtle correction that’s not overdone.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler • Discuss your options with your injector – when choosing a dermal filler, a consultation with your injector is the best place to start. Discuss with your injector which areas can benefit from the dermal filler. Once you have decided on the areas that you might want to treat, you and your injector can decide on the dermal filler that might work best for you.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler • Understand the differences between dermal fillers there are various types of temporary fillers. • There are fillers based on hyaluronic acid – such as Juvederm and Restylane ( which last about a year) that are used to fill smaller lines around the mouth, hollowing under eyes, fine lines such as crows feet, and “smoker lines” and give volume to the lips.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler • Radiesse which uses calcium hydoxylapatite lasts a year or greater and is used to give greater volume, fill deep lines, build cheeks and lift sagging skin with a technique called “liquid facelift”. • Sculptra is made of poly-lactic acid and is a collagen to add volume and the results can last for 2 years or longer.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler • Understand the risks and possible complications – the chances of having an allergic reaction after a treatment are very small, however skin testing may be recommended if there is a chance that you might be allergic to any substance in the filler of your choice. Allergic reactions can usually be treated successfully with steroid injections on the affected area.
How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler THAT’S ABOUT IT We hope you enjoyed reading How to Choose the Right Dermal Filler. For more information about Dermal Fillers and Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures visit our website: www.imagesmedspa.com