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A social media training focusing on Twitter and Facebook
SOCIAL MEDIA: TRAINING WEBINAR PART 2 Susan Tenby Willie Kuo @suzboop @freewirry
Facebook Advertising • • • • www.facebook.com/business/ads-guide for specs and objectives Boosting vs. Ads Manager / Power Editor Images must have less than 25% text if used as an ad. Pro tip: you can get away with advertising posts with a higher character count by creating a dark post first in Power Editor. Advanced Ad Techniques: Segmenting audiences through different ad sets, conversion tracking, retargeting, custom audiences •
Facebook Insights • You can also export page, post, and video data as far back as 180 days. Page data export includes data on average engaged users. Valuable metrics: • Reach • Engagement, especially link clicks • Conversions • •
Essential Twitter Terms • • • • • • • • RT = retweet MT = modified tweet Quote retweet @ reply @ mention HT or h/t = hat tip cc: = carbon copy Pinned tweet
Hashtag Communities • Hashtags function in 4 ways: • Live conversations (e.g. #DemDebate) • Online community (e.g. #nptech, #NPMC) • Online conventions (e.g. #tbt, #ICYMI) • Asides (e.g. #smh, #sorrynotsorry)
Best Practices: Frequency and Time • Minimum 3 tweets/day • Too many tweets decrease engagement • Life span of a tweet is about 15 minutes • Use tools to see when your fans are online
Best Practices: Graphics and Header Image • Tweets with photos get 313% more engagement. • Take advantage of valuable real estate by using header images as billboards for an upcoming event or campaign.
Best Practices: Character Length and Hashtags • • Spike in engagement for tweets 71-100 characters. Workarounds for the character count restriction: • Append (1/2), (2/2) to number related tweets. • Screenshots of more text. • Quote retweet. No more than 3 hashtags. Occasionally use broad hashtags, but the best are niche communities (e.g. #socialmedia vs. #HESM, #nptech) • •
Best Practices: Tagging and Attribution • Search for the organization’s name in Twitter. If you can’t find it, try visiting their website to see if they list a Twitter account. Attribute with a “via @dodo” at the end of tweets that share other content. Try attributing the writer too. If you found the content through another account and can squeeze it in, give that account a hat tip: “via @dodo ht @johndoe” • •
Other Tips: • • • • Insert a period before “@” if your tweet starts with an @ mention. If you’re referencing a web page, always include a link. Delete incorrect tweets. Do not post the same tweet to more than one account without changing the wording or time. Do not auto-tweet from other social media platforms. If you’re going to retweet an article, read it first. • •
Segment and List • Map the landscape. • Media / journalists / reporters / niche publications • Thought leaders • Peer Institutions • Advocates Create flattering Twitter lists for each segment. Find individuals and organizations in each segment using Advanced Twitter Search, or Socialbro. Add them to the appropriate list(s). • • •
Monitor and Engage • • • Add the Twitter lists into a tool like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. Monitor the lists. Favorite, retweet, and reply to appropriate and relevant tweets.
view tweet activity + analytics.twitter.com
Essential Free Tools • Scheduling: Hootsuite, Buffer, Tweetdeck • Influencers and Analytics: Socialbro • CRM Light: Commun.it • Tweetchats: Tweetreach, Twubs
Tweet Chats • Tweet chats are an organized event to tweet on a pre-arranged hashtag at the same time weekly or monthly.
Tweet Chats • Tweet chats are an organized event to tweet on a pre-arranged hashtag at the same time weekly or monthly. Running a tweet chat: • Choose a short, unique hashtag. • Confirm a panel and send them the topic, questions, a one-page “how-to” guide, and an ask to tweet an announcement to their followers. • Ask people to participate the two weeks (or more) prior to the chat. • Use a tool like twubs.com. • Follow a A1, Q1, A2, Q2, etc. format. • Archive the chat on Storify. • Measure stats using Tweetreach. •
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Identify hashtags used in your issue area, and share high-quality content using those hashtags to build credibility.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Identify influencers in your network and in your issue area by using tools like Little Bird and Buzzsumo.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Be diligent about engaging with your influencers over a period of time, so you stay top of mind. Here’s 8 ways to get their attention…
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Follow them. Engage with their tweets by replying, commenting, retweeting, or favoriting. Favorite positive tweets from other users by searching for their handle in native Twitter.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Share their long-form content: • Visit their blog, YouTube, Slideshare, or find recent news on them. • Tweet it out with an @mention.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Scroll through their Twitter feed: • Are they running a campaign? Give them a shout out. • Are they participating in or hosting tweet chats? Join them.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead If they’re live tweeting, retweet and engage with their content in real time.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Add them to a flattering Twitter list. Subscribe to their Twitter lists.
Converting a Tweet into a Lead Once you’ve gotten their attention via a follow-back, send them a DM to get their email address.
Social Media Marketing • Social Media Examiner • Social Media Today • Buffer blog • Moz • Hubspot Nonprofit Social Media Marketing • Social Media for Nonprofits • Beth Kanter • NTEN • Nonprofit Tech for Good
Twitter Lists of Over 600 Nonprofit CEOs and Executive Directors: • https://twitter.com/farra/lists/social-eds/members • https://twitter.com/ChrisTuttle/lists/nped Slideshares: • www.slideshare.net/suzboop • www.slideshare.net/girardinl/dont-panic-how-to-embrace-emerging- social-media-with-infinite-majesty-and-calm Recommended Reading: Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits by Heather Mansfield
24 Must-Read Fundraising and Social Media Reports for Nonprofits http://www.nptechforgood.com/2015/07/03/fundraisingreports/ 15 Must-Know Fundraising and Social Media Stats http://www.nptechforgood.com/2015/01/25/15-must-know-fundraising- and-social-media-stats/ Nonprofit Tech for Good’s Social Media Archive http://www.nptechforgood.com/category/social-media/