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FRESH COWS & NEWBORN CALVES. Check pen 17 every hour for cows that have calved or started calving. Check pen 18 twice per shift. Provide assistance if no progress is being made after – cows 1hr, heifers 2hrs.
FRESH COWS & NEWBORN CALVES • Check pen 17 every hour for cows that have calved or started calving. • Check pen 18 twice per shift Provide assistance if no progress is being made after – cows 1hr, heifers 2hrs • Cows requiring assistance are taken to the chute – the vaginal area is cleaned with water & iodine scrub – calving tools (chain, head snare) are placed in bucket with iodine scrub – use plenty of lube – be patient – cow is worth $2,000, calf is worth $200! • Calves are removed from pen 17 immediately The navel is dipped with iodine ASAP – cut cord as needed leaving 2” - massage the iodine into the navel – keep the scissors in disinfectant Colostrum is fed within 1hr of birth – at least 1 bottle – more if the calf will drink – mark head with blue chalk • Heifer calves are tagged with yellow tags - bull calves are tagged with red tags • Cows are treated with a tube of Ca gel – the date is written on the hips – the udder is marked with horizontal stripes – day shift marks with blue, night shift marks with orange Second colostrum feeding within 8hrs of birth – this feeding occurs at 7am, 3pm & 11pm – calf head is marked with orange chalk • Keep accurate records - recheck the ID of fresh cows & corresponding calf tags before recording • The wheelbarrow for moving calves is cleaned at the end of each shift with water & soap. • Hutches for newborn calves are cleaned every 2 weeks. • Ensure that only bull calves are sold – check at loading