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科普思維的再思考. 科學是不是一個信仰體系 ?. 從匪貨到匪辭. 什麼是匪貨 金針菜 . 當歸 . 人參 ….. 什麼是匪辭 水平 . 科普 ……. 從匪貨到匪辭. 科學報導到科普 科普法的國度 科普的宗教意識. http://www.agu.org/about/honors/union/sullivan/. 江才健老師. 在紐約時報著名科學記者 Walter Sullivan 辦公室. http://www.economist.com/node/17672796/print. Fusion Research.
科普思維的再思考 科學是不是一個信仰體系?
從匪貨到匪辭 • 什麼是匪貨 • 金針菜.當歸.人參….. • 什麼是匪辭 • 水平.科普……
從匪貨到匪辭 • 科學報導到科普 • 科普法的國度 • 科普的宗教意識
江才健老師 在紐約時報著名科學記者Walter Sullivan 辦公室
Fusion Research Fusion 核融合反應,在極高溫高壓之下才能造成。
JET (Joint European Torus) Oxfordshire, UK
Fusion Research • The Trade Mark of Science is Experiments which can be repeated • The Trade Mark of Fusion Science is Headlines which was repeated. Economist
Maddox by his successor John Maddox: retired and knighted, 1996.Maddox family archive … • Despite his original establishment of the peer-review process at Nature, Maddox always had strong reservations about its conservatism. These were perhaps best reflected in his view that the Watson and Crick paper on the structure of DNA wouldn't pass muster under the current system. That paper was published as a result of recommendations by Lawrence Bragg, the head of Watson and Crick's laboratory, and John Randall. (The idea of Nature publishing a paper on the recommendations of the head of the authors' lab is nowadays, of course, sadly but appropriately laughable.) http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/campbell09/campbell09_index.html
… Although Sir John was a proponent of peer review, he could see how it might sometimes suffocate original thinking. It was for this reason that he never sent the manuscripts of Fred Hoyle, a controversial astrophysicist, for review. “It does not require a referee to tell whether it is a reasonable hypothesis that terrestrial life stems from interstellar bacteria,” he wrote in a valedictory essay. Fashion, and a nose for news, played an important role in Sir John’s universe, no matter that the man championed scientific rationalism. … http://www.economist.com/node/13525812
台灣科學傳播的發展 雜誌 報紙 電視 廣播
科學月刊發刊辭 • 所以我們要辦一份科學月刊,不僅要作為學生們的良好課外讀物,也要成為一項有效的社教公器; 不但要普及科學,介紹新知,並且要啟發民智,培養科學的態度,為健全的理想社會奠定基礎。 1970年
科學有造於物質,有造於人生, 有造於知識,有助於間接提高 道德水準. 1915年“科學雜誌”創刊於上海之宗旨
台灣科學傳播的發展(雜誌) • 科學月刊(1970,1--- ) • 牛頓雜誌(1983,5---2006…2008--- ) • 科學眼 (1984,5---1990,4) • 科技時代(2001,1----2005,12) • 生技時代(2001,11----2005?...) • 科學人 (2002,3--- )
1970,1--- 1984,5---1990,4 1983,5---2006…2008--- 2001,11----2005?...) 2002,3---
中國時報的發展 時報科學(1989--1997 )
中國時報全文影像資料庫 日期:860407 標題:一百年前 電子是怎麼發現的﹖ 作者:江才健 版序:18 版名:時報科學
電視 科學尋根 尖端 柯先生紀小姐 知識的饗宴 遇見科學
廣播 (news 983-4pm) 張大春泡新聞(週二) 科技e-mail 王道還 孫維新談天
美國太空望遠鏡科學研究所表示,哈伯太空望遠鏡美國太空望遠鏡科學研究所表示,哈伯太空望遠鏡 看到了非常接近宇宙誕生「大霹靂」時景象。
http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2004/10/image/a/format/web_print/http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2004/10/image/a/format/web_print/ 04-Mar-2004: "Starry Night", Vincent van Gogh's famous painting, is renowned for its bold whorls of light sweeping across a raging night sky. Although this image of the heavens came only from the artist's restless imagination, a new picture from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope bears re- markable similarities to the van Gogh work, complete with never-before-seen spirals of dust swirling across trillions of kilometres of interstellar space
Gogh, Vincent van The Starry Night
科普思維的再思考 科學是不是一個信仰體系?
Science journalism: Toppling the priesthood ILLUSTRATIONS BY J. FIELD
卡萊爾 論 英雄與英雄崇拜
Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881 On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History
物換星移,時代變換之際, 宇宙時間長河裡的計時器並不會因而 雷鳴巨響, 人對於已掌握之事,也未必能夠了解。 卡萊爾《論歷史》
英雄角色的替嬗 由古典的詩人,音樂家,文學家,哲學家 到 現代的科學家