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The Holocaust: Stories and Survival

A comprehensive look at the Holocaust, featuring stories of survival and the hardships endured by Jewish individuals. The book highlights key events, such as Kristallnacht, the concentration camps, and the resilience of the human spirit.

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The Holocaust: Stories and Survival

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Hosted by

  2. Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  3. Row 1, Col 1 Jewish officer What is a kapo?

  4. 1,2 Prison guard What is an SS guard

  5. 1,3 Whether or not the Palestinians stay What do Uncle Peter and Daniel’s Father argue about?

  6. 1,4 Night of broken glass. What is Kristallnacht?

  7. 2,1 First person What person is Daniel’s story told in?

  8. 2,2 Parking tickets Why did Uncle Peter get put Into a concentration camp?

  9. 2,3 Shaved and disinfected What happened to people when They first reached the Concentration camp?

  10. 2,4 Me proposes to Rosa What happens to Daniel At the end of the book?

  11. 3,1 Violinist. She played at the camps. What talent did Erika have? How was the talent used in The war?

  12. 3,2 Under the bakery Where did Friedrich hide?

  13. 3,3 Lice. It can cause bedsores and disease. What infestation to David and his Family have to deal with Concerning their clothes? Why Is this problem dangerous.

  14. 3,4 She says she is a doctor. How does Oma Rachel escape The hospital?

  15. 4,1 Cloth and oil. How does Daniel write a note To his sister?

  16. 4,2 Hitler youth uniform. To disguise him. What does Daniel’s grandmother make him? Why?

  17. 4,3 Daniel Who almost jumps in the pit with the burning Bodies?

  18. 4,4 Canada. Fake limbs, shaving brushes, clothes, jewelry What is the name of the storage building in the concentration Camp? Name several items kept there.

  19. 5,1 Furniture What do Daniel and Friedrich take from the dead man’s apartment?

  20. 5,2 Daniel and Father Who are the only to surviving members of Daniels family?

  21. 5,3 “Jew” What is the sign that Daniel’s father has to put up in his store Window?

  22. 5,4 BBC What radio station does Daniel’s family listen to war Information?

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