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An effort at a breakthrough in the public education system. Sikshana. Vision. To evolve a sustainable and replicable model for an effective and decentralized public education system based on good management practices. S I K S H A N A. Core Concepts.

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  1. An effort at a breakthrough in the public education system Sikshana

  2. Vision • To evolve a sustainable and replicable model for an effective and decentralized public education system based on good management practices S I K S H A N A

  3. Core Concepts Work from within the system to enhance learning levels • Focus on motivational efforts • Provide essential inputs • Train, Guide and Empower schools • Implement cost-effective innovative ideas S I K S H A N A

  4. Core Concepts Apply proven management techniques: • Set quantifiable and measurable targets • Assess periodically against goals • Apply the ROI Concept • Implement Total Quality Management S I K S H A N A

  5. In brief, Sikshana is….. • A 'Facilitator' rather than a 'Provider' in schools • An integrated program for basic skills • An effort at evolving a statistically valid model • A logical step towards empowerment of schools and communities leading to the decentralization of the process of delivery of education S I K S H A N A

  6. Sikshana is not …. • An alternate education model • Hierarchical in structure • A 'Top Down' provider of solutions • Centred around pedagogy • Into frills in the deployment of resources S I K S H A N A

  7. Profile of a Sikshana School A Sikshana School is one: • which voluntarily comes forward to participate in the program with aspirations • which is willing to analyse and find its own solutions to problems with guidance and support • which is willing to set and work towards quantified goals, and use resources efficiently, commensurate with them • in which the teachers strive to work as a team along with the parents and the community to achieve the goals • where motivation of the teacher and the child towards excellence becomes the focus of all plans and activities S I K S H A N A

  8. What Sikshana does routinely • Supply books/ note books, teaching aids etc • Motivate kids to excel through prizes and scholarships • Deploy additional teachers towards a 'teacher-per-class' norm • Train and motivate the existing staff for better performance • Build additional class rooms where space is critical • Improve the environment in the existing class rooms • Ensure power, water supply and sanitation • Organize ‘Library Expeditions’ and ‘Dictation Hours’ • Provide PC’s and multimedia content • Organize sports, cultural events and educational tours • Fund talented kids’ education through High School S I K S H A N A

  9. Some Innovative Interventions • Library Expeditions / Dictation Hours for kids • House Journal for expression of ideas • Selected Children sent to Delhi • Video Conferencing with kids in USA • Teacher sent to USA on an Exchange Program • Summer camp for selected Teachers in a Hill Resort • A Note Book PC in each school at the disposal of he HM • Alumni Concept in the offing to ensure sustainability S I K S H A N A

  10. Evolution of Sikshana Phases I and II / 2002-2007‏ S I K S H A N A

  11. Growth during 2002-07 S I K S H A N A

  12. Enhancement of Learning LevelsAssessment of a typical cluster in Kanakapura(Scores under APF Testing in 2006-07) S I K S H A N A

  13. Motivational Efforts Rock Climbing Adventure Library Expedition Kids in Delhi School day S I K S H A N A

  14. Technology at Work Each School Has been given a minimum of one PC and a Note Book Teachers do lesson planning on their own Note Books All question papers for the examinations are set on their own PC ‘s by the Teachers Amoeba by a V th Grade Kid Word Building Game by a Teacher Joint Efforts at Sound Recording First Draft Letter in Kannada in Latex S I K S H A N A

  15. Phases I and II- Accomplishments • Coverage reached 10,000 kids in 46 schools- Urban (P I) /Rural (P II)‏ • Significant increase in learning levels of the students • Results obtained with a sustainable input of Rs 35k per annum • Empowerment of schools taking roots • Communities take a fresh look at their schools with hope • First reverse migration seen from private schools on merit • Wider recognition for the Sikshana concepts from reputed Organizations • Scholarships through High School for talented kids • Sikshana is now among the top three such interventions in the State All the above have given us the necessary confidence to take the program forward…. S I K S H A N A

  16. Pattern of Funding Phases I and II S I K S H A N A

  17. Program Expenses in SchoolIn Rs per annum • Library / Paper for Dictation 4000 • Annual Prizes 2000 • Spot Prizes 2000 • School Functions 3000 • Tours / Field Visits 5000 • Teaching Aids 3000 • Class Tests/ Examinations 4000 • School Maintenance 1000 • Induction of Para – Teachers 3000 • Other Discretionary Efforts 3000 • Total 30000 S I K S H A N A

  18. Application of Funds 06-07 • Total Expenses 240,000* • Number of Children Covered 9,500 • Cost per Child 250 * Excludes scholarships for High School Education S I K S H A N A

  19. Proposed Application of Funds 07-08 • Total Expenses 2,880 K* • Number of Children Covered 9,500 • Cost per Child 300 * Excludes scholarships which cover High School Education and the cost of the Program Director • Escalation over last year’s figures reflect actual expenses being incurred against the budgeted expenses S I K S H A N A

  20. New Initiatives and Proposals • Independent Audit of Sikshana by a reputed Organization* • Get an Intern to study models for scaling up Sikshana* • Validation of Sikshana over a School Zone - Phase III‏* • Alternate Adoption Models • Set up a Structured Organization to manage Sikshana • Technology Initiatives in the Schools * In progress- Reports under preparation or study S I K S H A N A

  21. Proposed Phase III S I K S H A N A

  22. Rationale for Phase III • State has 48,000 primary schools under the PES • The present batch size of 50 is not adequate to validate the Model developed under Sikshana • For better credibility, an entire School Zone needs to be selected for implementation of the Program • Kanakapura School District has about 135 Primary schools of which 35 are already covered; the next Phase could target the remaining 100 schools Phase III is hence a statistical validation process for Sikshana over an entire School District, taking it one more step towards universal acceptance S I K S H A N A

  23. Scope of Phase III • Schools 100* • Children 12,000 *The number of schools works out to 80, when reckoned in equivalent numbers @ one school for 150 students S I K S H A N A

  24. Management of Phase III • Operations headed by a Program Director In overall charge of Sikshana • A Project coordinator at Kanakapura In overall charge of Phase III and the data collection, analysis and dissemination • Five Mentors visiting the schools Visit each school at least once a month and ensure compliance to Sikshana • Three Field Workers providing logistic support Visit the schools as often as needed • A Team of 10 Volunteers to back up the Mentors Visit the schools as needed to get feedbacks which may not be freely available to Mentors S I K S H A N A

  25. Estimated Expenses- DirectIn Rs K S I K S H A N A

  26. Estimated Expenses- IndirectIn Rs K S I K S H A N A

  27. Estimated Expenses- TotalIn Rs K S I K S H A N A

  28. Phase III Involves… • Cost per child per annum: ~ Rs 500* ($12)‏ • Cost per school per annum: ~ Rs 75,000 • Validation period : 3 years • Cost per annum (Year 1) : Rs 5280K / $ 139,000** • 15% increase in School scores or a sustained 70%*** • Extension of the scope to High Schools through scholarships with consequent impact on both Stages • * This is against figures in the range Rs 5000- 15000 reportedly incurred by the State • ** Excludes Scholarships • * ** In 85% of the schools S I K S H A N A

  29. Summing Up… • The aim of Phase III is to prove that a significant and sustained improvement in the quality of education can be obtained at a nominal cost of about Rs 50k-75K per annum per school in the Public Education System • The model is sustainable, once the administrative and financial control of the schools are handed over to the Stake Holders • Adequate funds are available within the existing system to absorb this cost and sustain the program S I K S H A N A

  30. SWOT Analysis S I K S H A N A

  31. Organizational Strength • Trust Restructured and strengthened • Top Professionals Inducted • Executive Committee constituted • Monthly Meets of the EC scheduled • Program Director and Mentors in Position S I K S H A N A

  32. Current Resource Base • 50%from Indigenous sources and 50% from abroad • 50% plus from Medium Term Funding S I K S H A N A

  33. Financial Viability • Even after Five years, expense per child per annum has not strayed much beyond the original ball park figure of Rs 300 • Learning Level enhancements are significant within this moderate resource limits • These numbers are to be viewed in the context of Rs 5000 ++ spent by the State on each student S I K S H A N A

  34. Sustainability • Sikshana is designed to run for about 3* years in each school; however the field data to justify this is yet to be generated. * Though Sikshana has been operational for 5 years, we reckon the effective period to be much less, keeping in view the course corrections that we have been carrying out in the formative stages. Hence the first set of schools may yield usable data by 2010-11. S I K S H A N A

  35. Sustainability • Schools are expected to retain the benefits of the program; external support may no longer be needed • Additional funds needed will be generated by the local community once the viability of the school is demonstrated • Existing funding mechanisms can cover the additional needs as it accounts for 5%; only acceptable delivery models need to be evolved S I K S H A N A

  36. Opportunity • PLUS(Program of mobilizing Public Support to Primary Schools) existing under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan of Government of India can be used to spread Sikshana S I K S H A N A

  37. Tipping Point • Once a school shows promise, the community is expected to rally round it • Success in a few schools zones will spawn a move towards replication in other areas There is a tipping point for this effort too; it could be as low as a thousand schools S I K S H A N A

  38. Contact • All that you have to do to criticize, praise or demolish these ‘presumptions’ is to get in touch with E S Ramamurthy at • esrmurthy@yahoo.com A prior look at www.sikshana.org or http://sikshana.blogspot.com may be useful S I K S H A N A

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