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A Comparison of Software Testing Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Traditional Testing by Jamie Gordon Bob Roggio University of North Florida Jacksonville, Florida. 1.
A Comparison of Software Testing Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Traditional Testing by Jamie Gordon Bob Roggio University of North Florida Jacksonville, Florida 1 In summary, the literature for hybrid methodologies and more specifically for using RUP and SCRUM lacks of empirical evidence to define their nature or elements and how both processes should be carried out.
Software testing: Critical part of any software development. OOT gives rise to critical complex testing issues arise. Current research Partial comparisons between OOT and traditional Within OOT, some address inheritance and polymorphism So much more Introductory Comments 2
Test to find faults: minimum of cost and effort Effective test case planning developing test cases leading to discovery errors. This paper presents Complexity issues in OO-paradigm and Issues that may impact test case planning. Objectives of Testing 3
Traditional Testing: usually based on Input Process Output Works well for the Von-Neuman model of processing: inputs determine outputs . Can view testing as an 'ordered pair' <input, expected output> No concerns are expressed for 'programstate.' Expected outputs expressed in terms of values produced by inputs. Importantly, this implies test cases can be determined statically for dynamic testing. Test Cases for Traditional Testing 4
Very different in OO testing. Objects in program have ‘state’ impacted by input parameters and computations ‘State Changes’ may not at all be evident by the outputs of the program. OO provides functionality not provided in traditional: such as encapsulation, reusability, and more. Test Cases for Object-Oriented Testing 5
Ease of writing OO programs does not translate into testing! Researchers claim testing in OO increases effort for adequate testing Traditional testing: Essentially unit and system testing. OOT adds class and cluster testing. Testing Levels 6
OOT & Traditional Testing: methods/routines tested independently Independent units Don't call other units/methods that use global data Major Issues in testing methods in OOT: Methods cannot interact with other classes, Method attributes may be changed by methods, Method may be dependent on its other class's methods. Other methods called by this method in the class must be deemed correct. Thus testing individual methods is much more difficult. (Testing cannot occur in a linear order and must be determined by a different method such as flow graphs or graph based techniques.) Unit Testing 7
A case can be made for usingdrivers and stubs and thus simulating dependent classes. A driver is written when a method is dependent upon another for data A stub is a method that is handed data to process when the module that processes the data has not yet been written or when the module has not been adequately tested. Drivers and Stubs commonly found in testing classes in a hierarchical design. In OO testing drivers and stubsmust be extended to entire class; complicates testing. Unit testing in OO – not an easy comparison; not terribly useful either! Unit Testing 8
OO’s version of unit testing. Class testing: tests methods as they interact with other methods. For any non-trivial task, testing methods in isolation not terribly useful, Methods are meant to interact. But other called methods in other classes must need be thoroughly tested beforehand or The dependent classes need to be simulated Class Testing 9
Cluster Testing: No clear correspondence to traditional testing Cluster Testing: an extension of class testing Purpose: ensure group/cluster of classes interact correctly. "Cluster of classes" is a group of classes Are dependent and cooperate with each other directly. Cooperating classes must have been thoroughly tested ahead preferably through class and unit testing. (more ahead) Cluster Testing 10
Traditional testing involves testing units together, as a whole Includes dependent methods and/or dependency on global data. OO testing: extension of cluster testing. Clusters are combined ==> the whole system. Tested with all the dependencies intact. Integration and System Testing 11
This paper will address seven major OO features that significantly complicate effective OO testing: 1. Encapsulation 2. Inheritance 3. Polymorphism 4. Cohesion (assists in effective OO Testing) 5. Coupling 6. Dynamic Binding 7. Abstraction Object Oriented Features that Affect Testing 12
Encapsulation: Used to restrict access to some of an object's attributes and its methods. Traditional programming Is Not an issue; Programs are typically full units whose private/protected methods are not modified by outside programs. OO programming: IS an Issue: Difficult to observe object interactions with variables and methods not visible outside the class Encapsulation 13
Visibility Issues and State Issues for Encapsulation: More difficult to be aware of an object's state, (private attributes and methods can be affected with simple getters and setters.) Visibility and State are important for class and cluster testing. A class's or other class's methods may change an object's state State unobservable: If part of that state cannot be observed, then it will be difficult to design test cases and observe test results. Encapsulation 14
ForObjects strongly encapsulated: must find a way to ensure private fields are correct if they are modified by other classes. Initial state?: Often initial state cannot be determined. Thus ability to control a test's inputs may be difficult (This might mean creating new methods to display a class's state which may or may not go against the class goals as designed.) Encapsulation – more Issues 15
Inheritance is a mechanism for sharing attributes/behaviors from pre-existing classes to other subclasses. Only 'near' comparison in Traditional Testing: method or structure reuse. Issue: One class a subclass of another, not ==> all of the inherited methods are correct if they have been verified in the super class Issue: Superclass well tested does not ==> classes that inherit it will be correct. Inheritance (1 of 4) 16
DIT = path length of class to root class in inheritance tree. Fact: Deeper the class in tree, larger number of methods that can be inherited. Fact: High DIT ==> behavior much more complicated, Fact: More difficult to predict behaviors, Fact: Much more difficult to design test cases! Issue: Cannot test a child class child without its parent class BehavioralErrors might propagate down the inheritance tree.) Issue: What about an inherited method changed in the subclass but the subclass has an untouched, inherited method that uses the changed method? Overridden method and the untouched method both need to be tested Inheritance - Complexity Metric:Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) 17
NOC: Number of Children a class has. NOC – Number of immediatesubclasses in an inheritance hierarchy. Considereda measure of the influence one class may have over the system as a whole. Issue: best tested in system and cluster testing Used to determine how much emphasis should be placed on testing a specific class. Inheritance - Complexity MetricNumber of Children (NOC) (3 of 4) 18
DIT and NOC often used to determine testingoverhead DIT Advice: Researcher advice: if DIT > 6 design complexity is high and testing overhead can be large. NOC Advice: If NOC is similarly high, design of abstract classes is considered diluted Design of abstract classes is not utilized or Design of abstract classes are too general Difficult to assign measurable metrics in inheritance Inheritance has many forms and inheritance trees can become terribly complex. So, Keep inheritance as simple as possible. Metrics: DIT and NOC (4 of 4) 19
No real analog to procedural development. Polymorphism allows attributes to take on many forms or data types. Operations may 1. return more than one data type or 2. accept more than one data type for parameters. Polymorphism: crucial to OO programming; makes it versatile and reusable. But presents great complexity in test design and can be a huge task. Advice: A Class or a group of classes should be designed well enough so that the overhead to design a test is low Note: notsuggestingpolymorphism should not be used, but attributes of a class should be more limited and well-defined in regards to both design and testing. Polymorphism (1 of 2) 20
Two kinds of polymorphism: ad hoc polymorphism and universal polymorphism Ad Hoc polymorphism is sharing names and coercion in expressionsUniversal is considered true polymorphism; Is discussed in dynamic binding. High cost in testing if true polymorphic types are used in design and implementation. Again, this is discussed in dynamic binding ahead. Understanding interactions resulting from the polymorphic nature of some objects can be very daunting (but necessary) when developing test cases. TestingPolymorphism Advice: Ad hoc testing is less testing intense because the tests can be derived statically Universal polymorphism is much more difficult to test because the many forms an entity can take on during run time; This may be very wide-ranging. . Polymorphism (2 of 2) 21
Cohesion: a measure by which the methods of a class create a single, well-defined class. Traditional paradigm: cohesion: how well module of code hangs together as a unit. OO paradigm: talk about cohesiom in terms of its instancevariables. Procedural programs do not have instance variables; Information is passed via parameters. Cohesion is concerned with methods with similar parameters and functionality. OO programs, class is cohesive if methods contribute to the class as a single unit, and the class is more reusable, more reliable, and more easily understood. Cohesion (1 of 3) 22
LOCM: the mathematical difference between the number of methods whose instance variables are completely dissimilar compared to number of methods where instance variables are shared. Researchers: LCOM and lines of code (LOC) are the most predictive methods over DIT, NOC, and CBO (Coupling Between Objects - ahead). Cohesion Metric: Lack of Cohesion Metric(LOCM) (2 of 3) 23
High cohesion (desirable) & low coupling (desirable) and vice versa. High cohesion ==> methods similar in variables used and tasks performed. Data are more easily developed and understood. Low cohesion ==> more different types of data and methods are found Low cohesion leads to higher testing costs and error-prone testing Cohesion Advice: high cohesion is highly desirable! Cohesion vs. Coupling in classes (3 of 3) 24
Coupling: a measure of the dependency between modules. Strong coupling (undesirable) preventsindependenttesting and changing of variables and methods Strong coupling ==>many or all of the coupled methods need to be understoodas a set rather than each class operating as its own unit. Strong coupling negativelyimpactstesting Strong coupling implies Unit Testing cannot be done independently usually forcing Cluster Testing. Coupling (1 of 3) 25
CBO is a count of the number of classes to which a class is coupled. ==> another measure of complexity. High CBO poor reliability and higher interoperability between classes. Note: Some interoperability between classes is generally required as objects need to communicate in some way. High CBO unit testing may be difficult and may require cluster testing. Coupling Advice: Good design ==> minimize coupling especially in large complex systems where strong coupling could force cluster and system testing absorbing most of the testing resources. Coupling Metric - Coupling Between Objects (CBO) (2 of 3) 26
(3 of 3) • Other metrics for measuring coupling include efferent coupling and afferent coupling • Efferent coupling: measure of couplingbetweenpackages and refers to external packages a package depends upon. • Afferent coupling measure of coupling between packages where classes external to a package are dependent upon the classes inside the package. 27
Consider Java: method return type and/or attributetypes of some attributes can be determined at runtime vice at compiletime. Dynamic binding feature : concerns when designingtestcases Exact data types of attributes cannot be known statically. Issue: Dynamic binding issues may arise from universal polymorphism (as opposed to ad hoc poly) in some languages. Dynamic Binding (1 of 3) 28
Universal Polymorphism has two subtypes: inclusive polymorphism and parametric polymorphism In Parametric polymorphism a method/object may be written in a genericmanner through parameters and given a class value when the object isinstantiated. There is very high overhead in testing when we have parametric polymorphism So in designing test cases with parameter polymorphism, it may only be necessary to test based on how other classes in the application will instantiate a class. Serious Issues: This would be a part of cluster or system testing. Unit testing / class testing is difficult because it may not be known without looking at the whole system, how a class might be instantiated. Thus class and unit testing should not be done in the case of dynamic binding due to its complexity as a unit. Dynamic Binding (2 of 3) 29
In Inclusive polymorphism a subclass can be used in place of a superclass Inclusive polymorphism may be an easier form of dynamic binding to test. This is because it is often known what classes inherit a superclass. In this way it can be known what kind of objects may be bound at runtime. All combinations of these dynamic bindings must be run in a test case. Dynamic Binding (3 of 3) 30
An Abstract Class: Cannot be instantiated; Can serve (oftentimes serve) as an interface for other classes. If class is an abstract class and not an interface, it provides useful methods and useful attributes. Issue: Independent Testing. Cannot instantiate an abstract class or an interface. This ==> definedmethods cannot be tested independently and Analysis must thus done from their subclasses. Issue: Inheritance. IF an abstract class is inherited by more than one class, how many of these child classes should be tested? Even if the child classes have not overridden the inherited methods, Allmethods would need to be tested because the abstract class by itself cannot be directly tested. Abstraction (1 of 1) 31
Key: OOT is based not only on both the I/O of an object’s methods, but also how that input and output may influence the object’s state. Great features of OO paradigm may: Create greatly increase in program complexity (sometimes in unintended and unseen ways) often negatively impacting test effort and time. Cohesion reduces amount of testing, while encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, coupling, dynamic binding, and abstraction add complexity and cost in test design. Conclusions (1 of 3) 32
Traditional testing: view input and output of a program in a procedural manner. Test cases tend to be one dimensional. Traditional testing involves both unit and system testing. Object-oriented testing: test cases are two dimensional, because changes in an object’s state must be considered. Object-oriented testing also requires Class testing (for how the methods of a single object work together) and Cluster testing (for how coupled objects change each other’s’ states). Verification testing (the testing done by the developers) has been truly changed by the object-oriented paradigm, while Validationtesting (that done by the end-user) has not. Conclusions (2 of 3)
There has been no major consensus as to what the best way to test is or what factors are most important in testing. Most assert: testing OO-modules is not as definite as in traditional programs, where the order of tests follows a procedural path. Clearly in OOT, testing rises to a new level of concerns as we reap the benefits of the OO paradigm. Conclusions (3 of 3)