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2 weeks of Omnibus research 4000 adults (16+) recruited across GB. In home, interviewer administered, interview Principal shoppers selected General attitudes to organics Organic buying by category established Detailed questions according to category experience. Method - Omnibus.
2 weeks of Omnibus research 4000 adults (16+) recruited across GB. In home, interviewer administered, interview Principal shoppers selected General attitudes to organics Organic buying by category established Detailed questions according to category experience Method - Omnibus
Claimed buying across categories General attitudes to organic foods Entry points Finding/recognising organic foods Category specific reasons for purchase Country /region or origin and paying a premium Attitude study
Eggs the most frequently purchased organic product. Meats (pork, chicken, beef and lamb) the least frequent. Q. B1 How often do you buy Base: All principal shoppers
On subsequent charts we have used the following analysis breaks, derived from the matrix of claimed behaviour Each consumer has a score based on category importance (relative size from Superpanel data) and regularity of buying organic in that category. Reviewing scores across all consumers gives us 4 organic groups, with scores as follows 1 – 50 very light 51 – 100 light 101 – 200 medium 201 – 300 heavy Weight of usage
How the scoring works…. e.g. Occasional buyer of eggs and packaged goods has score: (8x1) + (29x1) = 37 Q. B1 How often do you buy Base: All principal shoppers
Almost half of principal shoppers claim to have never purchased organic products. Q.B1 Weight scores Base: All principal shoppers
Packaged goods with highest heavy user base, fruit and vegetables with the lowest. Q. B1 How often do you buy/ Weight scores Base: All organic buyers
Heavy buyers are likely to be young and living in the South. Medium buyers are more upmarket Social Class Age 29 Region Q.B1 Weight scores demographics Base: All buyers of organic products
Half of all shoppers claim they never buy any organics Organic buyers in all categories see themselves as ‘occasional’ not ‘habitual’ Eggs is the category with most consumer commitment (but may not be purely organic) 4 relatively discrete types of organic purchase which do not necessarily overlap (fruit/veg, eggs, meats, packaged grocery/dairy Claimed buying
Overall attitudes towards specific organic foods not as strong as knowing where food comes from. % Agree Strongly/Slightly Mean % Disagree 4.4 4.0 4.0 3.9 4.0 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.2 2.6 Q. A1 Statements about food and shopping Base: All principal shoppers
The single most important belief is ‘Organic foods taste better’. Based on multi-dimensional analysis
Main reason for not buying ANY organic category was price. Younger consumers don’t believe organic products taste better. 55% female 26% 16-24 Base=24% of principal shoppers Q. B2 Reasons for not buying organic… Base: All none buyers of ANY organic
Most consumers believe that they cook from scratch, and that it is a good thing to know where foods come from and to support local suppliers ‘Better taste’ is the main driver of organic food purchase The 1 in 4 shoppers who don’t buy any organic foods give ‘expense’ as the main reason. Significantly 1 in 4 of the under 24’s don’t think organic foods taste better than non organic General attitudes to organics
Fruits and vegetables the most frequent entry point. Q. B3 Which of these do you try first, second, third Base: All organic shoppers
Medium and heavy buyers enter the market in similar ways Q. B3 Which of these do you try first Base: All organic shoppers
Fruit and vegetables is the category which most try first Eggs is the second most likely category to be tried first Shoppers who are now medium/heavy buyers of organic foods entered the market in a similar way Entry points
Clear information on the label is critical to make organic identification easier. 17% AB 29% 65+ 30% DE Q. A2 How do you identify organic products Base: All principal shoppers
Heavy users of organic products rely more on the channel to identify the product than the actual labelling, whilst light users rely on the label. 2.5 Channel informs Code number of the organic 2 certification body I buy/would buy from an I look/would look for symbol organic farm or logo or organic certification I buy/would buy in an 1.5 body exclusively organic shop 201-300 Don't know I buy/would buy in health 1 shops 0 0.5 101-200 I buy/would buy at weekly 0 markets -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -0.5 I buy/would buy fresh produce I look/would look for organic Label informs on the label -1 I look/would look for the 1-50 natural on the label 51-100 -1.5 -2 Dimension 1 = 84% Dimension 2= 16%
‘Organic’ on the label is of paramount importance 1 in 5 shoppers (more 65+) don’t know how to identify ‘Fresh produce’ and ‘natural’ are also assumed to indicate organic Heavy users are more reliant on shopping in specific channels whereas lighter users rely on product labelling Finding / recognising organics
Media (Press and TV) are claimed to be key initial influences. More in advertising by AB’s. 33% AB 29% C1 28% AB Q. B4 How did you first find out about organic…. Base: All organic shoppers
TV coverage appears to have influenced initial purchase of organic eggs Significant difference, 95% confidence Q. B4 How did you first find out about organic…. Base: All organic shoppers
Better taste and safer food are the main general drivers of organic purchasing. Concern about animal welfare has encouraged purchase of organic eggs . Significant difference, 95% confidence Q. B5 Factors influenced decision/ Q. B3 Products tried first Base: All organic shoppers
Those who buy most organic foods are not necessarily as concerned about pollution / GM / animal welfare as others who actually buy less. Total 1-50 51-100 101-200 201-300 Believed organic food would taste better 24 20 27 23 23 Concerned about food safety 22 14 22 29 27 Wanted to reduce expose to pesticides 18 9 16 26 22 Organic farming produces better quality food 15 9 16 18 16 I was concerned about pollution 15 7 12 26 15 I was concerned about GM 15 7 16 22 16 Concerned about animal welfare 14 10 12 21 16 Organic food higher in vitamins and minerals 10 5 12 14 10 I had developed understanding or organic approach 9 3 8 18 11 I decided I should buy organic for my children 8 4 7 10 9 Medically advised to eat organic 6 4 5 9 7 I got to know a local organic farmer 5 4 5 6 8 None 11 21 10 2 9 Don't know 10 18 7 5 9 Significant difference, 95% confidence Q. B5 Factors influenced decision Base: All organic shoppers
Reasons for deciding to try specific categories influenced by self/others and taste/health dimensions 3 Taste I got to know a local organic farmer 2 Pork, Chicken Organic would taste better Don't know I was concerned about GM 1 Eggs Concerned about animal welfare For me Wanted to reduceexposure to pesticides For others Fruit and vegetables I was concerned about pollution 0 Beef -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 None Fruit juice Concerned about food safety Dairy products Organic farming producesbetter quality foods -1 I had developed understandingof organic approach For my children Organic food higher invitamins and minerals Packaged foods -2 Medically advised -3 Health Dimension 1 = 41% Dimension 2= 33% -4 Q. B5 Factors influenced decision Base: All organic buyers of category
Quality and safety are significantly higher among heavy users H H+ H+ H H Q. C8 Reasons for buying organic fruit j and vegetables Base: All buyers of organic fruit j and vegetables
The importance of health increases as the usage level also increases. Animal welfare matters to medium buyers more than heavy buyers H+ H H Q. C2 Reasons for buying eggs Base: All buyers of eggs
Quality is a key driver of heavy usage H H H+ H H Q. C1 Reasons for buying dairy products Base: All buyers of diary products
Taste and animal welfare matter, again to medium buyers. H H H L H+ Q. C5 Reasons for chicken, pork Base: All buyers of chicken, pork
Taste and safety (avoid GM?) clear drivers of bread, pasta and cereal purchasing. H+ H+ H H H Q. C6 Reasons for buying packaged goods Base: All buyers of organic packaged goods
Quality and additive avoidance, but not sacrificing taste are the main drivers H+ H+ H+ H H Q. C7 Reasons for buying organic fruit juice and soft drinks Base: All buyers of organic fruit juice and soft drinks
As with eggs, importance of farmers care decreased as usage reaches it’s highest level. Overall no clear attitude/behaviour relationship. H H Q. C37 Reasons for buying beef Base: All buyers of beef
As with eggs and beef, importance of farmer decrease once the highest usage level is reached. H H H H H Q. C4 Reasons for buying lamb Base: All buyers of lamb
Animal welfare dimension but taste/quality and safety are universal 2.5 All organic buyers Fruit juice 2 1.5 The quality is better They taste better 1 I want to avoid GM food 0.5 Fruit & veg Beef Pork, chicken Packaged Lamb 0 Eggs -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 They are safer -0.5 They are more healthy Animals are better cared for by farmer -1 I have to use it for medical reasons -1.5 They are better for the environment -2 Dairy Dimension 1 = 83% Dimension 2= 12% -2.5 Q. C1-8 Reasons for buying… Base: All buyers of organic…
Fruit and vegetables – quality and safety backed by taste Eggs – health. Care of chickens of great importance to medium users Dairy – quality. Chicken, bacon, pork – taste. Care of animals of importance to medium users Category specific drivers
Bread, pasta, cereals – taste and safety Drinks – taste and quality, plus avoidance of additives Beef – Animal welfare more important for medium users than heavy users Lamb – Animal welfare more important for medium users than heavy users Category specific drivers
Heavier buyers of organic buy from more outlets Q. I1 Groceries bought from nowadays Base: All buyers of organic products
Limited awareness of origin of organic foods. Eggs and dairy assumed UK Q. D1 Where do… come from Base: All principal shoppers
UK is preferred, regardless of the organic category, as country of origin Q. D2 Where do prefer to buy … Base: All buyers of organic products
More people prefer UK to region. Strong Welsh identity apparent. Purchase likelihood if product from region where live Purchase likelihood if product from UK Q. E1 Label or packaging indicated…produced in UK/locally Base: All buyers of organic products
Two thirds claim they are prepared to pay more for locally produced organic products. Purchase likelihood if product from region where live Prepared to pay more More likely Q. E1/2 Would be prepared to pay above the normal price, locally? Base: All buyers of organic products
As expected highest purchase likelihood amongst residents of area of origin. If from ‘Cornwall’.. If from ‘the West country’ If from ‘Wales’ Q. E3 Likelihood to purchase if from …. Region? Base: All buyers of organic products
In general organic products can only command a 10% premium. How much more? Prepared to pay more? Q. J1 Prepared to pay more for… Base: All buyers of organic category