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CIS 270—App Dev II. Big Java Chapter 19 Files and Streams. 19.1 Text and Binary Formats I. Data can be stored in text format Text is a human-readable sequence of ____________ The integer 12,345 is stored as the following sequence of Unicode characters: ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘5’
CIS 270—App Dev II Big Java Chapter 19 Files and Streams
19.1 Text and Binary Formats I • Data can be stored in text format • Text is a human-readable sequence of ____________ • The integer 12,345 is stored as the following sequence of Unicode characters: ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘5’ • Text I/O is easy for humans • Reader and _________ classes (and their subclasses) used for text input/output • To read text data from a file in Java, FileReader reader = new FileReader(“input.txt”); • To write text data to a file in Java, FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(“output.txt”); • The Readermethod _______ reads characters characters Writer read()
19.1 Text and Binary Formats II bytes • Data can also be stored in binary format • Binary is a machine-readable sequence of ________ • The integer 12,345 is stored as the following sequence of 4 bytes: 00000000 00000000 00011000 00111001 • Binary I/O is more efficient for digital computers • InputStreamand ____________ classes (and their subclasses) are used for binary input/output • To read binary data from a file in Java, FileInputStreaminputStream= new FileInputStream (“input.bin”); • To write text data to a file in Java, FileOutputStreamoutputStream= new FileOutputStream (“output.txt”); • The InputStreammethod _______ reads bytes OutputStream read()
19.2 An Encryption Program • The CaesarEncryptor class gets the input and output file names, and the key, from the user, creates input/output _______ for the files, creates a CaesarCipher object, which then calls its encryptStream() method. • The CaesarCipherclass reads a character from an input file, applies an encryption _____, and writes the encrypted character to an output file. • int next = in.read(); • byte b = (byte) next; • byte c = (byte) (b + key); • out.write(c); streams key
19.3 Random (Direct) Access • It is more efficient to directly access a specific data record in a file than to sequentially read/write all records. • To know where to go in a file, all data fields must be of ______ size large enough to hold each item. • ________ format is better for records of fixed size. • Code examples: • (int) file.length()/RECORD_SIZE // number of records • file.seek(n * RECORD_SIZE) // move to nth record • file.readInt() // read the next int in that record fixed Binary
19.4 Object Streams objects • A program can write data fields separately or can write entire ________ at once (binary format). • BankAccount b = new BankAccount(); • ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( “bank.dat” ); • out.writeObject( b ); • Reading objects is similar. • ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream( “bank.dat” ); • BankAccount b = (BankAccount) in.readObject(); • Another technique is to store several objects in an array and then store that array and save it. • If objects use streams, the class must implement the Serializableinterface (objects have _____ numbers). serial