TYPES OF CRACKERS WE SELL ONLINE AT DHAMAKASTORE.COM Dhamaka store is known for offering a wide range of crackers. It is our biggest asset. When you go for shopping crackers online you find very little variety. But when you search it online and you have lots of products in one place, Life is a lot easier. Apart from traffic transportation and pricing, variety is another factor which is the very much important in purchasing a cracker. Our website offers crackers from Supreme Standard Anil and Naveen. These are the brands which are most trusted by the customers. Here is the list of varieties which are available on Dhamaka Store. One sound -These are the crackers which burst at once. The category contains simple products like Bijli Pataki, Sparrow bombs. And complicated high profile crackers like atom bomb, Laxmi bomb and thunder bomb. Two sound - these are the crackers with two sounds. The mechanism of this crackers is It has two crackers built in.There is one sound on the ground and one in the air. Caution must be taken while placing the crackers. it must be placed vertically. Garlands - Also called as wala crackers these are a chain of smaller crackers. these are mainly used for big time celebrations, bursting such a firework is considered important because it shows that you have celebrated the festival.The paper pieces of the crackers show that you have celebrated the crackers. Aerial shots -These crackers are also referred to as cakes which beautifully decorates the sky. They are generally used in the night. They come on 50 shots 25 shots,50 shots,25 shots 30 shots hundred and 250 shots. They can be used during weddings birthday celebrations and Ganesh Chaturthi apart from Diwali. Flower pot fountain - these are these are the standard crackers for any Diwali celebrations along with chakras. They have a Sushi sound.These are to be kept on the ground and lighted with a sparkler. Flower pots shower out golden sparklers out of them. Ground spinners - these are popularly known as chakras, these crackers are placed on the ground and lit by sparklers.These are traditional old-fashioned crackers. These crackers affordable and a must for every celebration for every celebration. They rotate on their own axis when fired, they come in small medium and big sizes.
Novelties - These are the smaller crackers these fireworks are used to like other crackers These include mine of butterfly, Colour changing butterfly, twinkling stars, magic torch and gun Comets - Comets are the best crackers for any occasion. Care must be taken while placing the Firework. There must not be any trees around. Because these crackers are powerful, they should be used under adult supervision.These crackers are made by skilled personnel. As these crackers need a proper proportion of chemical to give an enchanting view. These crackers may take a different form like white blue red or green.The different types of 1 inch 2 inch and 3-inch shots. Rockets - Rocket, as the name says, is a type of firecracker that leaves the ground to enter the sky when ignited. Rocket firecracker comes in different types and sizes. The cracker is attached to a long stick which holds and supports the firecracker. Different types of Rocket Firecracker are Bomb Rocket, Parachute Rocket, Missile Rocket, Color Rocket, 2 Sound Rocket, Crackling Rocket and a few new ones that come into the market every year. It is always safe to light rockets with a rocket holder, which is generally made up of iron and does not catch fire easily. Care should be taken that the rocket is kept in an upright position while lighting, if not there are high chances that it might barge into the surrounding houses or people around it. Rocket should not be lighted by keeping it in a glass bottle as the glass might explode due to the high heat and thrust generated around it. Space vertically should be clear from trees and buildings so that it does not ricochet. Gift Boxes - Cracker Gift box is a combination of various crackers. It contains essential crackers for Diwali. The major Contents in Gift Box are Sparklers, Flower Pot, Chakkars, Rocket, Laxmi Sound Crackers, Twinkling Deluxe and others. Cheap Cracker Gift box usually starts from 300rs and Expensive Cracker Gift Box may go up to 2000rs. The gift box is usually bought by middle-class people who cannot spend too much on crackers. The price of Gift Box depends on the items that are included in it. Cracker Manufacturers at times, play smart by having one piece of a pack to only increase the number of items in the Gift Box. By this, the customer feels he has paid less for a lot more items. Even the quality of these products is not great. Hence Dhamaka Store is planning coming up with its own gift box which focuses on customer satisfaction. Rainbow fog - Rainbow fog / smoke bomb is a specially designed product which is used for the bringing out attractive colours in the air. It is not a regular cracker which makes a huge sound when fired. In fact, it is generally not considered a cracker at all. This product is a pack of five different colours, which will burn and bring out beautiful smoke to the air around you. Rainbow fog which is manufactured in Sivakasi is a product which is also used in Holy. Holy a festival of colours also associates itself with rainbow fog. The product when lit gives out a dense fume to the air around. Kids today love to play with such an item.The reason why parents are happy with such a product is that it is not harmful.It comes under the risk-free banner of fireworks.There is absolutely no explosion at all. All these reasons make this type is the safe cracker for children.