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This course explores educational administration and management with a focus on Ghana, covering leadership roles, contemporary issues, and management techniques for effective school operation.

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  2. COURSE OUTLINE • COURSE TITLE: Trends in Education & School Management in Ghana • COURSE CODE: EDC 242 • CREDIT HOURS: 3 • VENUE: North Assembly Hall • TIME: 1:30 – 3:30 • GROUPS: French Education, HPERS, & Science Education DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  3. COURSE DESCRIPTION • This course is designed to expose: • students to the theoretical and practical bases of educational administration and management with special reference to Ghana. • It examines the meanings and purposes of educational administration and the role of the school administrator in school management. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  4. Cont; • This course will equip students with the basic and relevant management techniques to run schools more effectively. • Students will also be exposed to the nature of Ghana’s education system and contemporary issues in education, including school-community relationship. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  5. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course will: • Enable students to understand the nature and purpose of educational administration, leadership and management. • Equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills in educational leadership. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  6. Cont; • Expose students to some contemporary issues relating to the management of schools. • Enable students to manage human resource effectively. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  7. COURSE CONTENT The nature and purpose of educational administration and management • The meaning of administration, leadership and management • Functions of the administrator /manager (POSDCORD) DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  8. Cont; • Nature of Organization • Leadership theories and styles • Characteristics of an effective leader • Administrative tasks/duties of school head DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  9. MANAGEMENT SKILLS • Motivation theories • Time management • Decision-making in educational organizations • Communication in educational organizations DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  10. OTHER MANAGEMENT-RELATED ISSUSES • Organizational climate • School-community relationship DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  11. LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGIES There will be a mixture of lectures (including Radio lectures), presentations and tutorial support. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  12. ASSESSMENT • Continuous Assessment (Two Quizzes) – 40% • End-of-course Examination - 60% • Total - 100% DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE


  14. WHAT IS LEADERSHIP • Burns (1978),says that leadership is a process of doing something for some one by mobilizing persons with certain motives and values, various economic, political, and other resources in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize goals independently or mutually held by both leaders and followers. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  15. Cont; • Musaazi (1982),believes that leadership is the process of influencing the activities and behaviour of an individual or a group in efforts towards goal achievement in a given situation. • Rost (1991),believes that leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purpose. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  16. Cont; • Gardener (1995),states that leaders are individuals who affect the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of a significant number of individual. He stressed that the leader must be an educator, bridging the gap between the vision and the familiar and must be ready to walk alone to enable the society to follow the path he has selected. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  17. Is this your leadership? DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE


  19. Cont; So, leadership has the following: • Affect individual • Affect feelings, emotions, thought and behaviours • Mobilize people • Common goal achievement • Mutual purpose • Real change DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  20. Traits and skills of a leader Traits • Adaptable to situations • Alert to social environment • Ambitious and achievement-orientated • Assertive • Cooperative • Decisive DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  21. Traits (cont) • Dependable • Dominant (desire to influence others) • Energetic (high activity level) • Persistent • Self-confident • Tolerant of stress • Willing to assume responsibility DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  22. skills • Clever (intelligent) • Conceptually skilled • Creative • Diplomatic and tactful • Fluent in speaking • Knowledgeable about group task • Organised (administrative ability) • Persuasive • Socially skilled Stogdill (1974) DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  23. BASES FOR LEADERSHIP • By Law (Legal Leadership) • By Tradition (Traditional Leadership) • By Charisma (Charismatic Leader) DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  24. LEGAL LEADERSHIP • This is also known as rational leadership and the one who holds this position is backed fundamentally and primarily by law. In a typical secondary school, and the basic school situation in Ghana, we can see this kind of leadership. This is because the school being a formal organization is guided and controlled by a set of principles, laws and rules. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  25. TRADITIONAL LEADERSHIP • This is the leadership that has its fundamental basis not primarily in the legal system of the formal organization, nor mainly in the charismatic nature of the candidate, but rather in the traditional status quo. • One key characteristics which is unique with this type of leadership is that its inheritance by lineage; in certain tribes or clans through patrilineal links and in others the matrilineal DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  26. CHARISTMATIC LEADERSHIP • The basis of charismatic leadership is in the charisma of the leader who may initially not have any legal or traditional basis for leadership. This type of leadership has it basis in the people’s devotion to an extraordinary individual who is leader by virtue of personal trust in him and his exemplary qualities. The leader has a special and unique duty to fulfil for the revolutionary change of the social order. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE


  28. POWER • Power is the ability to do something, or act upon oneself, another individual or a thing. Power is the inner strength that enables a person to carry out their wishes or beliefs in spite of the possible disapproval of others. It is the ability to affect something or someone with force or character or strength. • Power may be sought, and when it is obtained, can be used to accomplish a multitude of things, positive and negative. Power may be manifested in several ways in a given organization. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE


  30. Cont; • Legal Power: the basis of this power is not questioned by most people in society. The population has a believe that by virtue of office, the leader has been given certain rights to lead, and should be followed. Agreeing to belong to the organization is tantamount to signing a contract to recognize and summit to the power of the leader. Legal power is at the core of the stability of the formal organization DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  31. Is this your legal power? DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  32. Cont; • Expert Power: this type of power has its basis in the people’s belief in and recognition of certain unique talents or skills which the leader has to enable him accomplish the goals of the organization in ways not possible by the ordinary staff. In the university culture. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  33. Is this your expert power? DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  34. Cont; • Reward Power: the basis of this power resides in the belief of the member organization that if they behave in certain way, or do certain things, the system or organization will reward them. In this case, they accept to obey the dictates of the leader, in hopes of being rewarded by him. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  35. Or your reward power DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  36. Cont; • Referent Power: it has is basis in the common people’s belief that this individual possesses certain outstanding and rare characteristics which are attractive and with which they want to be identify. It may also be referred to as charismatic power. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE


  38. Cont; • Coercive Power (force): members of the organization or a group of them will develop the strong belief that they must obey and do exactly what the leader wants lest they suffer severe punishment. Coercive power is that which intimidates and reduces the human person within the organization to the state of a slave, an object who sees his primary task as that of pleasing the leader. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  39. Or coercive power DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  40. WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION • The word “administration” is from the Latin word “minister” meaning servant or slave. • Therefore, administration has to do with the identification, maintaining, motivating, controlling, and the unification of human and material resources within an organization to achieve a common goal. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  41. Cont; • Administration can also be considered as the careful and systematic arrangements and use of resources (human & material), situations and opportunities for the achievement of the specific objectives of a given organization. (Nwankwo, 1987) • To Gulick & Urwick, administration is a process of getting things done through the effort of others in goal achievement. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  42. Cont; • According to Walton (1996), administration is an activity that concerns it self with the survival and maintenance of an organization. • In simple term, administration is where the seven functions of a chief executive is executed. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  43. What then is Educational Administration • Nwankwo (1987), defined educational administration as the systematic arrangement of human and material resources and programmes that are available for education and carefully using them systematically within defined guidelines or policies to achieve educational goals. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  44. Cont; • Educational administration is the process of providing instructional leadership, management of the day-to-day activities, setting educational standards and goals,establishing policies and procedures required to achieve them in schools, preschools, day care centres, colleges and universities. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  45. Some basic functions Educational Administrators typically performs the following basic functions: • develop academic programs, • monitor students’ educational progress, • train and motivate teachers and other staff, • manage career counselling and other student services, • administer recordkeeping, prepare budgets. DAMPSON DANDY

  46. Cont; • They also handle relations with parents, prospective and current students, employers, and the community. • They set the academic tone and work actively with teachers to develop and maintain high curriculum standards, • formulate mission statements, and establish performance goals and objectives. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  47. WHAT IS MANAGEMENT • Management is the process by which managers create,direct, maintain and operate purposive organizations through systematic, co-ordinatedand co-operative human effort. (Forland, 1998) • Management refers to a set of functions which unite group efforts in a meaningful manner. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  48. Cont; • Management is the art of getting things done through people. (Follett, 1996). • Management is the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of defined objectives. (Drucker, 2005) DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  49. What is educational management • Educational management is concerned with the planning and formulation of educational policies or programmes with a view to achieving educational goals. • The process of deciding on the aims and goal setting of the institution/school. In some settings, aims are decided by the principal, often working in association with senior colleagues and perhaps a small group of lay stakeholders. (Bush 2003) DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

  50. CONCLUSION The ways in which managers influence their employees and encourage them to be productive depend on many variables, including the personality of the leader, the skills of the group/employees, the task or assignment at hand, or the group dynamics and personalities of group members. DAMPSON DANDY GEORGE

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