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Surrogates – the Israeli model

Surrogacy in Israel has experienced a dramatic increase in popularity in recent years and experts predict that numbers will double or even triple in the coming years.<br><br>Israel was one of the first countries in the world to enact a comprehensive, strict and detailed surrogacy law, based on clear regulation and criteria and a responsible approach to the process. The law defines the rights and obligations of all those involved in the process and is subject to the supervision of relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Health.

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Surrogates – the Israeli model

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  1. Surrogates – the Israeli model Surrogacy in Israel has experienced a dramatic increase in popularity in recent years and experts predict that numbers will double or even triple in the coming years.

  2. Legality and Legal Regulation • In Israel, surrogacy is regulated by the Embryo Carrying Agreements Law (1996). • The law defines clear terms and limitations regarding who may use surrogacy services and who may be a surrogate. • Israel is the only country in the world that requires a committee to thoroughly examine all the criteria before any surrogacy procedure. The Israeli government committee conducts a rigorous review of each agreement to ensure it meets the requirements of the law. 2

  3. The nature of surrogacy • In Israel the number of surrogates is limited and supervised. While in some countries surrogacy has become an industry, in Israel it is also seen as an act of giving. • Surrogacy in Israel is considered altruistic because, unlike in the USA, for example, where surrogacy is commercial and considered as additional income for the surrogate, in Israel surrogacy is much more than financial compensation. • The surrogate in Israel receives compensation for her services and reimbursement for all her expenses in the surrogacy process. • Surrogacy in Israel is primarily a moving testimony of female solidarity that sometimes continues to deepen even after the birth. 2

  4. The profile of the surrogate • In Israel there are restrictions: not every woman can act as a surrogate and the entire procedure is under strict supervision. • In some other countries, the restrictions are fewer and therefore there is a wider availability of surrogates and the process is faster and more flexible. • The Israeli surrogates are mainly married and educated women, who live in small communities such as kibbutzim (72.6%) and almost half of them are from the religious sector. • They are independent and strong women who see the surrogacy journey mainly as a mission to contribute for the sake of others. 2

  5. In Israel, the entire surrogacy process from beginning to end is accompanied by close medical and legal supervision and there is a lot of support for the surrogate and the intended parents. • For surrogates in Israel, this is much more than a medical procedure. There are special communities for surrogates who support each other during the journey, and the beautiful bond formed between the surrogates and the intended parents is a source of support, encouragement and inspiration. • The support groups create a safe space for sharing, mutual learning and monitoring developments in the field. In the support groups there are supportive and inclusive communities, where every surrogate can share her experiences, difficulties and joys. • According to Israeli law, both the intended parents and the surrogate must be residents of Israel. This requirement allows for close medical monitoring and facilitation of the surrogacy process. Support and accompaniment 2

  6. Conclusion These differences reflect the legal, cultural and moral approaches to surrogacy around the world and the uniqueness of the surrogacy process in Israel. Visit Us - www.tammuz.com Phone-0737838058 2

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