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Whack Card Ideas. ???. 15 Whack Card Ideas. Card Playing Partners Intros : Grab Card that interests you. Find match. Explain why they are a match.
Whack Card Ideas ???
15 Whack Card Ideas • Card Playing Partners Intros: Grab Card that interests you. Find match. Explain why they are a match. • Card Sharks: Deal 4-5 cards to everyone and each person must come up with a story of how they will use their cards to change something in their lives. They can trade cards with other players for ten minutes. Then they tell their stories. The best storyteller is the deemed the card shark. • Call to Action: Deal out or grab 1 blue (explorer) card; 1 orange (artist) card; 1 green (judge) card; and 1 red (warrior) card. Now what could or should you do?
15 Whack Card Ideas • Sorting Task: Sort cards into 3 piles. 1. Done this month; 2. Done this year; and 3. Not done. Now determine your strong suit—Explorer, Artist, Judge, Warrior? • Group Brainwhack: Deal 5 cards to each person. Person to left of dealer explains a card to solve a problem and others can add to that until out of ideas. Then next person. • Creative Whackshop: Deal 16 cards and have group discuss any of those 16 deal to solve a particular problem.
15 Whack Card Ideas • Creative License Cards: Pass out cards for a session and can use that card anytime for discussion, reflection, problem solving, etc. • 3 Day Agenda: Pick 5 cards that you will use to monitor or guide your life during the next 3 days. Post them in your living room, car, door, refrigerator, etc. • Create a Story: Hand out everyone 2-5 cards and have them tell a group story using them. The one who uses all his or her cards first is the winner.
15 Whack Card Ideas • Debriefing Cards: Use the cards to reflect on how the class, activity, or day went. • Next Step Cards: Have students or small groups pick a card that represents a next step. Or hand out 1-3 cards to each person and they have to creatively think of next steps. • Creativity Match Cards: Half the class gets 3-4 Creative Whack Pack cards and the other half gets 3-4 Innovative Whack Pack cards. They must find someone with cards from other deck which match. They must explain why or how they match.
15 Whack Card Ideas • Mentoring Cards: New teachers, trainers, or college instructors might be mentored by getting 1 card per week, month, semester, or year which they have to attempt to incorporate into their lives. • Trading Post Cards: Small groups get 4-5 cards to help with their problem solving process. The remaining cards are kept at a trading post. Each group can trade in for new cards up to 3 times. • Creativity Card Séance: Nominate people who are dead who you would like to hear from (e.g., inventors, creativity researchers, comics, etc.). Read about that person and bring information about them to class (perhaps autobiographies). Deal out the cards and people must explain how that card relates to that person and then must call for him or her to appear.
Pedagogical Strategies: B. Critical Thinking 1. Graphic Orgs: Venn Diagrams, Flowcharts 2. Voting, Ranking, Nominal Group Process 3. PMI, Pros and Cons, Force Field Analysis 4. Minute/Muddiest Point Papers 5. K-W-L and K-W-H-L 6. Compare/Contrasts, Timelines, Taxonomies 7. Critiques, Replies, Reflections, Rebuttals 8. Case-Based Reasoning* 9. Working Backwards, Pruning the Tree 10. Summing Up, Abstracts, Nutshells
What does one mean by critical thinking?Compare to Creative Thinking in a Venn Diagram…
Sample of Critical Thinking Skills • Distinguish relevant from irrelevant • Recognize bias • Evaluate sources • Recognize and evaluate inferences • Uses evidence skillfully and impartially • Organizes thoughts and articulates them concisely and coherently
8 Ways to Fail at Teaching CT(Robert Sternberg, Yale University) • Teacher is teacher; student is student. • Critical thinking is the students’ job. • Need to find the best program. • Program decisions are either or. • Right answer over rationale. • Discussion a means to an ends. • Mastery learning applies to CT. • Need to “teach” critical thinking.
1. Venn Diagram • Draw two or more circles with overlapping parts to represent different topics, theories, or concepts. • Name features, components, principles, or ideas that make each concept or topic unique and put in parts that do not overlap. • Name overlapping features, principles, or ideas that link each concept or topic and put in parts that do overlap.
2. Evaluative Questions • Give students a think sheet or list of evaluative questions to pose for their readings, projects, etc. • Perhaps have them check off questions use as they go through their lists.
3. Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) • In effect, CBA asks how does the sum of the benefits compare to the sum of the costs. • Yet, it often leads to or supports ROI and other more quantitatively-oriented calculations. • Reddy, A. (2002, January). E-learning ROI calculations: Is a cost/benefit analysis a better approach? e-learning. 3(1), 30-32.
4. Fat and Skinny Questions • Have students write down fat (big, deep, controversial, etc.) and skinny (factual, surface level, etc.) questions while completing their readings, watching a video, completing group projects. • Share with partner or class and discuss. • Or-give your students the fat or skinny questions before watch a video and then share answers (this helps to focus them).
5. PMI • After completing a lecture, unit, video, expert presentation, etc. ask students what where the pluses, minuses, and interesting aspects of that activity.
6. APC: Alternatives, Possibilities, & Choices a. Rush hour traffic problems in large cities. b. Packaging of chocolate bars. c. Competitor cuts the price of toilet paper. d. A young man is seen pouring beer in his car's gas tank. What happened?
7. FIP: First Important Priorities a. What should the priorities be in spending money on faculty development? b. If you were organizing the next workshop like this, what would your priorities be? c. How should a career as a college instructor be chosen?
8. AGO: Aims, Goals, Objectives a. What are your objectives when sign up for a workshop like this? b. What are your objectives when teaching your most recent classes? c. If you were close to getting tenure, what would you be doing this summer?
9. OPV: Other People's Views a. If there was a teaching strike at this college, how many points of view are involved? b. When you choose speakers like me, what points of view are involved? c. Success of your classes will come from what points of view?
10. C&S: Consequence & Sequel (of an action or decision) (immediate; ST (1-5 yrs), medium (5-20 yrs), LT (over 20 yrs) (e.g., this class) a. A boy is on vacation and his best friend steals his girlfriend. b. The invention of a harmless happiness pill. c. All office work can be done at home via a computer.
11. Force Field Analysis on Problem • Driving Forces: list on left side of a paper, the forces that might help them solve a problem (the allies!). • Restraining Forced: list on the right, the forces that are working against them. What are the forces operating against the solution of the problem? • Perhaps assign some value related to difficulty or importance and compare columns and make decisions (e.g., 0 (low) to 5 (high).
12. Exploring Situations with Questions • Have students analyze situations according to all six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy • Factual • Interpretive or comprehension • Analysis • Synthesis • Evaluation • Application Or assign people to different levels of the taxonomy.
13. Socratic Questioning • Select both positive and negative examples to illustrate a point. • Vary cases to help focus on facts or issues. • Employ counter examples. • Generate hypothetical cases or examples to encourage what if reasoning. • Promote identification of alternative predictions or the nonobvious • Employ entrapment strategies. • Encourage the questioning of answers provided by authorities.
13. Summing Up/Nutshell/Review • Have students write for 3-5 minutes what learned for a class, presentation, or chapter. • Optional: Share with a peer before sharing with instructor or a class.
14. One minute papers or muddiest point papers • Have students write for 3-5 minutes what was the most difficult concept from a class, presentation, or chapter. What could the instructor clarify better. • Perhaps send to the instructor via email. • Optional: Share with a peer before sharing with instructor or a class.
15. K-W-L or K-W-H-L At the end of a unit, student presentation, videotape, expert presentation, etc., have student write down: • What did you know? • What do you want to know? • What did you learn? • H = How will we learn it?
16. Visual Thinking Exercises: Graphic Organizers Have students organize information in sequences, chains, cause and effect, main ideas, similarities and differences, story maps, etc.
17. Visual Thinking Exercises: Semantic Feature Analysis Have students note if an element or feature is present or absent. (evaluate with a + or – or ? on a grid)
18. Visual Thinking Exercises: Classification Schemes Have students create taxonomies, timelines, comparisons and contrasts, advance organizers, epitomies, etc.
19. Visual Thinking Exercises: Mnemonics Have students create mnemonics based on stories, acronyms, acrostics, links, rhymes, or bizarre images.
Musical Periods, Composers and KeywordsFrom: Brigham, F. J. & Brigham, M. M. (1998). Using keyword mnemonics in general music classes. Cognitive psychology meets music history. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 31(4), 205-213.
Musical Periods, Composers and KeywordsFrom: Brigham, F. J. & Brigham, M. M. (1998). Using keyword mnemonics in general music classes. Cognitive psychology meets music history. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 31(4), 205-213.
Geology Mnemonics http://www.fun-with-words.com/mnem_example.html • Order of geological time periods:(Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent)Cows Often Sit Down Carefully. Perhaps Their Joints Creak?Persistent Early Oiling Might Prevent Painful Rheumatism.