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4 Reasons to Visit the Infertility Clinic in Delhi for a Better Future

The application of technology in the field of medical science has helped millions of patients to undergo special treatments. Earlier, the inability to conceive was a matter of physical concern and a stressful mental situation for every couple.

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4 Reasons to Visit the Infertility Clinic in Delhi for a Better Future

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  1. Surrogacy CentreIndia Surrogacy Centre India aims to reduce the stress and hassle-free associated with infertility investigations and treatment. 4 ReasonstoVisittheInfertilityClinicinDelhiforaBetterFuture October 02,2021 The application of technology in the field of medical science has helped millions of patients to undergo special treatments. Earlier, the inability to conceive was a matter of physical concern and a stressful mental situation for every couple. Butwith the establishment of a premium infertility clinic in Delhi, men and women are now becoming proactive about seeking help for their reproductiveissues. When to see thespecialist On average, a couple can take 5 to 7 months to conceive. So, you should not bother if you are taking a few more months toget pregnant. But if you have been trying for a year without success, you have to decide whether to visit a specialist. Thedoctor will suggest a complete fertility evaluation if the female partner is aged below, six months older than 35, or 3 months over40 andabove. Irregular periods Irregularity in ovulation brings in irregular periods. If the periods sometimes don’t come at all, it may indicate that ovulation is not taking place. Conception may seem to be an uphill battle, but possible if you get help from the best infertility clinicin Delhi. There can be two broad types of ovulatorydisorders: Noovulation Oligo-ovulation, often due to PCOS where the ovulation occursoccasionally Treatment options for such problems can be medicinal or physical. Intrauterine insemination or IUI is a highlyadvanced treatment plan to induce ovulation. It will help you to conceive faster. Thorough evaluation When you visit the infertility clinic in Delhi, the first thing that the specialist will do is to review the medical history of the couple thoroughly. Both of you have to undergo fertility testing. Without these tests, the fertility specialist cannot initiateany treatment plan or procedure. Complete evaluation of the male and female reproductive systems will help determine thecauses of temporary or permanent infertility. The three primary testsinclude: Anti-Mullerian Hormone test (AMH): To count the total number of eggs youhave. Semen analysis: determines whether the sperm count is normal for the male and they arehealthy. Day 3 Bloodwork: checks whether the reproductive hormones are functioningnormally. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): determines whether the shape of the uterus is normal and the fallopian tubes areopen. Infertility clinic in Delhi reports abnormal Semenanalysis If the male partner receives an abnormal result for the semen analysis test, then the infertility clinic is the only place toseek help. Low sperm count or poor quality of the sperm can make conception a difficult task. The specialist will continue to diagnose the reasons and offer treatment plans to improve the situation. Even if you have a low sperm count, conception is possible. It will take only one sperm to make a viableembryo. After experiencingmiscarriages It is not correct to think that a woman who just had a miscarriage is re-productively healthy just because she can conceive.Do you know that multiple miscarriages can indicate a particular type of infertility problem that often affects 1-3 percentof couples? The common reasons for such miscarriagesare: Genetic abnormalities of the embryo triggering the body to self-destroy thefetus Hormonal problems including thyroid diseases,diabetes Undetected structural problems in the uterus Advance age hindering the ability toconceive. Make the rightdecision Having problems in the reproductive system is not a fault. But visiting the best IVF centre in Delhi will be the smart decision. It can help you to get pregnant soon. The clinic can also offer assistance in further procedures if you remaininfertile. There are several other ways to be the biological parents without carrying the fetus in youruterus.

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