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The Sagaing Fault in Burma: Tectonic Setting , related historical Earthquakes and the Myitsone Hydropower Project Presented by Lin Aung Theik Regenerative Energien und Energieeffizienz Universität Kassel. 13.08.2011. Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie.
The Sagaing Fault in Burma: Tectonic Setting , related historical Earthquakes and the Myitsone Hydropower Project Presented by Lin Aung Theik Regenerative Energien und Energieeffizienz Universität Kassel 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Contents • Regional and topographic Map of Burma • Major Tectonic Units of Burma • Sagaing Fault • Tectonic History • Features • Related Earthquakes • The Myitsone Hydro power Project • Background • Environmental Impacts 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Major Tectonic Units of Burma MAP of Google earth 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Regional & Topographic Map Fig. Burma and relating Asian Countries Area 678,000km2 Population 54Mil. est. (2011) Fig. Topographic Map of Burma 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Major Tectonic Units of Burma Shan-Tanintharyi Unit Central Cenozoic Unit Indo-Burma Ranges Unit Himalayas Shan-Tanintharyi Unit Shan Plateau Indo-Burma Ranges Unit Central Cenozoic Unit 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Major Tectonic Units of Burma 2. Central Cenozoic Unit Distribution of Basin Depocentre Structural Inversion The Sagaing Fault The Central VolcanicLine Fig. Tectonic Settings of the SF and the surround regions 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Major Tectonic Units of Burma 2. Central Cenozoic Unit 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Sagaing Fault • Tectonic History • Indo-Australian Plate‘s collision with Eurasian Continent • ( Eocene epoch, appx. 50-55 million years ago (Ma) ) • resulted in Himalaya mountains • The northwards drift & CCW rotation of Indian Plate • Convergence along the plate‘s east boundary with Eurasia @ oblique Angle • Evolution of Sumatra Fault System, The Sagaing Fault in Burma, the • obliquely-opening of Adamen Sea • (since the Oligocene ca. 32 Ma) • Sagaing Fault : Age 6 to 15 Ma 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Sagaing Fault • Tectonic History The drift of Indian Plate northward toward the Burma and Eurasian Plates From Early Cretaceous (appx. 130Ma) through Middle Eocene ( appx. 50Ma ) To Late Oligocene (Apprx. 27 Ma) Fig. Mt. Everst at Sunset 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Saging Fault • Tectonic History & Features N. Sumatra M 6.6 Sept. 2011 Sichuan Prov. M 7.9 May 2008 Fig. Northeast Motion of India Plate 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Saging Fault • Features • 1200-km-long Strike-slip Fault • One of the great strike-slip Faults of SE Asia (Curray et al. 1979; Le Dain et al. 1984 ) • bisecting Burma from north to South • The principal right-lateral boundary bet. Sunda and Burma Plates (Curray et al. 1979; Bird 2003; Curray 2005) • Ends at Adman Sea Spreading System • North end fans out towards the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (Curray 2005) • Like the San Andreas Fault in California • Compare to great Sumatran Fault in Indonesia (Sieh & Natawidjaja 2000) • its trace is smooth geometry and continuous (Le Dain et al. 1984). • uniform-fault-slip behavior 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Saging Fault • Features MAP of Google earth 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
MT COMPRESSIONAL HORSE- TAIL MBT JM MV WESTERN SHWEBO FOLD SHAN PLATEAU SSF BELT WCF BAGO YANGON EXTENSIONAL HORSE- TAIL WSF ESF The Saging Fault • Features • velocity 10 to 25 mm/yr along SF • (compare to 48mm/yr IP & EP) • Compressional Horstail structure • (North End) • Extensional Horstail structure • ( in Adman Sea) 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Saging Fault • Features • 250 km Wide • Extensional Zone • at the Southern Portion of the SF 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The related Earthquakes Sagaing Fault General line of weakness Ref. Chhibber, 1934 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The related Earthquakes Fig. Recorded Earthquakes along the SF around 1930s Rangoon Fig. Some Historical Earthquakes regions related to SF (Ref. J.C. Brown, 1934 ) 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The related Earthquakes Sagaing, Ava, Manadaly Region Earthquakes Ava Era Earthquakes AD1429, AD1467, AD1501, 8.06.1620, 11.09.1646, 11.06.1648, 01.09.1660, 03.04.1690, 08.08.1714 - .04.1762, 15.07.1771 09.06.1776, 26.04.1830 21.03.1839, 23.03.1839 Sagaing Earthquakes 24.07.1485 23.03.1839 16.07.1956 M7.0 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The related Earthquakes Pyinmana 10.08.1931 Swa 08.08.1929 Phyu 03.12.1930 Aftershock Zone 04-29 December 1930 Phyu (Daik U- Oaktwin Segment) 100km 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The related Earthquakes Pegu City AD 868, AD 875, 13.09.1564, (Bago) AD1567, AD1582, AD1588, AD1590 04.06.1757, 27.12.1768, 26.04.1830, 08.10.1888, 06.03.1913, 05.07.1917, 05.05.1920 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Myitsone Hydro Power Project Backgroud Information Mali N‘mai Irrawaddy River Etymology Irawati (Pali) Physiography Confluece: N‘mai & Mali (Himalaya glaciers in N. Burma ca. 28°N) Mouth: through nine-armed Irrawaddy Delta inot the Indian Ocean Length 2,170 km 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Myitsone Hydro Power Project Backgroud Information Irrawaddy River & its Geo-Sociology Hydrography avg. Discharge at Delta 32,600m3 – 2,300m3/s Avg population density 79 people/km2 in Basin Cities Mitkyina, Sagaing,Mandalay, Prome, Rangoon >45 towns The central Basin & lowlands covers 255,081 km2 (40%of total) 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Myitsone Hydro Power Project Myitsone H.Power Project • Vicinity of Sagaing Fault • <100km • Burma China Border 20 Aug 2008 M5.3 • 50th largest Power stations (world) • watershed Area • 42 729km2 • Chines Govt. & Burmese militry Junta • (signed late 2006) 90 % Elect. Import to China. 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
The Myitsone Hydro Power Project Impact on Irrawaddy River & Economic/Ecology • Key Biodiversity Areas & conservation areas • Eastern Himalayan Alpine Schrub and Meadows • Northern Triangle Temperature/Subtropical Forests • World Centers of Plant Diversity (CPD) • ,, threaten the existance of Burma ,, 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Conclusion • The Sagaing Fault • continental transform fault between the India and Eurasian / Sunda Plates • convergence zone along the Himalayan front & spreading center in the Adaman Sea • bisecting Burma from North to South • one of the most active in the world GPS-derived Slip rate 18mm/yr (Socquet et.al., 2006) • Several M>7 Eathquakes along in the last century • Construction of seven Dams < 100km from SF from China govt. owned Company 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Conclusion MAP of Google earth 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Special Thank & Reference • Win Naing, Tectonic of Myanmar, Department of Geology, Yangon University. • Yu Wang, Sieh, Kerry, Thura Aung, Soe Min, Khaing, S.N., Tun, S.T., 2001 Earthquakes and slip rate of the southern Sagaing fault: insights from an offset ancient fort wall, lower Burma (Myanmar), Geophysical Journal International. • Tsutsumi, H., Sato, T., Tectonic Geomorphology of the Southernmost Sagaing Fault and Surface Rupture Associated with the May 1930 Pegu (Bago) Earthquake, Myanmar, Aug 2009, Bulletin of the Seismoslogial Society of America. • Socquet, A.,Vigny,C.,Chamot-Rooke,N., Wim Simons,Rangin,C.,and Ambrosius, B., India und Sunda Plates motion and deformation along their boundary in Myamar determined by GPS, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.3 • Socquet, A.,Vigny,C.,Chamot-Rooke,N.,Pubellier,M., Marie-Noe¨lle Bouin, Bertrand,G., M. Becker,2003, Present-day crustal deformation around Sagaing Faultm, Myanmar, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.108 • Tint Lwin Swe, 12.07.2008,Myanmar Earthquake Committee Myanmar Engineering Society, Seismicity and Earthquake Hazard along the Sagaing Fault, Myanmar Engineerng Society. • Damming the Irrawaddy, Kachin Environmental Organization • Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA), Oct.2009, Environmental Impact Assessmet (Special Investigation ) on Hydropower Development of Ayeyarwady River Basin Above Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar • Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat.Manfred Koch for his lecture on Introdution to Geophysics. • Special thanks to Prof. U Win Naing, U Tin Lwin Swe, Dr. M.P. Searle for their kind contribution. 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
Many Thanks for your Attention! 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik
94 96 24 CENTRAL CENOZOIC UNIT 22 EASTERN BASIN SHAN PLATEAU INDO- MYANMAR RANGES 20 Shan Scarp Fault Bay of Bengal WESTERN BASIN 18 Sagaing Fault 16 13.08.2011 Fachgebiet Geohydraulik und Ingenieurhydrologie Einführung in Ingenieugeophysik