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Ever thought you “really knew” someone only to be completely surprised to find out that you really didn’t know them at all?. How do we “know” other people anyway? Historically - that is, we only know them from the history or past that you have learned through whatever means.
Ever thought you “really knew” someone only to be completely surprised to find out that you really didn’t know them at all? How do we “know” other people anyway? Historically- that is, we only know them from the history or past that you have learned through whatever means. Casually- meaning that we recognize them in the grocery store or at a ballgame. Contractually- we know them only through some business or other association. Or better, we know them Experientially- we have some experience with that person; we have spent time with them through which we’ve come to know something of their habits, thoughts, actions, and reactions.
Hebrews 8:11“And they shall not teach everyone his brother saying ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest of them.” Under the old covenant, one was born into the family of God by physical birth, and then taught to know the Lord as he matured. However in the new covenant, one is born into the family of God by spiritual birth (as per John 3:3-5) which is predicated upon knowledge of the Lord, His ways, and His requirements, (see Acts 8:12). Thus, for those in this kingdom who are God’s children, they need not be taught saying “Know the Lord” for the fact that they are part of the kingdom absolutely necessitates that they already know the Lord at least to some degree. But is this all there is to “knowing the Lord”? Isn’t such just knowing the Lord historically, casually, and contractually rather than truly knowing Him experientially?
Philippians 3: Those who Know the Lord… • Are of the True Circumcision, vv.1-6; as identified as those who- • Worship in the Spirit. They worship with their spirit in tune with God’s Spirit, John 4:24; Eph.5:18-21. • Glory in Christ Jesus. They do not take glory to themselves- making religion some self-serving show of piety, but rather “rejoice in the Christ Jesus” (KJV) and give glory to Jesus Christ through their words and deeds, Matt.5:16. • Put no confidence in the flesh. Either by fleshly birth (cf. vv.1-2, 4-5) or by fleshly indulgences, Matt.6:19-34; Jas.4:1-4.
Philippians 3: Those who Know the Lord… • Are willing to set aside Personal Gain for the Cause of Christ, v.7 • Personal achievement of goals is not wrong in and of itself, provided that it does not impede or supersede the attainment of the spiritual goal, v.14; Matt.6:33 (cp. Jas.3:14-16 and 1Thess.4:11). • Godly men must certainly “provide’ for their families, 1Tim.5:8; but mere provision is usually not the problem- it is the attainment of “things’ and the status associated with them that gets us into trouble.
Philippians 3: Those who Know the Lord… • Place a Surpassing Value of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord, v.8 • We sometimes say that we would like to get to know someone better. When we place such a premium of interest, desire, and effort toward the goal of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ better, we will!cf. Matt.7:7-11 • In so doing, we place a supreme value on the soul also- ours and other’s, Matt.16:26 and 2Tim.2:2; John 15:8.
Philippians 3: Those who Know the Lord… • Have a Righteousness based upon Faith in Jesus Christ, v.9 • As such, it is not derived from the Law (of Moses): • Since it is no longer binding, Heb.8:13; 9:15ff; and • Because righteousness within that system was based upon perfect law keeping- which no one but Jesus did! • Therefore, we must have a righteousness based on His righteousness through faith, Rom.10:9-10 and Heb.10:1-14.
Philippians 3: Those who Know the Lord… • Also Know: v.10 • The Power of His Resurrection, Rom.6:4-5; 1Cor.15:4,12-20. • The Fellowship of His Suffering, John 15:18-23; 2Tim.3:12. • The Conformity to His Death, Rom.6:5; 2Cor.4:10; Col.3:1.
Conclusions • Do you know Jesus in these ways: • As one of True Circumcision who Worships in the Spirit; Glories only Jesus Christ; and Puts no Confidence in the Flesh? • As one Willing to Set Aside Personal Gain? • As one who Places a Surpassing Value on Knowing Christ Jesus as Lord? • As one who has a Righteousness Based on Faith in Jesus Christ? • As one who also knows the Power of His Resurrection, the Fellowship of His Suffering, and the Conformity to His Death? • Or, is He just a casual acquaintance of yours? • Perhaps even more importantly, does Jesus know you as one of His own?