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Straight-Ins. Runway Hits Spinner Decrease Pitch & Power Lower Nose to put Runway In Middle of Windscreen Set Torque to ~ 16 / 18 / 20 % Note 2. “Aimpoint, Airspeed” Ensure Runway is Clear Pick a Side of Runway. Slowly Raise Nose & Trim as Airspeed Bleeds Off. +5 KIAS > App Spd
Straight-Ins Runway Hits Spinner Decrease Pitch & Power Lower Nose to put Runway In Middle of Windscreen Set Torque to ~16 / 18 / 20%Note 2 “Aimpoint, Airspeed” Ensure Runway is Clear Pick a Side of Runway Slowly Raise Nose & Trim as Airspeed Bleeds Off +5 KIAS > App Spd PCL to ~25 / 30 / 45%Note 1 to Catch 110/105/100 KIASNote 1 Clear for Instrument Approaches “Below 150, Gear Clear” Lower Gear and Flaps Bunt Slightly as Flaps Lower “Check Handle Down, 3 Green” “CS, Two Miles, Gear Down, (No Flap)” ~1000 feet out / ~50 feet AGL Pull PCL to ~10% (Except on Hvywt/AOA Ldgs) Cross Threshold at Final App Speed – 10 KIAS Touchdown at Final App Speed – 20 KIASNote 2 “CS, 5 Miles” Level Off & Trim as Airspeed Bleeds Off Abeam VFR Entry “CS, Request Straight-In” PCL to Light in Handle Lower Nose ~5o or Prop Arc Half Way to Horizon Check ~20% Torque NOTES:1 - For No-Flap / TO Flaps / Ldg Flaps 2 - Landing Attitude for On-Speed Landing No Flap - Nose on Horizon TO Flaps - Top of NACWS Antenna on Horizon LDG Flaps - NACWS Antenna not quite to Horizon
Overhead Patterns Catch Final Approach Speed with PCL to Final Turn Torque + 5% (~16 / 18 / 20%Note 1) Ensure Runway is Clear Pick a Side of Runway Make Small PCL Adjustments “Aimpoint, Airspeed” >140 KIAS “CS, Request Closed” Check Altitude Pull Power to ~5% to begin decel to Final App Speed (FAS) Align Center of Windscreen with Center of Threshold Roll ~60o Bank PCL to Light in Handle Set Torque to ~10% Roll & Pull 45-60o Bank Horizon between feet Aim for Rollout Point Crosscheck ADI 45-60o Bank ~1000 feet out / ~50 feet AGL Pull PCL to ~10% (Except on Hvywt/AOA Ldgs) “Half Way Around Half Way Down” (Patt Alt – 400 ft) Touchdown at FAS–20Note 2 Cross Threshold at FAS–10 Bank can be reduced to ~45o as airspeed reduces “CS, Gear Down” 200 Feet Prior PCL to Light in Handle Stabilize PCL at 11 / 13 / 15%Note 1 Level Off / Roll Out Parallel to Runway Set Torque ~20% “CS, Closed Downwind” Check Track & Spacing Check Altitude Check Attitude Watch for Perch Point Slowly Raise Nose & Trim ~125 KIAS, Set PCL to ~30 / 35 / 50%Note 1 “Check Handle Down, 3 Green, XX Flaps” “Roll, Power, Pitch” Roll into 30o Bank PCL to ~11 / 13 / 15%Note 1 Pitch to 2/3 Ground - 1/3 Sky or (NF) 1/2 Ground - 1/2 Sky for Break Point Should still be above 140 Knots NOTES:1 - For No-Flap / TO Flaps / Ldg Flaps 2 - Landing Attitude for On-Speed Landing No Flap - Nose on Horizon TO Flaps - Top of NACWS Antenna on Horizon LDG Flaps - NACWS Antenna not quite to Horizon (Abeam Landing Zone) “Below 150, Gear Clear” Lower Gear and Flaps Bunt Slightly as Flaps Lower
Break-Outs VFR Entry Point • Rules Of Thumb: • If Configured, Climb Straight Ahead and Clean-Up (like a Go-Around) • Once Climbing and Clean, Turn away from Conflict • Call “Breaking Out” with Position to help avoid any conflicts with other Break Outs • Maneuver to Fly Perpendicular away from Runway • Maneuver to Fly over VFR Entry Point Parallel to and in Same Direction as Landing Runway
Emergency Landing Patterns If 120 KIAS 1000’ out, extend Ldg Flaps & intercept normal final approach path to threshold If slow on final (110 minimum A/S), extend Ldg Flaps approaching Round-Out to land High Key Check 3000 ft “Below 150, Gear Clear” Lower Gear If High, extend down runway to lose half of excess Altitude GREEN ARC (10-11 UNITS) BEST RANGE GLIDE (AMBER DONUT W/ GEAR DOWN) WHITE DIAMOND (8.8 UNITS) MAX ENDURANCE (POWER-ON) Climb from Dep Leg: MAX Torque Climb from Initial: 50% Torque Airspeed increasing (~125 KIAS), Ldg Flaps and continue descent to 1000’ short point WHITE TRIANGLE (4.9 UNITS) MAX RANGE (POWER-ON) AOA GAGE If Still Fast / High + Slip (Real World only) Set 25-30o Bank 120 KIAS Minimum “Check Handle Down, 3 Green” If Fast, (1) Roll out of some bank to increase glide distance, (2) Raise nose momentarily to slow to 120 KIAS, (3) Re-establish flightpath to 1000’ Short at 120 KIAS. (Repeat as necessary) Descend to Low Key Climb to Low Key If Slow + delay configuring * At Low Key altitude, Set PCL to ~20% Level off ~200 feet High Best Range Glide* (Approximate) ConfigKIASPitchGlide Clean 105-125 +2.5o -4.5o Gear 105-125 +1.5o -5.5o Gr/TO Fl 100-120 -2.5o -7o Gr/Ldg Fl 95-115 -3o -6.5o - Green Arc / Amber Donut AOA Norm ELP Glide (Approximate) ConfigKIASPitchGlide Clean 125 -1o -5o Gear 120 -2o -6.5o Gr/TO Fl 120 -5o -7o Gr/Ldg Fl 120 -11o -10o Project Flightpath to 1000’ Short “CS, Low Key, Gear Down” Abeam Normal Break Point Set PCL to 4-6% 125 KIAS Glide to Low Key Approaching Low Key Check Spacing If High, Lower TO Flaps early Low Key Check 1500 ft TO Flaps (If low or doubtful, delay Flaps) ELP Public Math First – Maintain Aircraft Control by “Turn-Climb-Clean” – Turn toward nearest runway, intercept 125 KIAS glide, and checking the PCL off (to minimize drag) if not providing usable torque. (NOTE: If visual with the runway and it is then at or below the middle of the windscreen, you possess sufficient altitude to glide to it – no need to do Math) Second – “Check” – Apply Engine Failure or other applicable BOLDFACE or critical procedures. Third – Second - Apply Math: Backwards Method -- Easiest Means to compare your energy state to a specific field. Example: Karnes County (1) Target Altitude for and Distance to Nearest Field? NRST button. Tgt Alt =~300’+500’=800’ Tgt Alt = Fld Elev + 500’ for Straight-In ELP. Distance = 10 NM (2) Minimum No-Wind Glide Altitude Required? = Distance/2 + Target Altitude. 10/2 + 800’ = 5800’ (3) High Enough to get there? Compare Aircraft MSL to No-Wind Glide Altitude Required. MSL > 5800’? (4) High Enough to get to Low/High Key? Compare Aircraft MSL to No-Wind Glide Altitude Required to Low/High Key Tgt Altitudes - Is Acft MSL > 1800’+ Distance/2? – or – Is Acft MSL > 3300’ + Distance /2? If at medium or high altitude, you may have time to further assess your options: Frontwards Method -- Easiest Means to compare your energy state to more than one field. (1) Max Glide Distance? AGL x 2. (2) Fields within Glide Distance? NRST Button -- Compare Max Glide Distance to actual distance. (3) Fields within Glide Distance to High/Low Key? Compare no-wind glide altitude required to aircraft AGL. (4) Determine most Suitable Field (e.g., runway length). T-6 Return to Land 4000’ ~3700’ AGL required to turn 180o and return to Low Key 3000’ AGL 5o Glide Angle 2000’ Low Key 11o Climb Angle 1000’ ~1000’ AGL or 180 KIAS required for Return to Land 5o Glide Angle 1 2 3 NM from Departure End of Runway Assumptions: - 6000’ Runway (does NOT impact glide to Low Key for Landing Runway) - 5o Glide Angle (negligible wind) - 160 KIAS / 11o Climb Angle intercepted 1.0 NM from Brake Release at 300’ AGL - Return to Land Opposite Direction: Turn back to Rwy and correct for misalignment requires 800' loss of Altitude - Return to Low Key: 180o Turn back to Rwy and decel to 125 KIAS Glide requires 300’ loss of Altitude