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Welcome!. Aims of this evening:. To share expectations of spellings To share expectations of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation To share terminology the children will be exposed to To share top tips for developing reading . V C O P.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!

  2. Aims of this evening: • To share expectations of spellings • To share expectations of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation • To share terminology the children will be exposed to • To share top tips for developing reading

  3. V C O P • Every classroom has a VCOP display board to help the children in Literacy. These boards help the children regularly and they are familiar with this vocabulary. • V – Vocabulary • C – Connectives • O – Openers • P - Punctuation

  4. Year 3 – Spellings Phase 5 and 6 of Letters and Sounds • Suffixes – adding a group of letters to the end of a word to change the meaning • Prefixes - adding a group of letters to the beginning of a word to change the meaning • Homophones – Words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning

  5. Year 4 – Spellings Phase 6 of Letters and Sounds Grammar • Past tense endings – adding ‘ed’, tricky words • Plurals – adding ‘s’, ‘es’, ‘ies’ etc • Common misconceptions, eg: the use of ‘was’ and ‘were’, the use of ‘there’ and ‘their’

  6. Year 3Grammar – Word level • Nouns, adjectives, verbsand adverbs; • Use of a and an; • Word families - [for example, solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble] cautiously nauseous gigantic glistening apprehensive

  7. Year 4 Grammar – Word level • The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s Example: There are many cats in the room. The cat’s collar has a bell on it. • Discuss standard English forms instead of local spoken forms Example: 1. We was doing our art work today in school. We were doing our art work in school today. 2. I done my homework. I did my homework.

  8. Year 3Grammar – Sentence level Simple sentence • Example: The dog ran across the field. • Compound sentences A sentence extended by a connective. (and, but, for, or, nor, yet, so) Example: The dog ran across the field and he found a bone. • Sentences are expanded by additional information using adjectives, adverbs etc. Example: 1. The dog ran across the field. 2. The lean dog sprintedrapidly across the vast field like a cheetah.

  9. Year 4Grammar – sentence • Interesting openers are used (adverbials) (when, how, why, where) Example: 1. I heard the bad news. 2. Later that day, I heard the terrible news. Complex sentences • Some connectives will introduce a subordinate clause (then, next, soon, therefore, while, although) Example: While the dog ran across the field, the farmer was harvesting the potatoes.

  10. Year 4Grammar – sentence Think of a sentence…

  11. Year 3Grammar – text level • Introduction to paragraphs as a way to group related material • Headings and sub-headings to aid presentation

  12. Year 4 Grammar – text level • Sentences are linked within a paragraph • Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition within a paragraph • Making links between paragraphs, eg: links are made throughout stories

  13. Year 4 Grammar – text level

  14. Year 4 Grammar – text level

  15. Year 3Punctuation • Introduction to speech marks to punctuatedirect speech Example 1 “Will we be visiting grandma this weekend Mum?” asked William. Example 2 The shopkeeper ran after the thief and cried,“Come back with that ice cream!” Example 3 “It’s good to see you,” whispered Jane in the theatre.

  16. Year 4Punctuation • Apostrophes to mark plural possession Example: • Finlay’s books were all over his bedroom. • The students’ exam results were outstanding. • Use of commas after openers (adverbials) Example: 1. On the top shelf in the kitchen, Jenny could see a box of chocolates.

  17. Terminology used in year 3 and 4 • verb, adverb, noun, adjective, connective • word family, prefix, suffix • clause, subordinate clause, main clause • direct speech • consonant, vowel • speech marks • pronoun • synonym • antonym • bullet points • plural • possessive

  18. Dedicated time is given to handwriting

  19. Task What was your favourite book as a child? Tell the person next to you about it.

  20. Aims To explain our reading developments this year To share information about how we teach reading at school To give an overview of progression in reading To share resources you can use at home

  21. Why are we focusing on reading? Learning to Read Reading to Learn

  22. What have we done so far to improve reading? Successful reading reward schemes (Bookworms) Book weeks New books TA time for 1:1 readers Class reading areas

  23. How do we teach reading? Encourage reading at home/out of school (links with library) Guided reading Whole class shared reading Focus on phonic skills for blending Focus on comprehension

  24. What are you trying to develop when you listen to your child read?

  25. Retrieve information Who are the main characters? Where did the BFG meet Sophie? Interpret information How is the BFG feeling? How do you know? Comment on structure of text What happens at the beginning? Is the ending linked to the beginning? Comment on use of language Why has the author used ‘sheer foulness’ to describe the smell of the vegetable? What impact does this have? Read for meaning What has happened so far? Can we magpie anything from this text?

  26. Retrieve information • Specific, straightforward information is recalled, e.g. names of characters, main ingredients • They know where to look for information, e.g. about characters, topics • They use quotations and references support ideas • Relevant points are identified from different points in the text

  27. Interpret information • Inferences are made about events and information, e.g. interpreting a character’s motive from their actions • Explanations are drawn from evidence across the text, e.g. ‘you know her dad was lying because earlier she has saw him take the letter’

  28. What strategies do you use most with your child when you are hearing them read? Rank the statements!

  29. How can you help at home? Sharing the passion Create the space and time for reading Visit the library Website: Pupil speak success criteria, use question prompts, suggested reads

  30. Have you found this valuable?Please leave any comments on the post-it notes provided and stick onto the sheet as you leave. We would really appreciate your feedback.

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