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Explore the concept of cross-debarment and how it impacts EU procurement processes. Learn about the European Commission's Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) and the implications for economic operators. Discover the importance of fair investigations, proportional sanctions, and information sharing for a secure procurement environment.

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  1. Cross-Debarment Christopher Yukins

  2. Cross-Debarment Options: Automatic cross-debarment Debarment to be considered in other systems Debarment + adverse info to be considered Do nothing

  3. Cross-Debarment: Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)

  4. Cross-Debarment: MDBs Cross-enforce Common sanctionable practices Fair investigations Investigate vs. decision-making Opportunity to respond “More probable than not” standard Proportionate sanctions

  5. Cross-Debarment: MDBs Cross-enforce Common sanctionable practices Fair investigations Investigate vs. decision-making Opportunity to respond “More probable than not” standard Proportional sanctions

  6. Sharing Exclusion Information: European Commission: Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) The economic operators listed below have been excluded from participation in EU procurement, grant, prizes procedures, financial instruments and selection of experts or any other form of contribution from the EU budget for the periods mentioned and or have been imposed a financial penalty. Therefore, they cannot be awarded any contract financed by the EU budget.     Please note that the list below concerns only the cases for which a decision was taken to publish for, where necessary, reinforcing the deterrent effect of the sanctions. Other cases of exclusions and financial penalty are listed in the Commission's database (EDES-DB) which is only accessible to authorised users involved in the implementation of the EU budget.     * * * The decision to publish is taken in compliance with the criteria of the proportionality principle (seriousness of the situation, including the impact on the Union's financial interests and image, the time which has elapsed since the relevant conduct, its duration and its recurrence, the intention or degree of negligence, the limited amount at stake) and in line with the protection of personal data.

  7. Sharing Exclusion Information: European Commission The economic operators listed below have been excluded from participation in EU procurement, grant, prizes procedures, financial instruments and selection of experts or any other form of contribution from the EU budget for the periods mentioned and or have been imposed a financial penalty. Therefore, they cannot be awarded any contract financed by the EU budget.     Please note that the list below concerns only the cases for which a decision was taken to publish for, where necessary, reinforcing the deterrent effect of the sanctions. Other cases of exclusions and financial penalty are listed in the Commission's database (EDES-DB) which is only accessible to authorised users involved in the implementation of the EU budget.     * * * The decision to publish is taken in compliance with the criteria of the proportionality principle (seriousness of the situation, including the impact on the Union's financial interests and image, the time which has elapsed since the relevant conduct, its duration and its recurrence, the intention or degree of negligence, the limited amount at stake) and in line with the protection of personal data. How to reconcile these goals: publish to deter, but protect the European Union’s reputation?

  8. Sharing Exclusion Information: European Commission Sample Entries in EDES The economic operators listed below have been excluded from participation in EU procurement, grant, prizes procedures, financial instruments and selection of experts or any other form of contribution from the EU budget for the periods mentioned and or have been imposed a financial penalty. Therefore, they cannot be awarded any contract financed by the EU budget.     Please note that the list below concerns only the cases for which a decision was taken to publish for, where necessary, reinforcing the deterrent effect of the sanctions. Other cases of exclusions and financial penalty are listed in the Commission's database (EDES-DB) which is only accessible to authorised users involved in the implementation of the EU budget.     * * * The decision to publish is taken in compliance with the criteria of the proportionality principle (seriousness of the situation, including the impact on the Union's financial interests and image, the time which has elapsed since the relevant conduct, its duration and its recurrence, the intention or degree of negligence, the limited amount at stake) and in line with the protection of personal data. How to reconcile these goals: publish to deter, but protect the European Union’s reputation?

  9. Sharing Exclusion Information: European Commission The economic operators listed below have been excluded from participation in EU procurement, grant, prizes procedures, financial instruments and selection of experts or any other form of contribution from the EU budget for the periods mentioned and or have been imposed a financial penalty. Therefore, they cannot be awarded any contract financed by the EU budget.     Please note that the list below concerns only the cases for which a decision was taken to publish for, where necessary, reinforcing the deterrent effect of the sanctions. Other cases of exclusions and financial penalty are listed in the Commission's database (EDES-DB) which is only accessible to authorised users involved in the implementation of the EU budget.     * * * The decision to publish is taken in compliance with the criteria of the proportionality principle (seriousness of the situation, including the impact on the Union's financial interests and image, the time which has elapsed since the relevant conduct, its duration and its recurrence, the intention or degree of negligence, the limited amount at stake) and in line with the protection of personal data. Art. 106(1)(d) of the European Commission Financial Regulations: Exclude if “ . . . it has been established by a final judgment that the economic operator is guilty of . . . (i) fraud, within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests . . . ; (ii) corruption, as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union . . .; (iii) participation in a criminal organization . . . (iv) money laundering or terrorist financing . . .; (v) terrorist-related offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, . . . or inciting, aiding, abetting or attempting to commit such offences; (vi) child labour or other forms of trafficking in human beings . . . .” How to reconcile these goals: publish to deter, but protect the European Union’s reputation?

  10. Sharing Exclusion Information:U.S. System for Award Management (SAM.gov)

  11. Sharing Exclusion Information:EU Directive 2014/24/EU – Recital 85

  12. Germany: Register “The ‘Register of Competition Act’ (RCA) establishes the Register, which lists companies that have committed white-collar crimes or certain administrative offences. For contracting authorities, it simplifies the assessment of the reliability of tenderers by providing them with easy access to the relevant information in digital form. On that basis, they can exclude companies more easily from public procurement procedures according to EU public procurement law. However, the Register does not only serve the interests of contracting authorities: For companies, it offers a centralised, one-time self-cleaning assessment with a result that is binding for all German contracting authorities.” Pascal Friton, Christopher Wolters, The German Register of Competition and Its International Context, 13 EPPPL 119 (2018)

  13. Pascal Friton, Christopher Wolters, The German Register of Competition and Its International Context, 13 EPPPL 119 (2018)

  14. Conclusion Review of Discussion Problem

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