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Research Admin Buzz

Research Admin Buzz. Tuesday, June 11. Research Integrity Assurance. Mary Beran Research Admin Buzz meeting. Export Review Updates. export@gatech.edu Include Doc ID or project number in all emails please! . EC Review Prior to S ubmission.

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Research Admin Buzz

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research Admin Buzz Tuesday, June 11

  2. Research Integrity Assurance Mary Beran Research Admin Buzz meeting

  3. Export Review Updates export@gatech.edu Include Doc ID or project number in all emails please!

  4. EC Review Prior to Submission Proposals with any of the following need an export review (note: review must be completed before sending to foreign sponsor): • Foreign Sponsor • Proprietary or Export-Controlled information to be disclosed or transferred to a foreign entity by GT during proposal stage • Proposals with Foreign Sub Recipient Monitoring

  5. What to submit for review: • Export Control Review PI/PD Certification for Sponsored Programs • OSP Routing Sheet • Proposal or Statement of Work (SOW) • Draft is ok – it does not need to be the final version as long as the content is there. Proposals will NOT be submitted to a Foreign Sponsor without an Export Review.

  6. www.export.gatech.edu click on Forms & Procedures

  7. EC Review at time of Award • Any award from (including subs): DOD, NASA, or DOE; • Any award with international collaborations, international research locations, international shipping, or international deliverables; • Any award involving a Foreign Military or Government; • Any Terms or Conditions limiting access or dissemination (publication) including: • Distribution Statements B-X, ITAR, FOUO, CUI, FOUO, SBU, Publication Restriction (including 252.204-7000; 352.204-9002; DARPA-G-9000; SPAWAR-C-327); Foreign National Notification, Approval or Restriction (including 352.204-9014; 352.204-9013); ITAR/Export Controlled Data (including 252.204-7008; 5352.227-9000); Directed Security Requirements (including 52.204-2; 5352.223-9003); or Classified projects

  8. OSP CO will request Export Form • Export Control Review PI/PD Certification for Sponsored Programs • http://researchintegrity.gatech.edu/about-export/forms-and-procedures/ • TCP Security Questionnaire for PI to Complete • http://researchintegrity.gatech.edu/about-export/forms-and-procedures/ Funds will NOT be released until Export Review (and TCP if required) is complete.

  9. www.export.gatech.edu click on Forms & Procedures

  10. What projects need a TCP?

  11. Hosting Foreign Visitors & Guest

  12. Questions

  13. Grants and Contracts Accounting Sandy Mason Research Admin Buzz meeting

  14. G&C Updates • Fiscal Year-End • Expenditure Review • Timely posting of allowable costs to sponsored projects • Use online administrative tools to transfer transactions (Pcard online JE, Electronic Cost Transfers, SPD) prior to FY13 close • Awards in Exception status (over-budget, past-term) should be cleared or documented • Utilize Open Encumbrance Report to review subcontract encumbrances that are unbilled or underbilled • Meet announced deadlines to ensure timely processing

  15. G&C Updates • Fiscal Year-End • Cost Sharing • Allowable expenses should be posted to separately-budgeted companion cost share projects as incurred during the award performance period • Verifiable from the recipient’s records • Are not paid by the Federal government, unless authorized • Necessary and reasonable • Allowable • Provided for in the approved budget when required • Prior year documentation and certification require additional approvals and are problematic from a billing/reporting perspective

  16. G&C Updates • ARRA Reporting – Quarter ending 6/30/13 • PI Quarterly Update Deliverables • Timely submission by stated OSP deadlines – The reports must be filed by the Federal deadline of 7/10/13 • OMB Guidance – Acceleration of Unspent Funds • Federal Agencies have been directed to take steps to complete ARRA projects by 9/30/13 • NSF – NSF CAREER awards have received waivers to expend funds beyond 9/30/13 • GT Subawards under ARRA prime – have waivers been granted and documented?

  17. G&C Updates • Subrecipient Monitoring • Continues to receive emphasis from Federal agencies • Roles and Responsibilities detailed in OSP policy – www.osp.gatech.edu/subrecipient-monitoring • Assess risk • Correlation between programmatic progress and financial progress • Cost Sharing documentation, if applicable • G&C Accounting can provide assistance

  18. Office of Sponsored Programs Michelle Powell Research Admin Buzz meeting

  19. Research Portal

  20. Research Portal

  21. Research Portal

  22. Office of Sponsored Programs Candice Ferguson Research Admin Buzz meeting

  23. Staff Changes Old New Dana Simpson, Int. AssocDir Roberta Burke, Div. Manager- DOD Lakita Brooks, Div. Manager- Other Federal Teri Hansen- CO, Industry under Gov. Prime • Bob Simpkins, Assoc Dir. • Dennis Farmer, Div. Manager- DOD • Janis Goddard, Div. Manager- Other Federal • Roberta Burke- CO, Industry under Gov. Prime

  24. OSP Vacancies • NSF (College of Computing) and DHHS (including NIH) • See Lakita Brooks • Dept of Agriculture (USDA) • See Chris D’Urbano • Dept of Interior • See Serelia Woods • Dept of Labor • See Angie Steltzer

  25. Transitioning Faculty **Notice to Departments** • Please notify the CO for faculty members that are leaving the institution permanently or will be absent from campus from greater than 90 days.

  26. Ad Hoc Reporting Changes Issue: Selecting “AGING” Results would include “PACKAGING” Resolved: Results now show “AGING”, “AGING _________”

  27. Deliverables: Final Reports

  28. Deliverables: DOE Finals Click to Certify

  29. Deliverables: RCR Click to Certify

  30. RCR Policy Reminder • Applies to ungrads, grads, and postdocs • 2 parts • CITI Online Training (done within 90 days of appointment) • In-person Training (done within 1 year of appointment) • RCR Training Plan at time of proposal • 3rd Page of the Routing Sheet • Annual Certification by PI

  31. RCR Policy Reminder NIH NSF All awards proposed after January 2010 4 hours of in-person training • D43, D71, F05, F30-34, F37-38, K01-02, K05, K07-08, K12, K18, K22-26, K30, K99/R00, KL1-L2, R25, R36, T15, T32, T34-37, T90/R90, TL1, TU2, U2R • 8 hours of in-person training • Retraining every 3 years

  32. RCR Policy Reminder • RCR/Ethics Flag in T/Cs • RCR Deliverable • The policy currently applies to NSF and NIH, be on the lookout for other sponsors • Non-compliance will result in moving charges for student assistants and postdocs from projects

  33. RCR Training Dates • OSP RCR Workshop (all sessions will be held in the IBB Seminar Room 1128):- Mentoring and Collaborative Research:July 11th, 11:00 – 12:00- Authorship:  July 11th, 12:00 – 1:00- Human Subjects Research:  July 12th, 11:00 – 12:00-  Research Misconduct:  July 12th, 12:00 – 1:00

  34. Importing Subawards in Cayuse • .cayuse or .pdf (Grants.gov RR Fed/Non-Fed Budget) • www.tinyurl.com/osptraining in Cayuse 424 folder

  35. Importing Subawards in Cayuse • RR Subaward Budget Attachment (check box) • Import Subaward • Brown Bag: Tuesday, June 18 from 12-1pm.

  36. Proposed Circular Changes • Comments to Proposed Changes to be distributed on the RAB listserv • Highlights • .108 OMB Responsibilities • OMB establish specific criteria for agencies to use in requesting exemptions and provide a mechanism for commenting on and resolving issues related to such exemptions (i.e. reporting requirements, F&A rate establishment, and audit standards)

  37. Proposed Circular Changes • Highlights • .501(c) Subrecipient Management • Additional subrecipient monitoring of institutions that are subject to direct monitoring is burdensome and expensive • Pass-through entities be allowed to rely on A-133 audits of subs and only monitor in cases when specific findings and questioned costs on subaward/contract issued by prime awardee • Rely on corrective action plans being monitored by subs A-133 auditor

  38. Proposed Circular Changes • Highlights • .612(d) Treatment of Administrative and Clerical Salaries • Make it clear that the costs of the administrative and clerical salaries should be identified with the project activity (as opposed to being a F&A charge) • Should not be prohibited from rebudgeting in accordance with Federal awarding agency’s guidelines

  39. Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) • DOD Contracts • Monthly Reporting by PI • Developing training materials to be made available online

  40. Contractor Manpower Reporting System • https://cmra.army.mil/ • Depts need to register within system • OSP has instructions for accessing the system • Developing training materials to be made available online

  41. Sequestration Updates • http://tlw-proxy.gatech.edu/research/faculty-and-staff-resources/sequestration-updates

  42. Research Admin Buzz Thank you for coming

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