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Dr. Monika Peterlin

Dr. Monika Peterlin discusses ETC/W Marine Team's strategies to improve data, information, and indicator-based assessments for marine and maritime issues. Plans include developing new reporting sheets, finalizing hazardous substances data, and improving biological indicators.

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Dr. Monika Peterlin

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  1. European Topic Centre for Water Marine Team Status/plans for developing coastal waters indicators Dr. Monika Peterlin Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  2. ETC Water Marine Team tasks : • Developing: • pan - EU Marine Assessments, mainly for SoE Reports, which include TC indicators • WISE SoE TC data reporting sheets to ‘feed’ indicators for annual update (additional data to Eionet Waterbase, which also holds conventions data) • Main objective: to further improve the data, information and indicator-based assessments for marine and maritime issues, including TC waters Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  3. Importance of ECOSTAT work for ETCW Marine: • To follow up work from WFD CIS working group on reporting, drafting group on SOE activity. • 3 draft WISE SOE reporting sheets from WFD on hazardous substances, nutrients and chl a already exist. • Need to finalize and develop new ones to ensure additional data flow for improved WISE SOE assessments as envisaged under new mandate of working group D (Reporting and WISE) Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  4. Importance of IC process for ETCW Marine • Development of: • Chla (EEA CSI 023) indicator supported by Eionet Waterbase data • EEA is also mandated to develop SEBI 2010 indicators, aiming to include: • Sea grasses indicator • Benthic invertebrate fauna indicator Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  5. Action for improvement of EEA set of biological indicators: • Chla (EEA CSI 023) • additional data from WFD implementation (especially from Med and Black Sea) • integration of reference and boundary values in classification scheme. • SOE sheet is being finalized for Water Directors adoption by the end of 2008 • Sea grasses indicator • development of an information dossiers for a SEBI expert group (which will study inclusion in suite of 26 existing indicators) • we would like to see, how to use IC results / EQR (for a pan-EU composite map when ready) • Benthic invertebrate fauna indicator • IC is ready for BI across EU - we would like to see how to use approach in development of an indicator and the associated SOE reporting sheets (for a pan-EU composite map?) Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  6. ETCW Marine and EEA would like to : • to inform you about our plans, • to listen to discussions in the IC exercise in order to understand the possible challenges that we will face in fulfilling our plans in view of difficulties and complexity of the IC process. • First step : to involve the Ecostat/Coast group in future discussions and participation in EEA sponsored Eionet workshop (autumn 2009 in Copenhagen, ), where this issues should be discussed Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

  7. Thank you for your attention and support ! Date/event: ECOSTAT meeting, 1./2.10.08, Brussels Author: Dr. Monika Peterlin, ETC/W Marine Team Lead, IWRS, Slovenia

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