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This project aims to identify and train volunteers from local churches in Bulawayo to raise awareness and take action on waste management and deforestation. It includes sermons, public meetings, media campaigns, and recycling projects.
FLEAT BULAWAYO Theme Waste Management & Deforestation Approach Identify volunteers from our own churches and train them We will start from our churches Sermons, public meetings and Church conferences Use of media – ZBC & Skyz Campaigns
Partners • EMA • BCC • Others • Activity Plan • August 2018 – Identify volunteers (7). Training on Waste Management for volunteers/activists • August to December 2018 – Teaching and Awareness raising during sermons. Waste Management/Recycling Projects. Use of Media – Interviews and awareness raising. Tree planting • September 2018 – Stakeholders meeting and Clean-up campaign
Waste management volunteer’s training • 7 volunteers were identified but couldn’t have a specific training for them. • Some of the volunteers managed to attend the awareness campaign workshops.
Njube awareness workshop held on the 10th of September 2018 was the first successful gathering to advocate on Waste Management in Bulawayo • A group of twenty organized women leaders making wonderful bags from waste magazine paperswere mobilized • These women worship in different churches but most were from Assemblies of God church in Bulawayo.
They also train other women and young girls in different parts of Zimbabwe to recycle paper into bags • They are appealing for more waste magazine paper and even waste bond paper. The group was encouraged to spread this waste management awareness to their families, neighboursand other Church congregants. • Those with groups that need the training can always contact us.
FLEAT BULAWAYO – SECOND WASTE MANAGEMENT AWARENESS CAMPAIGN WORKSHOP IN COWDRY PARK. Fleat team and Participants holding recycled fencing poles and animals
Bulawayo Fleat had previously set an appointment with pastors at Cowdray park which is about 17km from the City Centre. • The Pastors welcomed the idea for the workshop and offered their venue to be used for the activity. • Bulawayo Fleatheld a workshop on the 15th of October at Cowdraypark high density suburb.
Cowdray park workshop continued • Fifteen Pastors, Church leaders and the Resident association Chairman were in attendance • The Fleat team introduced the program to the faith leaders and indicated that they have a responsibility as leaders and pastors to pass on the message to their congregation as this affect every human being.
Introduction of Fleat was presented by Solomon. • Environmental management issue, where issues of climate change and waste management were raised was presented by Beauty. • Pastors seemed very much aware of the topics but had not thought of disseminating this information to their congregations through sermons, they promised to do so
Pastors promised to pass on the information and they were told that at a later stage an audit will be conducted to see the impact. • Also present was MrNcube who does recycling of plastics to make fencing poles and different animals as an income generating project. • He also buys plastic from those who would have picked them. • Interestingly after his presentation on how he does it, he got customers who showed interest in buying his poles for their rural fields as these are not affected by termites.
We had hoped that the Environmental Management Agency representative would be present but due to other commitments they could not attend. • We want to further research on the effect of burning plastics in terms of health so that we could assist those doing this project.
FLEAT Bulawayo: Waste Managament Awareness Campainin Nketa Suburb. Nketa suburb activity on Environmental issues: Waste Management, Climate change as well as reducing litter using 3 R’s – Reduce Reuse & Recycle waste to Pastors, Youth Church Leaders and other Church Leaders.
Third Waste Management awareness campaign to Nketa faith leaders. • Forty Pastors and other Church leaders in Nketa and nearby suburbs – Emganwini and Nkulumane were identified and invited using the phone. • EsnathDube a volunteer from the Njube group had a slot telling participants of a money generating idea from recycled waste magazine paper making beautiful bags which were shown to all who participated plus one participants displayed her un-finished products from waste recycled paper and beads. • Pastor Ephraim Nkomo of Church of Christ Nketa showed his appreciation by inviting FLEAT Bulawayo to give this Environmental management awareness to his congregation on Sunday 16 December 2018.
FLEAT Bulawayo: Environment Management Awareness to the Church of Christ Nketa
Bulawayo FLeat held its 4th environmental awareness campaign with more focus on waste management. • This was done at Church of Christ on the 16th of December 2018 on a Sunday service. • Pastor Ephraim Nkomo who resides at the church attended the 3rd December 2018 Faith Leaders Environment Advocacy awareness campaingin Nketa suburb, that is when he invited FLEAT Bulawayo to his congregation Church of Christ Nketa.
FLEAT BYO: Waste Management awareness to Youths at Projects Centre in Nketa Suburb. Youths from different denominations attend waste management awareness workshop
FLEAT Bulawayo was awarded 45 minutes to raise awareness to 31 youths attending other activities on 13 March 2019. • The workshop was held at Nketa Projects Centre and organisation that was initiated by different churches in Bulawayo. • The workshop was an eye opener to the youth especially to learn about the importance of waste management. • They were encouraged to go out there and share the knowledge with their families and other youths in their different churches.
The workshop had started with an introduction of SAFCEI and FLEAT and why we were mandated to be earth keepers and stewards of God’s creation. • The youths learnt about the importance of practicing the 3 R’s in waste management. Climate change was touched as well. • The 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle were presented on a Power Point slide, pictures were shown with some reading and explanations.
FLEAT BYO: Waste Management awareness to Youths at Projects Centre Cowdray park Suburb.
FleatByo held another workshop on the 14th of March 2019 with students from different churches at Bulawayo Projects Centre Cowdraypark • The 3 R’s of waste management were shared during the workshop and students were very excited to know about them. • The youths were told about the importance of keeping the environment clean, through reducing, reusing and recycling of waste.
The youths were encouraged to go and share the knowledge with their families and other youths in their churches. • An impact evaluation of the campaign will be done at some point, we will get feedback from the youths telling us what they have done with the information they got.
Deforestation • Bulawayo Fleat will be working with KeyiMasuku who runs a nursery garden. • Keyi has shown a great interest in joining the team • The team will be going around schools in Bulawayo initiating tree planting and this will be done as a donation. • Key has of late donated trees to several schools and wishes to continue with our assistance.
Values underpinning our work • A healthy thriving community depends on involved citizens, organizations and corporate partners for momentum. • We lend our support and services to causes that promote civic pride, economic development and revitalization. • Every community has its own challenges, and we strive always to be part of problem-solving initiatives.
Giving GuidelinesThese guidelines outline the programs that Waste Management is most motivated to support: • Environment • The environment affects all aspects of our lives, from the air we breathe, to the way we power our homes, to the parklands in which we play. • Waste Management is committed to helping provide renewable resources, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, conserving, maintaining wetlands, wildlife habitats and green spaces for people's enjoyment. • Understanding the importance of the environment, Waste Management supports organizations and programs that preserve and/or enhance natural resources.
Environmental Education • The key to ensuring the preservation of the environment is learning about the importance of protecting it and acting in an environmentally responsible manner. • To this end, Waste Management prefers to support environmental education programs targeted at faith communities. • This includes environmental projects, afforestation.
Causes important to the areas where we operate • Waste Management is committed to enhancing our communities through programs that help make them cleaner and better places to live. • Waste Management is committed to reduce the amount of waste by promoting individual and corporate responsibility. • Waste management is committed to recover waste for its highest and best use while balancing rates and services. • Waste Management is committed to transform our business from burying waste to utilizing waste as a resource.